1- A little work and a little play
I laughed as I wiped my dirty hand. Valerius, my best friend, was making some bad joke about our current situation and I couldn't help but laugh, he always does that and I always laugh, it's already our thing.
- I know my joke was a killer. - he says smugly.
Once again I laugh and put the gun back in its holster.
- I'm sure the dead guy agrees too, it's a shame he didn't get the chance to hear it too. - I say.
- You know that sort of thing goes down well in this situation. - I shrug.
- You're bizarre, with your strange taste for death jokes and puns whenever we finish a job. - I retort.
- It's my charm. - he declares nonchalantly.
Valerius Benu, or Ben, as I usually call him, has always been my best friend, I can't remember a time in my life when he wasn't around. We grew up together and have walked the same path until now. I come from a family of professional assassins, we've done all sorts of jobs, I'm the second eldest in the family and although my father wanted me to marry into an alliance to strengthen our family's position, from an early age I made it emphatically clear that I had no intention of being dominated, let alone sold off to be a trophy wife. No son of a bitch is going to boss me around and expect me to smile happily at his shit. No, I'm in charge.
When I was ten, I made it clear that I had no intention of getting married by contract, my father thought it would be a good idea to convince me otherwise and called a friend who has a son so that I would have the opportunity to meet my future husband and father-in-law, I made a point of making my opinion clear in front of them and when the little shit, who was four years older than me, tried to force me, I broke his arm without blinking. It was very satisfying to see him crying in pain as I stomped on his face. That's how my father found out that I trained hidden from everyone and also studied anatomy carefully, every little piece of information I could use, I collected and trained tirelessly. When I threatened to kill the next person he brought in, he knew I wasn't joking, with the help of my older brother, Roderick. I got him to let me train with the recruits, I always knew I wanted to be an assassin and I don't regret it, it was the best decision I ever made, my calling is to kill. Yes, I'm a totally unusual person, perhaps insane, but I like what I do and I enjoy every minute of it.
- I think we'd better leave now, security won't be long. - I warn looking at the timer.
Our target today was a very influential and wealthy man, the service was requested by his wife, who was tired of his abuse and betrayal, basically, he was a cheating pig who beat her and their daughters. I confess that I felt very satisfied watching him die in agony. She was very specific when she asked him to be strangled with a garrote full of blades and to know why he was being killed like that. After getting the necessary information and taking advantage of the fact that he loves beating up call girls, I disguised myself and did it. The moment Ben entered the room dressed as a waiter, we put our plan into action. While he was being restrained by Ben, I took all the necessary precautions not to leave any trace behind, I went up to him and after doing as the client asked, I killed the bastard, now, we finished cleaning up any possible trace of my presence here and after wiping the remaining blood off my hands and dressing appropriately, I left the bastard behind and left the room with a smile on my face and my friend by my side, and of course, a few thousand dollars richer.
I love my job.
- I think that calls for a celebration. - I mutter.
- I was thinking the same thing. After all, we worked hard to kill that old man. We had to change the cameras in the hotel, clean up the whole scene and do it all in less than an hour. I'm feeling a bit drained and there's nothing better than drinking myself into a stupor. - Ben says.
- I agree. We have to enjoy it too, there aren't many days left until we leave. Roderick is getting married in a few weeks and I'm taking over his job while he's away on honeymoon. I'm going to miss Milan. - I sigh at the thought of leaving the place I've lived for years.
- I know, darling. Life here is a lot more fun, but you have to do it for now, it won't even take that long, before you know it, it'll be over and we'll be back here. - consoles me.
- I hope so. What I want now is to have some fun. - I pat my cheeks and head for our car.
We drive to a nightclub we usually go to. I have a feeling about my trip to New York, something tells me that something big is going to happen there and that maybe things won't turn out the way I imagine.
I want to ignore this terrifying feeling and just think about the present.
The music was loud, there were people everywhere, the dance floor was full and as I wasn't willing to face all that crowd sober, I looked for a strong drink, tequila is the best option today and after four shots, I already felt that I was looser and more lively, a world seemed strange and my steps were light, but that only left me with a smile on my face. Ben was tied up with a woman and I knew immediately that I was going to be alone in this place in a few minutes. As expected, he was quick to find someone, I'd better do the same if I want company, of course, not just any drunken idiot will do, I need a real man who, just by looking, I can be sure will satisfy me, otherwise I might kill someone else if I get sexually frustrated.
It will be quite unpleasant to watch.
Yes, I'm crazy and a bit volatile.
I sneak onto the dance floor leaving my friend behind, giving him complete freedom to do whatever he wants. We never go to this place just to drink; when one of us meets someone interesting, the other immediately moves away, ensuring that there's no problem with being alone in the place.
I danced happily, feeling the beats of the music seep into my bones, at one point, someone touched my hip with clumsy hands and I knew immediately that it was a drunk or some other idiot, I turned my body and saw a graceless guy in front of me, he smiled mischievously when he saw me and tried to press me against him, I resisted and continued to assess him carefully, from what I could see with the flashing lights of the dance floor, he's a cute guy, I'd say. There's nothing that catches my eye, his hands are clumsy, his hair is annoyingly combed, his shirt is closed to the second-to-last button, his smile irritates me somehow and the worst thing is that he's smaller than me. Honestly, if the guy isn't bigger than me when I'm wearing heels, it's not worth it. I like big, bad guys with messy hair, like I've just woken up, open shirts showing a bit of chest and tattoos.
Yes, I prefer the bad and wrong ones. They're more fun and they get me and that's what I need right now. That's the kind of guy I'm looking for, not a dull little guy like this one.
As soon as the song finished, I walked away without saying a word, it's not even worth my time to dismiss him properly, I hope he realizes my lack of interest.
Unfortunately, he didn't seem to get my message and followed me like a dog to the bar. I rolled my eyes when I saw him standing in front of me with the same stupid smile as a few moments ago. Doesn't he realize that I'm not even remotely interested in him?
I scanned the place for someone worth my time, in the VIP area upstairs, a man was watching the movement and I smiled mischievously when I saw that he was my type. He seems like a good choice for tonight, it could be fun.
- Can I get you a drink? - the annoying man asks.
- No, thanks. - I reject his offer immediately.
- Come on, hottie, have a drink, or can we get out of here and have fun somewhere else? - he offers.
His hand is on my hip and heading for my ass, honestly, his touch is annoying and I want to rip his hands off for touching me without permission, but I don't want to make an unnecessary scene and lose my access to this place, I like coming here.
- I don't want anything from you. You're not my type, it's annoying to even look at you, and if you keep touching me, I'm going to cut your hands off. - warning.
His countenance changes immediately and he grabs my arm.
- You're just another arrogant bitch. I should teach you a lesson. - he growls.
With my free hand, I grabbed his balls and squeezed hard. He let go immediately and grimaced in pain. I pulled a little harder and moved closer to him.
- Do it, I'll love ripping your hands off your filthy cock, it'll be really fun. I'll wait for that. - I warn him and let go of his balls. He falls to his knees and I walk away, leaving the stares and murmurs behind.
Now it's time to get the man I want.
Of course, that was until I reached the halfway point and found a much better man. Tall, tattooed, dressed in black from head to toe, dark hair shiny and unkempt, a few stray strands falling on his forehead, a thick, well-kept beard.
He's definitely the most beautiful man I've ever seen.
It has to be him or my name isn't Rebeca.