"Hello there, Jonah. Good of you to see your children, but I really can't keep them up for too long."
"And yes, Siel good evening to you, too. You really have quite a way with words. Is that how you should talk to me when we're in front of our kids?"
The worn-out woman raggedly sighed at the tall, sinewy = man who had now stood and crossed his arms over his slender chest as he started to walk towards her slowly. She really didn't need this right now...
"I hope this means you plan to send your children gifts this Christmas, at the very least."
"My time is already a gift, Siel. You know how busy I am with my business and all."
Busy at what? Every time you close a deal in your parent's construction company, you go straight and spend it in Vegas. Good lord, am I glad I'm no longer with you!
"What did you say?"
Oh God, did I just say that aloud? I must really be tired…
"Nothing... anyway, I sincerely apologize but you really can't stay too long, Jonah. Feel free to come back on another day. Possibly even a weekend..."
"I've got all my weekends booked, so no thanks. Will just make do with a few more minutes, and then I'll be gone."
Nella, who was about a few feet behind Jonah, put her right pointy finger under her chin and did a slicing movement across her neck while looking at the man in front of her. Siel tried to hide a giggle since she felt the same way.
He didn't even bother to call or even text me of his plans to visit. Damn it, he's just so insensitive and irresponsible! OK, fine, even if he is being mean to me, he isn't as bad with our babies. I just gotta accept that he will be a problem for me for the rest of my life if I intend to keep my children with me. What is the path of less resistance, right?
She didn't want anything for free, even from her difficult ex. All she wanted was an opportunity to make her babies and her lives better...
Just that one single chance is all she's asking.
Meanwhile, the mysterious car, which happened to be the latest Aston Martin Vantage in Lunar Eclipse ebony blue, eventually arrived at a high-end sector of the city's Industrial Estates.
The driver zoomed through the valet entrances of one of the most modern skyscrapers in the area. He left his keys with an attendant and finally walked out of his classy ride and into one of the nearby private elevators.
A few minutes later, he's already settled in at one of the private booths of an exclusive club that was the very pinnacle of contemporary elegance, richness, and luxury.
Familiar with his taste and selection, the bartender immediately sent over a highball with a small crystal platter of nuts. The handsome man in the black suit gave the barkeep a small gesture of approval and then sipped his drink while waiting.
In just a few minutes, in came two other good-looking men who can be mistaken for twins upon initial observation. They both walked tall with long steady strides, were both broad-shouldered, very much the same height, and their muscled torsos stretched their dark suits slightly in just the right places.
Other than that, upon closer inspection, you can see that one had longer, more tousled midnight black hair and amber eyes while the other had dark brown highlights to his golden light brown strands and a green tinge to his brown pupils. Also, the darker-haired one seemed to reflect his physical looks with his calm seriousness while the other was obviously a charmer, complete with the small bewitching smile that hardly left his comely face. Both were also were also clean shaven and were wearing Italian signature suits similar to the blue-eyed slightly bearded CEO who they were going to meet.
"Good to see you again, guys. And thanks for taking the time to travel out here just to meet me," said the first arrival as the other two men took their seats opposite him.
Aaron Keizer, the smirking charmer, raised three fingers at a waiter, who immediately nodded and gave his order to the bar. "You're kidding, right V? You're our Alpha, so whatever you say goes even if it means us traveling to the fucking North Pole."
Ma'Heron Denar's look of disapproval due to the offhandedness of the Beta's statement only lasted for a moment. He then raised a hand to another waiter, and soon a whole bottle of wolf wine was already served by his elbow, along with a crystal wine glass.
Vince smiled at his Gamma, knowing he would have to pry him open - again - if he was to get any decent opinions from him. And how he needed some now...
"Ma'Heron... hey M, don't hold out on me man. You've heard my voicemail, right? Both of you did, and only Aaron had something good to say about the whole thing. You didn't like what you heard? Is that it?"
