My car engine purred as I was driven down the road. After leaving the girl, I had business to attend to. Staying at my safehouse and begging a girl to do something seemed more like something Giovanni would do. I didn't have time to deal with her, nor did I want to.
I lifted my phone up to my ear after dialing Adriano's number.
"Saint," he answered.
"Meet me at my place. Twenty minutes," I ordered. Without another word, I hung up my phone.
When I was about to set my phone down, it notified me of another. I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes at the sight of who had been texting me. It was the woman who was guaranteed the position of my wife, Cecilia. She annoyed me. Then again, it's not hard for me to find anyone annoying. She may have been the daughter to a billionaire, but even that wasn't enough to make me want her. However, there will be a time when I would need someone. Mafioso's were more trusted with a wife. On the plus side, what better wife to have than a woman who was guaranteed an inheritance of millions? Not to mention, she's the governors daughter. I will not only have control of Chicago but the whole state of Illinois.
We needed to be more trusted. Our alliances were slimming. Not even my underboss, Adriano, had a woman. He lost his only a few of years ago. I never knew how he felt about it, and I never really cared. As long as it didn't allow him to show any weakness to our organization, I simply didn't care how he felt.
It didn't take Iong for the car to pull in front of my place. The roof practically reached the ceiling as the green of leaves, bushes, and trees littered the entire landscape. There was even a garden that I did nothing to care for. One thing I throughly enjoyed was water fountain perched in the center of the walkway. It provided everything I wasn't—peace, tranquility, and an endless cycle of change.
Adriano was already there. He was standing against my water-fountain with a cigar close to the corner of his lips. "Saint."
Nodding towards my front door, I walked past him and entered my home. Adriano was following behind me as we made our way to my bar.
"Beto told me about how things went with Lorenzo. He really didn't know anything about Viktor?" Adriano asked. I shook my head before grasping a glass and pouring myself a drink. It was a long day that was full of nothing. Lorenzo was supposed to be our key to finding Viktor and his father, yet we didn't have shit.
"I asked him about Viktor's whereabouts and I even threatened his family. To his last breath, he swore up and down that he didn't know where Viktor was," I informed him. My eyes studied Adriano's reaction as I brought the cool glass up to my lips. The strong smell of liquor infiltrated my nostrils. Tipping the drink back, I drank all of it and was pleased by the burning in my chest.
"You believed him?"
"My men were holding his wife with a gun to her head. Yeah, I believed him," I stated.
"Damn it!" Adriano threw himself down in the lounge chair. "So we are back to square one."
I thought back to the girl—my little hacker. She was better than Giovanni, possibly three times as good. If we were going to succeed, she was going to have to be a part of it. Time was ticking and there wasn't a lot to waste. I just don't believe it will be as easy as I think to get her on board.
"No," I spoke. He glanced over at me questionably.
"Guess who we have?" I sang out tantalizingly. A smirk spread out on my face. Adriano pulled his brows together before leaning up and pressing his elbows against his knees. He clasped his hands together with a raised brow taking over his features.
"Someone that will find Viktor?" He asked.
"The same guy who stole your files? He has enough evidence to get you in a jail cell and never come back. I thought you were going to kill him," Adriano let out. My jaw clenched as I grasped the bottle of Rum. It didn't take long for me to pour myself another drink. Only this time, the glass had more contents to ease my restless mind.
"I was. That was until I saw that Red wasn't a guy at all. In fact, she's a girl. A shy little thing that's full of fear. She's someone that can be tamed into a perfect little soldier for me," the liquid in my glass swished around as I talked. A smirk played out on my face when I noticed the realization cross his face.
Just in time, a knock pounded on the door to my bar. I placed my drink on a table before pointing at the closed door. My guard quickly pulled it open only for Giovanni to enter.
"Saint, sir," Giovanni said, walking over to me. The widening of his eyes left mine to narrow.
I pressed my lips together which was followed by a loud sigh. "Aren't you supposed to be babysitting the girl? What the hell do you want?"
"It's her. Reyna trashed her room. She also says won't eat until we let her go," he informed me. I slipped a tight-lipped smile on my lips before slamming my drink down on the table. Giovanni quickly backed away from me as I stood up.
"You can't take care of one fucking thing, Giovanni?" I snapped.
"Adriano, I need you to go speak to the governor about his daughter Cecilia. The faster you do it, the better," I told Adriano before my gaze shifted to the incompetent boy. "Giovanni, leave,"
"Yes, sir," Giovanni muttered. Before he left, he placed the girl's glasses beside me on the glass, leaving a loud tank to echo through the room. Without another word, he turned on his heel and walked out of my house.
The moment Giovanni was gone, Adriano stood up from his seat. "What do you want me to tell the governor?"
"Tell him I'll give him an answer about his daughter in months time. He just better make sure she leaves me the hell alone until then," I spat. He responded with a curt nod.
After snatching the girl's glasses from the table, I exited the room. My hands came up to rub my temples. I could already tell this girl was going to be vexatious.