
Chapter 1 Choosing a Substitute
Chapter 2 The Contract
Chapter 3 Shopping for the Perfect Dress
Chapter 4 True Identities Revealed
Chapter 5 You’re The One I Want
Chapter 6 The Wedding Night
Chapter 7 Meeting the Family
Chapter 8 Where Have You Been
Chapter 9 A Betrayal By All Means
Chapter 10 A Gentleman Afterall
Chapter 11Sweet Treats
Chapter 12 Afternoon Tea
Chapter 13 Searching for Suits
Chapter 14 Drunken Invitations
Chapter 15 The Aftermath
Chapter 16 Paparazzi
Chapter 17 The Hotel Room
Chapter 18 The Ex
Chapter 19 My Savior
Chapter 20 The Charity Auction
Chapter 21 Plotting Revenge
Chapter 22 Fan Service
Chapter 23 Flocks of Fans
Chapter 24 All is Not Forgiven
Chapter 25 Stressed Beyond Belief
Chapter 26 Playing a Part
Chapter 27 Compromise
Chapter 28 Lessons in Etiquette
Chapter 29 Dance Magic
Chapter 30 Hot and Cold
Chapter 31 A Leap of Faith
Chapter 32 Princess Treatment
Chapter 33 Birthday Ball
Chapter 34 May I Have This Dance?
Chapter 35 Drunken Search Parties
Chapter 36 Miscommunication
Chapter 37 It’s All For the Cameras
Chapter 38 The Key to it All
Chapter 39 When the Second Shoe Drops
Chapter 40 Dora’s Revenge
Chapter 41 Publicity and Tea Parties
Chapter 42 A Cry for Help
Chapter 43 Putting Plans in Motion
Chapter44 Just Desserts
Chapter 45 Mothers
Chapter 46 Questions Upon Questions
Chapter 47 And Yet, No Answers
Chapter 48 Babydoll Dresses and Jealousy
Chapter 49 Wedding Announcements
Chapter 50 Picking Up Pieces
Chapter 51 A Stormy Sea of Thoughts
Chapter 52 New Friend, Old Situation
Chapter 53 Bait and Hook
Chapter 54 Meet and Greet
Chapter 55 The Home Improvement Network
Chapter 56 The Flash of a Camera
Chapter 57 Say Yes
Chapter 58 Bachelorette
Chapter 59 Olivia’s Wedding Day
Ethan pulled away from me, swinging his head to the side so that my lips caught his cheek rather than his mouth. Much like the stunt I pulled during the photoshoot at the children’s home.
“I don’t want to kiss you for real for the first time in weeks while you’re drunk,” He corrected my posture, creating a space between the two of us.
In my drunken state, I whined, trying to beg him for a hug at least. He shook his head.
“We can revisit this later, but I need to get you into bed now. The wedding is tomorrow.” I groaned at his words, but allowed him to carry me to bed and tuck me into it. I fell asleep before my head even hit the pillow.
The next morning, Ethan woke me up by throwing the curtains in my room open and allowing the sun to shine on my face. Maybe on a morning where I wasn’t hungover that would be a welcome act, but that morning I wanted to hit him with a shoe.
He helped me get out of bed, gave me a couple of pills for my headache, and handed me a cold bottle of water to wash it all down. Luckily, I wasn’t sick. I just hoped Olivia was waking up similarly.
She drank a little too much the night before.
“You tried to kiss me last night,” Ethan told me while I was brushing my teeth. I nearly choked on the toothpaste and looked at him with wide eyes.
“What?” demanded, a mouthful of spit and paste.
“I stopped you, I wanted you to be in your right mind if you ever decide to kiss me again,” His tone was low, maybe even a little melancholic, but he had a smile on his face.
I spit and wiped my mouth, “Thanks.”
I didn’t know what else to say. I didn’t know what I was supposed to say. I did want to kiss him. Apparently I really wanted to kiss him last night.
I groaned inwardly, conflicted by Ethan’s actions and the overall stress of the entire situation, and went to get ready for Olivia’s wedding.
Ethan and I ended up spending a lot of time together while we were getting ready.
He sat in the bathroom with me while I did my makeup, styling his hair and shaving that little five o’clock shadow he had started developing in the last few weeks. I’d never tell him this, but I secretly liked him with a little bit of scruff on his face.
“So the day is here,” I stated, putting on mascara, “And there’s no plan to cancel the wedding ahead of time?”
Ethan grinned a lopsided and confident grin, “The plan has hit a few rough bumps, but I think we’ve got something figured out.”
I looked at Ethan’s reflection, using the mirror to make eye contact with him. He seemed so sure of himself, I couldn’t outwardly doubt him. I just wished he was more forthcoming with his plans. I hated how mysterious he was.
Ethan liked to reveal the information he knew the exact moment you needed to know it. Never before, never enough to give you time to absorb it or prepare.
I nodded, finishing the makeup and slipping the dress Olivia picked out for the maid of honor over my head.
Before I could even ask, Ethan was behind me buttoning the buttons along the spine. The warmth of his hand sent shivers running up and down my back. It was like deja vu.
“Remember our wedding day?” He asked me. I could hear the smile on his face.
