My feet were killing me. It's been over 16 hours since I had first put on heels today, and here I stood, watching the clock ticking away as I waited for the attendant at coat check to return. It was 11:30pm and the gala was still going full swing. I had two drinks, numerous conversations with the wife's and daughters of snooty business men, and one dance that I had promised Caden, but just one.
I couldn't wait to get out of here, throw off these heels, rip off this suffocating dress, and take a hot shower before falling into bed. It's been a whole ten minutes and the attendant still had yet to return from his break, as stated on the sign on the brown desk in front of me. Back in five minutes my ass, I think to myself, annoyed.
I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I hear someone clear their throat behind me, causing me to straighten up and glance back quickly. I'm greeted by the familiar brown eyes that I kept meeting throughout dinner and the night.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," Asa chuckled, with his hands stuffed into the pocket of his dress pants. I catch myself eyeing his body and quickly stop, meeting his eyes with my own once again.
"You didn't, it's fine," I sigh, smiling at him. He seemed like a nice guy, then again, don't they all? I recall the conversation at the table, about how Asa has recently moved to New York City from Los Angeles to take over as CEO of an investment company much like my father's. In fact, now that I think of it, it's the first time that I've ever heard my father venture out in investments with other companies as partners rather than buyouts.
"How long has it been?" Asa questions, cocking a brow as he nods towards the sign on the desk. I look back at the desk, annoyed once more as I think of how long the attendant is taking, keeping me from getting out of here.
"Over ten minutes," I respond with a soft sigh, showing my disappointment. I wasn't usually like this, but I've felt down all day, and all I wanted since I got here was to leave.
I watch as Asa pursues his lips together for a moment, thinking before moving past me and around the desk, into the coat check room. I stare at him, just watching until he pauses, turning back to me, with a questioning look.
"What's your coat look like?" he asks, a bright smile on his face. I couldn't help but notice the twinkle in his eyes, the playing expression he had on his face giving me the sense that he serious about going back there.
I hesitate, as a natural rule follower would, but quickly follow him, walking down the rows of coats until I find my own. I pull it off of the rack, confirming it is my own by looking at the number tag. 217, it reads, and I recall that it matches the tag they had given me when I arrived. I pull it off of the hanger, sticking the hanger back where I got it from, and walking back out into the large foyer.
Asa stands before me, adjusting the his coat before holding his hand out for me to hand him my coat. I can't help but smile, handing him my coat and turning around so that he can help me put it on. Just as I slip my arms through the jacket and he places it over my shoulders, my attention goes to the couple that is walking right past us, laughing.
Of course, it's none other than Caden, sporting a pretty blonde wearing a light pink dress. They're clearly leaving together, and I simply watch as they exit the building. He has always had a thing for blondes, not that I should care anyways. It's not like I should expect him to behave any differently considering we were supposed to be here together. He can be himself, yet here I was, against my will, as his date, that he practically forced on me by going behind my back to my father. But that's just business.
"Isn't that...?" Asa trails off, clearly confused. I'm suddenly embarrassed, and I turn around quickly, so his hands were no longer resting on my shoulders. His eyes meet my own, for the thousandth time tonight, and I could tell that he was feeling sympathetic towards me.
"Yup," I remark bluntly, popping the 'p' much more sarcastically than I expected to. I shake my head, realizing that I'm coming off as rude to him when he hadn't done anything but be nice to me all night.
"I'm sorry," I add, reaching down and buttoning up my coat. It was the middle of January, which is the coldest month of the year in the city, and for someone who was always freezing, this coat was barely going to do me any favors.
"Why are you apologizing to me? You have the right to be upset," Asa retorts, his voice much more stern now. I look up at him and start laughing softly, unable to help myself. This was the first time I had ever experienced something like this. I could tell by his expression and remark that he felt bad for me, as if I didn't know that Caden was sleeping with someone else.
Caden and I have a very complicated relationship. We've known each other since we were young. In fact, we were once pretty good friends, which is why my father pushed me to start dating him. He loved Caden as if he was his own son, and Caden was smart enough to play along for the sake of progressing his career within my father's company. At first, we were actually dating, but I quickly realized that the relationship was doomed. All he wanted was to get further in his career and I gave him the status he needed to do so, and of course, the women. With status came power, and he quickly took advantage of the position, now able to sleep with whomever he wanted.
Asa stared at me, a puzzled look on his face, and I quickly shut up, shocked at how I had started laughing. But I couldn't help myself, and another giggle let out, which caused him to laugh in response, shaking his head as he stuck his hands into the pockets of his coat.
"You shouldn't let him walk all over you like that," he suddenly remarks, quickly becoming serious. I froze, pursing my lips together, not sure of how to respond. No one had ever paid enough attention to notice how Caden spoke to me, ignored me when I wasn't needed, both of which I knew Asa had caught glimpse of tonight.
"I don't think my relationship is any of your business," I snap at him, narrowing my eyes. Who is this man to tell me anything about my relationship? The only person who I even allowed a remote glimpse of my life was Camara, and even she knew better than to say something like that. Well, she had tried, and I had quickly shut her down. It's not like I was in love with Caden and he was cheating on me. I knew, and I let him. We were only in this relationship for the sake of business, for show.
Asa is staring straight into my eyes, as if he's trying to figure me out. I let him, knowing that he would never understand something like this. After a moment of silence between us, he finally speaks up.
"Do you have somewhere you need to be?"
"What?" I ask bluntly, taken back by his question.
"Do you have plans right now? Somewhere you need to be?" he repeats himself, slower this time, as if I didn't hear him the first time.
"Not really?," I question, still confused as to what he was getting at, thinking of my poor feet and how all they wanted was to feel cold shower tile and hot water.
"I'm going back to my office, if you want to come with me?" he asks, raising his eyebrow as he looks past me, through the large glass doors of the building.
I follow his glance, and quickly realize that Caden is still outside with the blonde, waiting for his car to pull up. My eyes flicker back to Asa, who has a smirk on his face, and I can't help but smile. He wants to make Caden feel jealous and although my brain and everything logical I know is screaming at me to walk away, I want this. I want Caden to feel jealous. To realize that he can't control me. That I'm not his. My heart knows that Asa is right, I shouldn't let Caden walk all over me when I'm the one who is helping him. I don't need him to survive in this world, but Caden is nothing without me.
"Okay," I agree, and allow him to wrap his arm around my waist, his hand resting on the small of my back as he guides me straight out the building and down the steps. We are a mere ten feet away from Caden and the girl, and I can feel his stare as Asa pulls open the passenger door to his all black audi r8, which was already waiting for us. I slide in, letting him close the door behind me, watching as Caden stares straight into the tinted window, an expression of pure shock on his face.
I divert my attention back to Asa, watching as he thanks the valet with a tip before getting into the driver's seat.
"He's going to kill you," I whisper, knowing that Caden would be pissed about this. He wouldn't say a word to me, considering we barely talk, but Asa would definitely hear about it.
"No, he won't," Asa says with a chuckle, shaking his head in disbelief, as if I'm making some ridiculous joke. I watch the way in which his knuckles turn white, gripping the steering wheel with his left hand, his right on the gearshift. He revs the car, pressing his foot down on the gas before putting the car into drive, so the car roars before speeding out of the long driveway and into the street.
The next four words that come out of his mouth are stern, his tone completely serious. I know that he means them metaphorically, but something inside of me ignites. I feel safe with him. This stranger that I really know nothing about.
"I'll kill him first."