Chapter4: Alpha Nicholas
Alpha Nicholas
"This ball is just stupid! What happened to mates just meeting in the usual way? At parties or normal balls like Alpha ceremonies and so on. Why does there need to be a ball just for mates to meet and why the fuck does every pack have to take it in turns to host it? Surely it should be the Alpha's choice!"
"Nice to see your usual happy personality glowing there, brother!" I flip Shane the middle finger while he laughs his ass off at me. "I swear the older you get, the more grumpy you become." I snort at his words while my parents walk into the room, both laughing. They've clearly heard our conversation. Stupid werewolf hearing! "Fuck off. I'm a dream to be around!" I grunt while I drink my coffee and try to block his annoying voice out.
"Are you complaining about the ball again, Dad?" Lottie, my daughter, asks as she walks into the dining area and takes a seat across from me. Lottie will be turning 16 in a few weeks and is my whole world. She has the typical teenage attitude, but I wouldn't change her for the world, even if she is the image of her mother, a woman I'd like to never have to think of again.
"I'm not complaining, just stating a fact." She laughs as the door once again opens and my other brothers Will and Robbie come strutting in looking a little rough around the edges. "Is he still complaining about Saturday?" Will asks, causing everyone around the table to nod and laugh while I shake my head in frustration. I let others have their opinion about things, so why can I have mine? "Is it that bad, Dad? It's one night and besides... You could meet your mate."
I smile at the look on her face, but inside my gut churns at the thought. I'm 28 years old and if I was going to meet my mate then it would have happened by now, surely? It's rare for a wolf to not find their mate by my age and even more rare for an Alpha to have not met his mate, but I guess that's just my fate. My parents have been on my ass for the last 10 years to make more of an effort to find her, but if I'm being honest, I don't want to find her, not anymore.
There was a time when I couldn't think of anything better than meeting my mate. It was all I ever thought of but now, well now, it's the last thing that I want to do. For the most part, I'm happy with my life. I'm the Alpha of an incredible pack. I have the best family; a daughter and my best friend, Tony. I'm not short of offers from women, so I have no worries when it comes to fulfilling any kind of need. Why would I want to disturb that?
"After breakfast, I would like a chat with you, son." I nod toward my Dad, but I already know what he wants to talk to me about, and, as much as I want to tell him to forget it, I have too much respect for him to do it even if I'm going to regret it as soon as the conversation starts up.
Within 30 minutes, breakfast is done, and I'm in my office with my Dad sitting across from me. "I know what this conversation is going to be about, Dad. I'm not going to change my mind, so please just stop." He remains quiet for a few seconds while staring at me, making me feel on edge. "Nicky, it's time." I stand up pacing around my office while trying to figure out how to make this stop.
"Come in, sweetheart," I call out when I sense Lottie close by. She comes in smiling dressed in a dress that is way too short for my liking, but I've learned to pick my battles when it comes to a teenage girl and this isn't one of them. "Is it ok if I go to the mall with the girls? Hanna's mom will be there too. We're just going to get our nails and hair done for the ball tonight?"
"Of course, sweetheart. Enjoy." She gives me a look, and before she even says anything I know exactly what she is going to say. "What's happened to it now?" I ask her as I take my credit card out of my pocket and hand it to her while placing a kiss on her head. She shrugs her shoulders while doing her best to give me an innocent look, which means she once again lost her card and is waiting for a new one. I swear the girl has to order a new one every few weeks. "Make sure to keep your phone close and let me know when you are back." She nods, agreeing before saying goodbye to my dad and slipping back out of the office.
I turn to face my dad and can't help the sigh that leaves my lips. "I'm happy, Dad. Why change that?" He studies me for a moment before rubbing his hand down his face. "I understand what you're saying, son, I do, but I still believe it would be good for you for so many reasons. I know you are still haunted by the past, but that doesn't mean that you can't have everything you're supposed to in your future." Just the mention of my past makes me instantly pissed. It's been over 15 years since it happened and yet, I still can't seem to let it go.
"You say you're happy, son, but are you? Are you really? I'm not sure that I've ever met a wolf who doesn't want his mate, and I've certainly never met an Alpha who doesn't want his Luna. It's just so unheard of." He is right, I know this, and maybe deep, deep, deep down inside, there is a small part of me that does want my mate, but I just can't... The thought of suffering again... I just can't do it. As always, my dad seems to sense my thoughts as he takes my silence to mean more. "Nicky, aside from the obvious stuff, the Elders are not going to let this go."
"What do they want me to do Dad, just magic up a mate?" The elders hate it when an Alpha doesn't have a Luna, but what do they expect from me? Even if I did want a mate, I haven't met her yet, so I'm not sure what it is they want of me, unless... "Please don't tell me they're going to do what I think they are?" He sighs and then nods, making me feel even more pissed. "Please, tell me you're kidding me, Dad. Seriously?" He doesn't look too happy about this, so hopefully, he's on my side in this. "As much as I want you to have a mate, I want it to be your mate, not a fake one. I said as much to Elder Stone, but I'm afraid he wouldn't listen."
"So what happens now? Do I even get a choice or will I just be dressed in a suit and taken to meet my future mate at the isle on the day of our wedding without ever meeting her?" I'm being shitty, and I know it, but I can't help it. I know it's not my father's fault and I appreciate that he tried to help, but he's currently the only one in the room and therefore on the brunt end of my shitty behavior.
I slump down in my chair while I run my hand down my face. "So not only do I have to host a ball that I don't want, but I also have to face she-wolves who are mateless and ready to be my Luna? Dad, do you realize how insane this is? What's to say that some of them won't just be heartless bitches who are only out for the money and title that comes with it?"
"I know son, I know." I shake my head, but he holds up his hand, stopping me from saying anymore." I do. While I don't fully understand your thoughts when it comes to needing or wanting a mate, I can appreciate that this isn't necessarily the right way to go about this either." While this may not affect his entire life as it will mine, it's clear to see that he's not happy with this. He looks stressed and tired and that's the last thing that I want for him. Against my better judgment and personal wants, I decided to give him a break.
"I'll do it. I'll meet these women and talk with them. There will only be a few to get through, but I make no promises." Sometimes when an Alpha doesn't meet his mate, the Elders will encourage them to pick a mate instead of waiting for their fated ones. When they do this, they usually have a select few to meet the Alpha, usually around four to five of them. I can handle that.
The look on his face instantly has me on alert. "What is it?" He shifts a little, looking uncomfortable. "I'm guessing that you haven't read your emails today yet?" I shake my head no. "Well, the Elders have introduced a new law this year that all and any single male or female wolves must now attend the annual Blue Moon Ball. It's compulsory."
"Oh, you have got to be fucking kidding me!" He shakes his head while mine whirls. "I'm sorry, son, but there's going to be a lot of single she-wolves here and ready to be your Luna." Fuck!