All I wanted to do was beat the living shit out of him. With every word that came out of his mouth, the more angry I got. Not only did this asshole try to justify hurting her, but he had some nerve to threaten her.
I was ready to kill him right then and there, but seeing Cassandra made me push all of those thoughts away so that I could focus on comforting her instead. As soon as Caden walked away, my eyes settled on the beautiful brunette in front of me.
"Are you okay?" I questioned softly as I slowly approached her. She didn't look at me at first, but I was too concerned to walk away and leave her alone. I came a little closer, leaving only a few inches between us.
"Cassandra, are you okay? Are you hurt?" I repeat, gently reaching out to her. She finally looks up, and I see slight tears in her eyes, which hurts my heart. My hand touches her soft hair, tucking it behind her ear as I look at her cheek, which are red from where Caden had clearly left marks.
"I'm gonna beat the crap out of him," I mutter under my breath, mostly to myself. Both of her cheeks look like that, and I notice that she's covering her wrist with her hand. Gently, I take her hands in my own, pulling them up to see that her wrist is also red, much more so that it will likely bruise.
"It's o-okay, I just...I just need some air," she chokes out, shaking her head at me as she gently squeezes my hands. I nod slowly, seeing that she doesn't mind me comforting her.
"Let's go, come," I smile gently, letting go of one hand, but keeping the other in my own. I guide her through the club, avoiding as many people as possible. The worst thing would be for someone to see us leave together, and I didn't want to be stopped by someone that recognized me to converse.
I nod at the bouncer who lets us out, my hot skin burning as I step out into the cold air with her. It was fucking freezing, and even though it was hot enough for me inside that I had rolled my sleeves up, I was cold. I turned to Cassandra who was on the side of me, her hand in mine.
She was shivering, and I wished that I had a jacket to give her. I licked my lips, feeling as if they were drying up in the cold air, as I guided her away from the entrance and down the sidewalk towards my car, recalling that I was parked not too far from here.
She moved closer to me, and I let go of her hand only to wrap my arm around her, pulling her closer to me as we walked together. With only a short dress on, her arms, neck, and legs were bare for the most part. Placing my hands on her arms, I rubbed them as we walked, trying to warm her up.
I couldn't help but smile as she leaned into my shoulder. The top of her head was right below my chin, and the sweet smell of her perfume mixed with her shampoo filled my nostrils every time I would inhale.
"I have your coat..in my car," I murmur as we walk, me adjusting my pace so she wouldn't have to keep up with my longer strides.
"My coat?"
"You left your coat in my office. I figured you'd be here and I could return it," I admit.
"Zac invited you?"
"Yeah, he's been in and out of my office all week."
"Oh, I didn't know," she sighed, clearly disappointed by the fact that her brother didn't mention seeing me. It's odd that they don't talk, because every time I've been around him, he's praising his little sister. As much as I wanted to ask her why, it didn't seem like the right time.
We walked silently for a few more minutes before approaching my La Ferrari, the same car that we had driven off in the other night. Letting go of her, I slide my hand onto the handle of the passenger side door. It unlocks automatically, and I open the door and reach inside to grab her coat.
"Come," I gesture to her as I turn back around, holding the coat open so she can slide into it. She does so, much like the first night I met her, and turns back around to me as she stuffs her hands into her pockets.
I bite down on my lip, taking in her flushed cheeks. Hesitant, I reach down and button her coat up after tugging it around her petite figure, my eyes focused on her innocent face. She is so beautiful. Not to mention that she's probably the first woman to not only catch my attention in this way, but turn me away.
"Thank you," she whispers from beneath me, letting out a small smile. I nodded, smiling back at her gently as I finish doing her buttons.
I wanted to kiss her more than anything, but I'm looking into her eyes, I can tell she is sad. There were so many things I want to say, to do, but not right now. Not when she feels like this.
Suddenly, her facial expression falls, and she closes her eyes, inhaling shakily and holding her breath. My eyebrows furrow in confusion, wondering if it might be because I was in her space. Before I can even ask her what's wrong, she pulls back away from me.
"I'm gonna throw up," she mutters, raising one of her hands to cover her mouth. I quickly grab her upper arm, making sure to be gentle as I pull her forward, past the car parked parallel in front of me, to where there was some space.
Bringing her to the edge of the curb, I help her lean forward as I pull her long hair back and into my hand, while my other hand rests on her back, rubbing gently.
It was quick, and thank god for that, because I don't do well with the smells. Luckily, my nose is so numb from the cold that I can barely smell anything anyways. Plus, for her, I'll suck it up and stick through it.
She leans back, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, her face bright red. I couldn't tell if it was because she felt embarrassed or if it was because of the cold, but either way, I think it's cute.
"I'm sorry," she whispers, shaking her head as she pulled back from my touch.
"Don't apologize. Are you alright? Did you drink too much?," I ask, stepping back closer to her and pushing her hair out of her face so I could examine her.
She shook her head at me, avoiding eye contact as she pushes her hands into her pockets again.
"No, I was just thinking about..." she trails off.
"I just felt gross," she admits, looking up to finally look me in the eyes again. It's in this moment, I realize that regardless of how hard I try to push my feelings away, I don't think I possibly can.
"It's okay. Do you want me to take you home?," I offer, hoping that she takes me up on my offer. I don't want her going back in there unless she's going to stay with someone else. I could offer to go back inside with her, but I don't think she would let me.
"Don't you want to stay?" she asks, frowning a bit. I smile, examining the little wrinkle that appears on her nose as she scrunches it up, and the small line on her forehead.
"Not really," I chuckle with a small shrug, stuffing my hands into my pockets awkwardly. "If you want me to, I'll come back inside with you."
Cassandra looked back towards the club, before looking back at me and shaking her head, "I'd rather go home," she mutters, and I nod, walking back to my car with her.
I open the passenger door for her, waiting for her to get in before closing it and making my way around the front, and into the driver's seat. Starting the car, I hit the seat warmers and the heater, rubbing my frozen hands together to warm them up as the car heats up.
"You didn't bring your jacket?" she questions faintly, looking at me. I peer at her, my eyebrows raised slightly as I cup my hands and bring them to my mouth, blowing into them for added warmth.
"No, I forgot," I chuckle at the irony, knowing very well that she would realize I was humored by the fact that I could remember her coat from two weeks ago, and not my own.
My heart pounds faster when I see her smile, big and bright. I could not bring myself to believe that she wasn't with someone better. Better than me, better than that asshole Caden. She was pure, I could tell from the moment I laid my eyes on her for the first time. I kept wondering what broke her.
Once my car was warm, I pulled out of the tight spot, and onto the one way street.
"So where exactly do you live?," I glance over at her for a second, watching as her frowns, reaching into her pocket and then pouting.
"Oh crap, Ace, my bag is back at the club. I left it at the bar with my phone and everything. My keys, oh crap, I forgot about Camara," she blurts, going on mindlessly as she squirms in her seat.
I couldn't help but laugh, gripping the steering wheel with my left hand and leaning back, lifting myself up a bit so I could reach into my pocket for my phone. Unlocking it, I held it out to her.
"Call her. Tell her to get your things...we can go back to my place if that's fine with you, or I can turn back around?" I suggest, hesitant to ask her. She already felt uncomfortable enough tonight, and I don't want to add to it.
"Yeah, that's fine," she agrees, hesitant at first but accepting as she dials Camara.