Alpha's Revenge

After a week, the guy eventually gave the girl back and accepted her rejection, though he ended up going mad and killing himself. Sometimes that can happen when a mate gets rejected. The whole situation was very sad to hear about, but they tell us the story so we know what not to do. Like I said, that is easier said than done. A mate bond is very powerful and makes you want that person because they are your other half, and you feel as though you can’t live without them. That’s why I had my dad draw up that contract. I refuse to let a bond keep me with someone that does me wrong or doesn’t want me. My heart may be stupid, but my brain is not. I’ve seen so many lose what they’ve worked so hard for all their lives because a damn bond told them that maybe if they gave them everything, the other person would love them. Nope, not going to happen here with this girl. You leave with what you came with and nothing more.

My parents came home, and we ordered pizza and watched movies. I love horror and action films, so tonight we watched all the Taken and Die Hard movies. They sang happy birthday to me and we had strawberry cake and vanilla ice cream. When the last movie went off, we all got up and went to our rooms after saying good night. It was only 10:00 when I laid down and closed my eyes, hoping to fall asleep fast when the alarm sounded. My parents came running to my room and told me to go to the bunker located in our basement. I asked them what was going on, and they said we were being attacked. I couldn’t get any more information out of them as I was shuffled downstairs and pushed towards the bunker. It is an impenetrable safe room that my father installed after I was born for me and my mother to go in case of an attack, but for whatever reason they only locked me inside. “Do not come out of this room no matter what you hear until we come to get you. Do you understand Reigna?” says my father.

“Yes daddy.” I said back. “But isn’t mommy staying with me?” They both looked at each other before looking at me and a bad feeling was in my stomach.

“No. I have to make sure the women and children are secure in the other safe room. I’ll stay with them when I’m done.” said my mother. She was lying. I could tell when my mother was lying. She could never look at me and right now she was looking everywhere but at me.

“Okay mom.” Is all that I could say before the huge metal door was closed and locked. Nobody could get in no unless I let them in because that’s how he designed the room.

The room is the size of a miniature apartment with a fully working kitchen, a bathroom with tub and shower, living room, televisions, games, fully stocked fridge and cabinets. I could live here for a while if I needed to, but I knew that I would be out of there before the food ran out. I went to my bedroom and laid down before turning on the security cameras to see what was happening. There was nothing but chaos and that made me sit up in my bed. Wolves with red eyes were running all over attacking our pack, but my pack was strong, and they fought and killed the rogue wolves. “None of this makes any sense. Rogues don’t work together like this, and they definitely aren’t stupid enough to attack our pack.” I said to myself.

As I kept watching the screen, I saw our warriors attacking and killing plenty of the rogue wolves, and we seemed to be winning. Suddenly, I saw a big black wolf that I recognized as my father run onto the screen and rip the throats out of three wolves like they were nothing. My mother came just in time to catch one rogue that my father hadn’t seen getting ready to attack him and she ripped him apart with ease. They moved fluidly together like a well-oiled machine and I couldn’t have been more proud of my parents. Things were looking good for our side. Our gamma was fending off some with the help of some warriors and the rogue count was dwindling. I saw some people run back towards the tree line trying to escape. Some of our warriors followed them while the others were still fighting those that stayed. Then, in the blink of an eye, a rogue snuck up on my mother and attacked her. My father made quick work of the rogues he was fighting and went to help her because now she was fighting two wolves while injured. Just as he was almost to her, the last thing in the world I thought would happen did. Our beta took advantage of my father’s distraction and attacked him. He leaped right onto my father’s back and wrestled him to the ground while two more wolves came and helped to hold him down while the beta bit into my father’s neck and ripped his throat out. A scream so loud left my mouth and I nearly fell from the bed. My mother, feeling my father’s life end, got distracted trying to go to him and one of the wolves slashed her across her belly. Her beautiful chocolate brown fur was now covered in blood and the horrible howl that left her lips before she died brought instant tears to my eyes. I’d lost my mother and father. The beta betrayed us. I couldn’t help but wonder if the gamma was in on it as well.

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