Chapter 2: I Understand, Father
She made her way to the sitting room and flipped through the channels, searching for something interesting to watch, but to no avail. Settling on a random channel for the sake of background noise, she occupied herself by checking her phone and responding to the various messages she had received.
To her surprise, she saw that she had missed calls from her mother, father, and aunt. She muttered to herself, “What on earth could be so urgent?” as she rolled her eyes.
Glancing at the grandfather clock, Evonne saw that it was only 7:30. Deciding to call her mother first, she dialed the number.
“Evonne? Where have you been? I’ve been trying to reach you all day!” her mother answered in a frantic voice.
“I’m fine, Mama. I just got married today,” Evonne replied calmly.
There was a brief silence on the other end of the line. The oven dinged in the background.
Her mother spoke again, her voice quivering with shock. “W-what? You got married today?”
“Yes, Mama. I had a court marriage, not at all what we had planned for my future,” Evonne said, feeling tears well up in her eyes.
Putting her mother on speakerphone, Evonne made her way to the oven to remove her cake.
“Don’t worry, baby girl. He’ll fall for your charms soon,” her mother said reassuringly.
Evonne couldn’t help but let out a sarcastic laugh at the thought.
“Maybe in a million years, Mama,” Evonne replied, slipping on her panda mittens and removing the cake from the oven. The sight of her beautifully crafted creation made her mouth water.
“Don’t be like that, Evonne. Things will get better. So, where is your handsome husband?” her mother asked.
“Take a wild guess,” Evonne said with a sigh.
Making space in the freezer, she moved items around and haphazardly stacked them without regard for their delicate nature.
“Buying you a wedding present?” her mother jokingly asked.
“Don’t be silly, Mama,” Evonne said, placing the cake in the freezer to cool. “He’s at work.”
“On your wedding night?” her mother exclaimed.
“I don’t want your pity, Mama. Just say hi to Dad for me.”
“Don’t you want to talk to him? He’s right here…”
“Actually, Seth is already here. Call you later, bye.” She rushed out and quickly hung up before saying something silly.
Did she feel like her Mom’s drama now? Nope.
She decided to look for something on forums for an interesting series online to binge-watch on Netflix. Ten minutes passed, and still nothing interesting enough. It was so hard to find something interesting. She mentally screamed.
Feeling bored, she put her phone down and went to remove her cake from the freezer. It had cooled down completely, and Evonne continued to add ice cream to complete her mega creation.
‘Or wait, had someone already invented this…oh well, who cares.’
She carefully divided the cake into two, her imagination running wild, picturing herself in a busy bakery with friendly customers and the sweet cake scent surrounding them. Her phone’s loud ringtone pierced her happy bubble as she came back to reality. She finished dividing it; carefully put them on separate boards.
She looked at the caller ID and saw DAD flashing; her brain froze for a moment as she gingerly answered the call placing it on her ear.
Evonne’s father’s voice cut through the line with a sharp, reprimanding tone. “Evonne, I understand that you are now married. I expected more from you. I thought you would have matured by now and be more supportive to your husband. Instead, you seem to be relying on him to handle everything alone.”
Evonne tried to defend herself, but her father cut her off. “I don’t need excuses from an ingrate like you, Evonne. You’d better hope your husband doesn’t lose patience with you and withdraw his support to all our businesses. Your stubbornness could cause him to end the marriage.”
“I understand, father.” She muttered softly as he hung up before she even finished her words. Evonne sighed heavily. She slowly let out the breath she’d been holding and got out of her attentive stance. Now, her father was criticizing her for not being more helpful. The injustice made her want to scream.
She gave her life up for that gambling douchebag, and he dares call her an ingrate. What a fucking asshole. If she only dared to stand up against him. Sigh.
She took a deep breath and counted to ten, reminding herself to stay positive. She was determined to make the best of her life, despite the challenges that lay ahead.
Evonne decided to put some music on to get her head back on track and found herself listening to some good old invigorating trap.
She removed the ice cream from the freezer and started happily coating the cake. She finished in under fifteen minutes and quickly put it back in the freezer for it to solidify well. She left her phone on the counter and went back to the TV.
“Okay, Netflix, what’s popular…” She scrolled through the options and then finally settled on drop-dead Diva, not the most recent film, but she had nothing to watch, so she went back to the kitchen, grabbed her phone and a bag of chips, and settled down.
Fifty-eight minutes and half a bag of chips later being consumed, she decided that this series was pure bullshit but interesting anyway, so she’d watch it. She let it keep playing as she went to the kitchen to turn off the music, grab her phone, and cut a slice of cake to taste it.
“And the crowd goes wild, woh, wooh,” she giggled happily, amused at her foolishness, and sliced a big piece as her mouth watered at the mere sight of it. Her dad was right, she was childish as fuck, and she loved it!
She grabbed her phone and her saucer of cake, of course, not before putting the cake back in her haven, and went back to her spot on the couch. Note to self, hide the cake in Seth’s mini freezer before he returns.
She was done with her first piece of the divine cake and was still halfway through the movie when she decided to go cut an even bigger slice than before. She hadn’t even moved far from the couch when the door suddenly banged loudly, and annoying giggling followed right after.
She turned her head to the source of the noise and saw a very tipsy blonde bimbo in a tight red designer dress with her boobs almost popping out and the hem just barely below the butt, which left little to the imagination. She thought this woman was probably one of the famous models who were always after Seth and occasionally seen with him in public. Seth also seemed a little tipsy.
Her heart stopped, and rage took over.