6- The proposal


- I see your time spent with that old man was satisfying. - I murmur.

- You could say that. - she replies calmly.

- I already know where you work, are you going to tell me your name? - I continue with my questions.

She seemed to ponder for a few seconds.

- You can call me Ruby. - she says.

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously for a moment.

- Is that your real name? - I ask.

She laughs at my question. - Is it? - she shrugs her shoulders.

I smile with satisfaction at her answer. It's not what I wanted, but it's something.

- That's not fair, you know my name. I know where you work, but I don't know if that's your real name. - I mutter.

- Well, I didn't ask your name, I overheard. After all, why are we standing here instead of fucking like rabbits, Sebastian? - you ask.

Hearing my name uttered by those lips rekindles the desire with force and I desperately want to hear her scream my name while I'm buried inside her.

But before that happens, I have business to attend to here.

- About that, I have a proposal to make. - I'll start.

- I'm all ears. - Say it.

- How would you like to work for me? - I ask straight to the point.

- What exactly? - he asks.

- I'd like you to work as a dancer at my club. It's a very popular place and I pay very well. - I say.

I know my offer is good, she might not get another chance like this.

- Where would your club be? - she continues to ask in a professional manner.

- New York, but don't worry, I can cover any costs with your move. - she can't use the move as an excuse.

- No, thank you. I'm fine here in Milan. - she replies immediately.

I admit that her immediate refusal caught me off guard.

- Why? - I couldn't control my curiosity. I want to know why she didn't even think about it.

- I don't want to leave here, I live very well and I know a lot of people. - she says.

It's a simple answer and it doesn't convince me.

- I'll pay you double what you get. - I offer.

- No, I won't.

- I'll pay you three times as much, and all your housing costs. - I retort.

- No, I won't.

Damn it, why the hell won't she accept?

I confess I'm doing this to keep her close, I have lots of plans for what to do with her and I don't have enough time to do it here, but if she agrees to come with me, that's something else.

- What the hell is keeping you here? - I ask.

- Well, this is something personal and I'm not willing to share it with a stranger, even if he is a very handsome man. Sorry, Sebastian. - She strokes my cheek.

My frown is clear, she knows I'm upset. It's the first time someone has denied my request in such a vehement and unconcerned way.

I should kidnap her.

Well, that's something I can think about later.

Right now, I just want to possess this woman in every possible way.

- Nothing is holding me here, I'm just not interested. How did you find out who I was? - she asks finally. I think she's referring to the fact that I look nothing like the woman from the other night.

- Your smell. It's unmistakable. - I clarify.

My answer seems to surprise her for a moment, her mouth opens in surprise and then she closes it and remains silent for a moment.

- I see. I don't know what's so special about my smell, but I'm a little suspicious. - she shrugs.

I approach her and slowly inhale her scent. She smells clean now, the sweat is gone, but the primitive scent that moves me is still here, it seems to be her natural perfume and I'm sniffing around her like a fucking animal in heat. Fuck, I don't care about that right now.

Her fingers tangle in my hair and tug lightly, I feel it go straight down to my cock.

I stop for a moment and stare into his icy blue eyes, his pupils dilated and his lips ajar, an irresistible call that I will answer with immense pleasure.

I smiled mischievously and took her mouth in my mouth, biting her lips before letting her go.

Against all my principles, I felt the need to have her right there, in the car, no matter how uncomfortable it was, I wanted her immediately.

- Damn lack of space. - I grumble.

- You don't seem to like having sex in the car, come on, I'll show you how pleasurable it can be for both of us, even with little space. - he says and moves the seat as far away as possible. I'm a big man, bigger than most, and I'm annoyed by the lack of mobility, but she looks so seductive that I can't resist. I do the same, even though my legs are bent as before, now Ruby is on top of me and calmly analyzing the situation.

- This isn't good, you're too big, it won't be nice. I think it would be best if we got out of here. - She murmured thoughtfully and then left my lap.

Without thinking twice, I opened the car door and she followed me as if she knew exactly what I was doing. We rush into the elevator, I pull her tightly against my body, kiss her mouth voraciously and squeeze her ass, one of her legs goes up and I fit into it, mentally cursing the pants she's wearing. The elevator opens and two women enter, they look at us curiously and I separate from Ruby. The two ladies let out a gasp of surprise when they see the way I flaunt my erection without any shame, one of them blushes and the other opens her mouth, I smile cheekily at them both and they leave the elevator hurriedly and whispering.

- You've given them something to talk about. - Ruby jokes.

- Good, they can talk. Now, where were we? - I ask and kiss her again.

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