The first gunshot rang through my ears. It was followed by one after another. I feel most myself when I apply pressure to a trigger. A smile always taunted my lips at the realization that my hands, like magic, ended someone's life. I'm in control just how I love to be.
As I hold my gun, my heart thumps a bit faster. It almost matches the pace of the bullet piercing the air impeccably.
I lowered my gun after another shot. The lifeless look on the idiot's face pulled me in a motherly hug. The kiss on my cheek was the dripping of blood that originated from his heart.
It was exciting to watch blood drip from a body like it was finally free and escaping its prison. It was exciting to watch the lies strip from a person's face before death forces it to take the form of truth. It was exciting to see all of the darkness disappear when he died, and I'm the heroic figure that brought in the light.
"Sorry to interru-"
"But you did. What the fuck do you want?" I asked impatiently. When I raised a brow and still didn't get a response, I moved my gun away from the corpse and over to the boy, Beto. "What. The. Fuck. Do. You. Want?"
"Red is h-here," he stuttered out.
"Where?" I questioned. He looked down at the floor, and it only managed to get a rise out of my annoyance. Taking the gun off of safety, I smiled at him sarcastically. "If I have to repeat myself, you will be telling that guy over there 'hello' in hell."
"In the next room," Beto whimpered out.
I noticed the way his eyes settled on the dead body. There was some sickening pity that hid within the depth of his eyes. It was disgusting. "Take care of him, and let Adriano know he was a dead-end. He didn't know shit about Viktor."
Viktor was the cause of every bit of hatred in my heart. He was the reason why vengeance was buried so deeply in my every sense. Every disastrous gunshot that was ever caused by my fingertips left behind a dream—a nightmare, whatever the fuck people call it—that it was him behind the trigger.
Beto nodded his head as I shut the door. I guided my hand up to the knot of my tie. My fingers grasped the silk fabric before I began to tug it down.
It was time to go see the prodigy.
Once I entered the neighboring door, a shift in my mood managed to bring a taunt to my lips. There she was, Red. There was a gag in her mouth. Her hands were bound behind her back, and there was a fear in her eye that was quite exciting to see.
Giovanni, one of my caporegimes, gazed over at me from the corner of the room. He held a raised brow, probably questioning how things with the deceased idiot went. That business would have to wait. Now, we had to deal with someone, Little Red.
As I stood right in front of her, I touched her ponytail just to feel how soft her hair was. I found myself curling her black strands on my finger. My head tilted as I looked at the girl. She looked weak.
I allowed myself to wander from her hair to her quivering chin. Gripping her tightly, I pulled her gaze up into mine. As much as she tried to pull away from me, I wouldn't allow her to.
Giovanni walked up behind her and began to remove the gag from her mouth. Her plump lips spread around the ball that was meant to keep them sealed wasn't a bad look.
When it was fully removed, I expected her to shout or even spit, but she clamped her mouth shut like an obedient puppy.
"What's your name?" I asked.
She tried to pull away from me again, but it wouldn't work. It was frustrating me how she couldn't answer a simple question. I wanted her obedience. I wanted her to abide by me and do as I say. She was to answer every question I ask with nothing but honesty. Her delinquency forced my grip on her chin to tighten.
Her lip curled in a grimace, but I didn't care.
"What's your name?"
"Red," she whispered.
I let go of her. My eyes followed her movements as she turned away from me. A mock of a smile took over my features when I squatted down to look her square in the eye.
"No. What's your real name?"
"R-Red," she whimpered. My smile melted from my features. When she noticed the blank expression on my face, I could see the dread hiding behind her eyes. "It's Reyna. M-My name is Reyna."
"Reyna," I tested with a smirk on my face.
I looked over at Giovanni to receive the answer to my unasked question... it was all he needed to finally attain every piece of information we needed from her.
Before Red, I thought Giovanni was the smartest tech person that I knew. He could find me anything on anyone. It was the only reason why I personally chose him to be my caporegime. To my surprise, he was outwitted and outsmarted.
Reyna had been strenuous about her whereabouts. Giovanni had been working for the past few months to find out who this diligent hacker was. Now, we have her exactly where we want her.
"Most people who did what you did would be dead by now," I told her. She glanced over at Giovanni. Hope was disseminating her face like a wildfire. When her eyes returned to mine, the hope diminished.
"Are you gonna kill m-me?"
I stood up from my squatted position. My gun perched in my hand had risen to her temple. She bit down on her pink lip with her eyes closing. I'm sure she had no intention on being seductive, but it was. I was a sick man, that I knew. With the only thing I love in my hand and a woman who tried not to let fear graze her emotions, I was turned on. I let my gun scrape her cheek before tantalizingly running down her smooth neck.
"Not now, but I can."
She looked quite odd. Thick-framed glasses blocked her eyes from viewing. A t-shirt that was long enough to fit me irked my soul. Not to mention, her pants were two sizes too big. Everything I admired in a woman was hidden from prying eyes on this particular Red.
Even though I typically preferred blondes with nice accented curves, I couldn't stop my thoughts from wondering what she looked like with no clothes on, no glasses, no t-shirt, no pants... just her.
"I have a question for you, Angel," I whispered into her ear.
"I was shocked. Out of no where, I am told that Red has hacked into my system. You stole files, which you still haven't given back. Not to mention, you threatened me. Now, I'm here wondering what a sweet, little, stuttering Angel like you would want to know about a dangerous life like mine? Was it for fun, or are you truly trying to find something?" I asked her.
She shook her head. "P-Please don't kill me."
"Answer me, and I won't."
"My mom. I'm looking for my mom," she answered. I glanced over at Giovanini to see he was wearing the same shocked expression that I held. It wasn't the type of response I was looking for.