Sabrina slammed the folders on the desk in front of me, pulling me out of my trance. "Jeez, scared the shit out of me," I said with a hand on my racing heart.
"Oh! I'm sorry. Or am I?" Her blue orbs narrowed at me. "You need to knock that depressing look off your face because you're depressing me. You have been like that the entire day. Be happy. Your shift ends in an hour," she said while crossing her thin little arms. "Get off my chair and get some work done in your last hour."
"Okay," I sighed while rolling my eyes. I got up and walked towards the reception, plopping down on my chair behind the counter. This day started out bad enough with that asshole at the station and this slight headache was a cherry on top. I had completely lost my appetite after the morning stunt.
I retrieved some medicine that would relieve my headache but would make me dizzy for a while because of my empty stomach. Popping the pill into my mouth, I swallowed it with some water that I pulled out of the mini fridge in Sabrina's office. "Oh shit!" I exclaimed out loud for the few people to listen that were waiting on their turn to go in and get checked. My brain froze as the cold water trickled down my throat. Ugh.
"Ok. What's wrong? You look like shit honestly. Did you really drink a lot that you still have a hangover from your birthday?" Sabrina asked with her brows furrowed together.
"I'm fine," I whispered for only her to hear. "And I didn't drink. It's just one of those days."
"Whatever you say but you are in no state to work. It seems that you might faint any moment now and I don't want to carry your heavy ass," she grinned.
"Shut up. I'm fine. I just took medicine so that it is making me a little dizzy. After a few minutes I'll be as good as new."
"You better be. I don't want your depression to spread across everyone in here," she giggled. "I'm kidding, girl."
"Hilarious," I said, already feeling a little dizzy.
The door dinged open, forcing my eyes up in that direction. It was him again. The blue suited man stood there alone this time. He ran his fingers through his dense hair and gazed right into my tired eyes. Looking down, I tried to compose myself due to the medicine that was starting to really kick in.
"Oh God," Sabrina gasped. "No way."
I glanced up at her. "What?"
"I think I'm going to pass out," she stared at the man. I looked in his direction and watched a sympathizing smile form on his lips. Damn that smile. He started walking towards me, coming closer and closer until the reception desk stopped him from reaching any further. Sabrina still stood next to me with her lips slightly parted in shock.
"Hello, love," his husky voice rang through my ears again with a hint of British accent sending a chill down my spine that I hadn't noticed earlier.
"May I help you, sir?" I asked unenthusiastically.
"I just wanted to apologize for my brother's behavior this morning. He is all the things that you said. An asshole, a dickhead and all the other things."
"He's the one who should be apologizing," I said as I could feel the anger boiling again in me. "He almost hit me but you stopped him so I should thank you for that."
"I would have never let him hit you," he said smiling sheepishly. Is he flirting with me?
"Hmm," was all I could get out of my throat. I saw Sabrina backing away slowly from the corner of my right eye.
"I'm Leo. Leo Bonferroni," he said putting his hand forth.
I looked at his big hand and then back up at him. "I'm Aquarius. Aquarius Pepperoni."
He started laughing. His laugh was intoxicating which brought a slight smile on my face. "That's a first. Got jokes, huh?"
"What?" I acted confused. "I thought we were saying a zodiac sign and then a random word."
He tilted his head to the right and mumbled, "You're intriguing."
"What was that?" I asked trying to figure out what he said under his breath.
"I apologize on the behalf of my brother again. He really does need to learn manners."
"Like I said, I don't need your meaningless apology. He was the one wrong, not you." I tried to stop myself from slurring. The medicine was really taking a toll on me.
"It isn't meaningless, love. I really mean it. I'll have him apologize to you as well. I'll make sure he does. You have my word," he smiled.
"Well, we'll see about that." I got up and began walking away before the room started spinning. "Oh shit," I slurred and fell into a pair of strong arms.
I woke up with Leo's hand on my face, stroking my loose hair behind my ear. I pushed him away from me and sat up instantly in panic. "What the hell were you doing?"
"Calm down, love. You passed out and I caught you before you could hit your head on the desk. So, I think you owe me a thank you perhaps."
"Well, how long was I out?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.
He looked at his watch and then back up at me. "About 6 hours."
"What?" I shrieked. "I've been on the floor for six hours?"
"Did I say hours?" He asked, his finger tapping his chin. "I meant minutes. Six minutes."
I narrowed my eyes at the stupid man and tried to stand up. He supported me as I did that, laying his arms around my waist. "Don't touch me!" I spat.
He raised his hands in his air. "Sorry. I won't touch you without your permission. Cool?"
"You're talking as if we are going to see each other again," I cocked my brow at him.
"To show you how sorry I am about my brother's behavior, I want to ask you if you could come to a ball with me," he asked with a glint of hope in his eyes.
"You're asking me out on a date?"
"It's not a date. It's an apology. I can promise you that you'll accept the apology before the night is over," he smirked.
"Look sir, I don't know you. I don't trust you or any other guy that I don't know for that matter. So ask someone else to escort you to a ball." I turned on my heel and commenced walking towards Sabrina who was standing behind the reception, staring at us.
"Think about it, love. The event is tomorrow. You don't have to buy anything and you can bring a friend along with you as well," he said from behind me. He sauntered over to the door and opened it. "You won't regret it," he winked and walked out.
"Don't be too overconfident, pepperoni," I shouted after him. He just cocked his head back and laughed while a man in a black suit opened the door to his black Audi R8 for him. He sat in and rolled down the window. With his left hand on the steering wheel and the right one waving at me, he sped off.
I rolled my eyes and look at Sabrina who was still staring at me. "Okay, what the hell is wrong with you? You look like you saw a bloody ghost. Get that stupid expression off your face," I said, annoyed about everything.
"Oh. My. God. How do you know him?" She asked curiously with excitement in her eyes.
"I met him at the police station this morning." I covered my mouth as soon as the words left it. I didn't want to tell Sabrina anything. Too many people already know and I didn't want to add another one to the list just yet.
"Wait, what?" She shook her head in confusion.
"I'm kidding. I ran into him at the deli down the block this morning. That's all," I reassured her, trying to brush it off. "Why do you ask?"
"Are you really asking me that? Don't you know who he is? Leo bloody Bonferroni," she marveled.
"I'm pretty sure he said that too."
"Oh my God. You're so dumb. I can't believe you don't know him. He's huge," she said.
"Wow. You saw his..." I cleared my throat.
"Oh, shut up!" she said. "You know I don't do that. By huge I meant that he's a huge figure. Famous and a bloody billionaire. He owns expensive 5-star hotels, casinos, and clubs all around the world. He makes more than two hundred million a day." How does she know this?
"Well someone's done their research," I said, unfazed by the information.