The man nicknamed M drank his whole glass of wine in one go then twisted his thin lips while looking at V with a slightly troubled look on his square-jawed face. He sighed then stated in a low smooth voice his opinions on the matter, "Checked all the details about her. You're looking at a formidable complicated mess at the very least."
"Oh goddess, you are so damned pessimistic, Ma'Heron! He's finally found his mate, for fuck's sake!" exclaimed Aaron as he downed one of his Lemon Drop Shots.
"Yes, I'm aware that Vince has found his mate, and that is indeed good news. But I'm a realist, Beta, not a pessimist, mind you, and I do see things as they are, and I'm required to call situations as they stand."
"You could have said congratulations first," suggested the charmer, his charming smirk going on strong.
"Alright, you two, knock it off. Roth agrees with M on the complicated part, but he believes there are ways to deal with all possible issues that may arise and still come out the winner in the end."
"So, you're pushing through with this, Alpha?"
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't, Gamma."
"Don't, V. He'll give you a list..."
"How do you know that, Beta?"
"I saw him typing it on his mobile on our way here."
"WHAT? Oh, come on M!"
"I knew you were going to ask me for reasons, so I made a list just in case you would."
V heard Roth laughing inside his head, not just out of amusement but because of joy. They had found their mate, and that was all that mattered even to his wolf. But they both knew it was going to be a challenge.
And boy, did they both love a good challenge!
"Gentlemen, you are both my closest friends along with my wolf, and all your input means a lot to me. But please, I really would like to have your support on this, no matter how complicated it might seem to be since I truly believe that she's worth it."
Both Beta and Gamma looked at each other, one was grinning and the other squinting.
"All I'm asking is a chance to win her heart. That's all I really want..."
M huffed a bit before pouring himself a new glass of wine then raising it, "Fine. As the Beta said, you're our Alpha, so whatever you say goes. To your mate, V."
The Beta raised his last full shot glass, "That's the spirit Gamma! To our Luna!"
"And to the plan that we need to put together for her to be with me this Christmas! Cheers!"
Later on, V would be sleeping with a contented smile on his comely face. Tomorrow, he will be planning everything out and will wait for the right opportunity to put all his plans into play.
It was almost ten when her ex-husband finally left. Good thing that the nanny, who knew how things were, refused to leave her alone with that monster, so Siel was just about done with saying her goodbyes to Nell for the day.
Siel realized it was pretty late for her babies to be up, but she didn't have much of a chance to spend time with them in the usual way. Even if Nella had always reassured her that they slept mostly during the day, she still judged herself for not following the conventional ways of most mothers when caring for her toddlers.
I think, despite all my efforts, I will never be a good enough mom. See, I'm keeping my babies up late, and I can't even promise them simple toys or gifts this Christmas. Sigh...
She got the bathtub ready with warm bubbly water and spent the little time she could with them, playing with the bubbles and splashing up a mess in the bathroom. For that half-hour, their laughter fed her soul and made her hope for a better future.
Maybe I just need to push myself a little more. Maybe, if I get one of my corporate system ideas through to one of the bosses, or maybe if one of my applications to a different department is answered positively...
Of course, she had no idea that her boss, Roderick Wright, would tell every department that contacted him about her that he was not letting her go, under any circumstance. And that was his ultimate goal. After all, he knew that Siel was capable of doing all of his responsibilities and tasks. Why would he ever let her go?
Unfortunately, she never did find out on her own...
After the warm relaxing bath, it didn't take long for the babies to finally fall asleep. She sat by their beds and looked at them, breathing deeply. More often than not, one or both babies would be smiling in their slumber, making her smile as well.
If only I could give them a truly merry Christmas...
All of a sudden, she remembered two paper items that she had placed in her bag during her rush home from the office.
Yes, it's a slim chance... but I think it's worth a try...
Siel slept with a happy smile on her face. She couldn't wait until tomorrow when her babies are already awake so she can put her plan into play.