“It was awful,” I giggled remembering the way he told Dora to leave and how he announced to everyone in attendance that he wanted me rather than her. It felt like an entire lifetime ago.
“It was the best day of my life.” Ethan pecked at the top of my head as he finished the last button.
“Let’s get to the venue, we have to help Andrew and Olivia with any last minute preparations.” I smiled, leaving the room to grab my clutch for the event.
Ethan followed closely behind, keys in hand, and he drove us to the venue.
I went inside to help Olivia dress, and found her in tears once again.
“Olivia,” I cooed and embraced her lightly, “We can run. I’ll tell everyone that you couldn’t go through with it and we can take you home.”
Olivia gasped as she cried, sobbing into my shoulder, “I can’t! My parents will disown me and cut off all my finances if I ruin this for them.”
I shook my head with a frown. I really hoped Ethan and Mars figured something out over the last two weeks. Olivia didn’t deserve to deal with a man like Andrew for the rest of her life.
I wiped her tears with tissues, touched up her makeup for her, and by the time all that was done, it was time for her to walk down the aisle.
The music starts while we wait behind the doors to make her grand entrance. I turned back to look at her, I had to go first as the maid of honor.
“Last chance,” I whispered, “We can run.”
Olivia shook her head, silencing me with that one movement. I bit my lip, suppressing a disappointed pout, and the doors to the church opened.
The rows of pews were filled. Hundreds of people were in attendance, as well as camera crews to capture it all on live television (per Andrew’s request, of course). I took my slow, soft steps along the carpet and waited at the end of the aisle. Andrew was watching me come down with a strange look in his eyes.
Something made me believe that he recognized me, too.
I stepped to the side and turned so that I could watch Olivia walk down the aisle to the soft melody of the harpist and pianist. She looked gorgeous, and the church was decorated perfectly with white and pink flowers and warm, soft lights.
If she were marrying anybody else, this would have been the most special day of her life. I wished it was for who she wanted.
The closer Olivia got to Andrew, the more red I saw her eyes get. She was holding back tears with every ounce of her being. I silently begged to the moon god that whatever plan Mars and Ethan had would work.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” The officiant spoke once Olivia reached Andrew and grabbed his hands. “We are gathered here today to wed this lovely couple.”
I held my breath as the officiant kept talking through the ceremony. I looked over at Ethan, who was standing behind Andrew, and he seemed completely at ease. Maybe this was it and he just accepted the fact that Olivia would have to marry Andrew.
I closed my eyes, hoping for a miracle as the priest continued to drone on through his marriage speech.
“If there is anyone in the audience who believes that these two shall not be married today, speak now or forever hold your peace.”
Those were the million dollar words. Everyone in attendance was silent. So silent you’d hear the hair of a dog hit the floor if you listened carefully.
I closed my eyes, realizing that was the last thing the priest had to say before exchanging I do’s. I waited for something - anything - to happen with bated breath. I looked at Ethan, but he was watching someone out in the crowd.
Suddenly, Mars stood up from the back of the church.
“I object to this marriage!” He shouted.
<Chapter>Chapter 60 Never Say I Do
Chapter 61 And They Were Roommates
Chapter 62 Secrets That Are Hard to Keep
Chapter 63 Get Your Head in the Game
Chapter 64 When to Fight
Chapter 65 And When to Make Peace
Chapter 66 Transformation
Chapter 67 The Morning After
Chapter 68 New Information
Chapter 69Whatever It Takes
Chapter 70 Trouble In Paradise
Chapter 71 Front Door News
Chapter 72 What Do You Mean?
Chapter 73 Little Girl, Little Girl
Chapter 74 More Questions Than Answers
Chapter 75 Spoiling the Princess
Chapter 76 The Accident
Chapter 77 Call for Me
Chapter 78 The Hospital
Chapter 79 Who Hires a Hitman in the Twenty-First Century?
Chapter 80 Wedding Arch
Chapter 81 The Battle on the Beach
Chapter 82 Blood in the Sand
Chapter 83 Casualties
Chapter 84 Nurse at the Children’s Home
Chapter 85 Life as a Caretaker
Chapter 86 Changing Gears
Chapter 87 Investigations
Chapter 88 Cat and Mouse
Chapter 89 The Phone Call
Chapter 90 The Past That Haunts Us
Chapter 91 Aftermath
Chapter 92 Inviting the Guests of Honor
Chapter 93 Another Night Together
Chapter 94 Masquerade
Chapter 95 Revelations
Chapter 96 Father, Wherefore Art Thou
Chapter 97 Father Daughter Time
Chapter 98 It’s All in the Past
Chapter 99 The Guilt That Buries Us
Chapter 100 The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 101 Spies and Speculations
Chapter 102 Times Like These
Chapter 103 To Be Loved in the Worst Way
Chapter 104 End of Means
Chapter 105 Epilogue

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Chapter 94 Masquerade
It was the day of the charity ball. Ethan and I decided on a masquerade theme to stand out against the several other parties of the year that only required black-tie attire. We wanted our guests to dress regally, beautifully. We wanted the press to report about our party for years.
Therefore, it wa...
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