8- Questions
I looked out of the bathroom door and realized that Sebastian was sleeping peacefully in bed. It's been daylight for a while and although I don't have anything scheduled for today, it's still a good idea to leave while he's asleep, to avoid that awkward atmosphere that happens most of the time. I don't know why the hell it's so embarrassing to go out the next day, especially since, in general, you've already done everything you're supposed to do in four walls, what's the point of embarrassment? It's strange and unnecessary.
Of course, this has nothing to do with the fact that I lied about my name without blinking, I hope he doesn't find out at some point, it's nothing personal, it's just that although it's a dream, I don't trust him at all and I want to avoid giving away information that could be used in the future for whatever reason.
Bones of the trade.
I stepped into the shower and closed my eyes, grateful for the hot water that flowed deliciously over my body. I tried to untangle my hair as best I could, it wasn't much, but it was better than the way it was. I closed my eyes and leaned my forehead against the cold bathroom wall. I jumped when I felt a touch on my back and looked back to see Sebastian staring at me intensely, he was almost devouring me with his gaze.
\- I thought you were asleep. - I mumble, trying to change his focus.
His eyes move up to mine. - I'm a light sleeper.
His voice is husky and sexy, if I wasn't so exhausted, I'd be seriously considering sex in the shower right now.
\- Nobody tried to kill you tonight. - I say it like it's a big deal.
\- No, nobody did. Were you thinking of going out secretly? - he asks.
Uh, I wasn't expecting that.
\- Well, yes. I was trying to avoid mutual embarrassment. - I confess.
He comes closer, his body almost glued to mine.
\- I don't see any awkwardness. In fact, it would be terrible if you left so quickly again. - he says.
His closeness takes my breath away. Now that it's daylight, I can perfectly see every little part of his muscular, sexy body, the white skin stretched by the muscles, the delicious fucking V that makes me want to lick it, and I won't even comment on what's a little further down.
Sebastian is great to look at, every inch of him.
You could say he's a walking temptress.
\- Oh, I thought you might be in a hurry to get rid of me. - I say.
He frowns, as if he doesn't understand my words.
\- Look, we had a great time last night, it was perfect, but we both know it's just a passing fling, so I thought it would be best to leave soon and avoid all that awkward conversation where you're both not sure what to say. - I explain hastily.
\- I understand. But you seem to have forgotten something. If I didn't want to keep seeing you, you wouldn't be in this room right now and another woman would be. - you say.
Okay, his words make me slightly uncomfortable, but I think he's right. Looking at him, I can tell that it's not difficult to find willing women. Sebastian, with his white skin, sexy messy hair, a dark color, tattoos adorning various parts of his virile body, a shadow of a beard showing, cold eyes and haughty posture, any woman he looks at will practically throw her panties at his feet, if it were me, I'd do just that.
\- Well, I'm really flattered by that, but it's time to say goodbye. I'm just a dancer and I need to mind my own business now. - I say, hurriedly turning away from him.
Sebastian acts faster and grabs my elbow. My first reflex was to hit him in the face or in the balls, but I held back, it's enough that he saw that I killed someone without blinking, I don't want him to get suspicious.
I gave him a serious look.
\- Who are you, Ruby? Is that really your name? You don't just look like a dancer, there's something about you that intrigues me. How did you manage to kill a man that size so quickly? Who do you work for? - It's a series of questions that I don't want to answer.
I need to think of something fast, something that will make you want to get away from me quickly. I stare at him for a few seconds and something crazy comes to mind. Sebastian seems to be the kind of man who hates clingy women and if I'm right, my next move will be a sure one.
\- I don't know what you're talking about, that's really my name, I've lived in Milan for a few years, what you saw was just the way I defended myself, I learned a bit of self-defense and that's it. You know where I work, so I don't know why you're asking me this. I don't know anything about you and I'm not asking. If you really want to know something, I want you to know that if you don't let me go now, you'll end up regretting it. - I finish with seriousness in my tone.
This makes him look at me with obvious suspicion and he squeezes my arm a little tighter.
\- Why would I regret it? - he asks.
Now it's time to make my move, I was expecting him to ask exactly that.
\- Because I'm a ridiculous girl who falls in love easily. I know I look all cool and detached, but it's totally the opposite and if you keep pleasuring me and acting all evil, I'm going to end up falling madly in love with you, because I'm that kind of person and you're my ideal man, in fact, I'm already starting to think you're my soul mate. So if you don't want a crazy woman on your back, needing attention and crazy with jealousy, you'd better let me go now. - warning.
\- Good, I'm possessive too. That way you can go with me when I leave. - I smiled and I swear I felt my legs go weak for a moment.
Maybe my previous words weren't really lies, not all of them. I admit that this man is messing with me and I've only known him for two days.
That's a problem, a big problem.
\- I'm not going anywhere with you. - I warn you.
He frowns and lets me go.
\- If you go with me, you'll earn a lot more than here. - he says.
\- It's not about the money, I like it here. What's your point in taking me away, you don't even know me. - I leave the bathroom.
\- Exactly, I don't know you, but I'm so intrigued that I want to observe you up close, as if you were an exotic creature. - you say.
Okay, this conversation is taking a strange and very twisted turn.
\- I'm not an exotic creature and you can't pin me down and watch me. I live my life the way I want to and that's not going to change. - I say as I look for my clothes.
\- I can make you. - you say.
His words paralyzed me for a moment and I felt with my instincts that he wasn't joking. I felt my blood rush faster and I clenched my hands into fists. No one is going to take away my freedom, I do what I want and as wonderful as he sounds, I won't stand for it.
I turned back and walked towards him. I lifted my gaze until our eyes met.
\- I don't care who you are or what you have, if you try to take away my freedom in any way, I'll kill you. - I threaten.
I thought that would make him angry, but he just laughed at my words and looked at me like he was amazed.
Oh, shit.
He's crazier than I thought.
\- What a fierce woman, that's how I fall in love. - he warns with his eyes sparkling with humor.
\- Fuck you. Forget me if you carry on with your shit. Find yourself a docile bitch, if you want to play, I'll leave. - I walk towards the living room and he doesn't stop me. I put my clothes on as quickly as possible and leave.
My heart is racing for two reasons. The first is anger at the small threat he made to my freedom. The second is because, although he's crazy, he's still totally my type.
That's a fucking problem.
Why do I have to have such strange tastes?