"I'm surprised you haven't. He's the youngest billionaire in the world and the most eligible bachelor. Every girl dreams to be with him even for just one night. He's only twenty-six and so handsome." Her eyes drifted away into an alternate world for a while before she bounced back. "There aren't any pictures of him online either. He doesn't even have any social media. Like a mystery," she spoke quickly.
"Slow down and quit drooling please," I rolled my eyes at her fangirl session. "You sound like a stalker. And didn't you say that they weren't any pictures of him online, so why were you freaking out before he even said his name?"
"First, I'm not a stalker. Every girl does it and I still can't believe that you don't know him. A theory as to what he looks like rolls on the web and that man's picture was one of them."
"Whatever. I don't care." I sighed, fatigue getting the best of me. I didn't know what she wanted me to do with this information. Dance? I didn't give a shit if he bathed in money and wiped his ass with money. I really didn't care.
"OH MY GOD!" She screamed at the top of her lungs making me almost shit my pants.
"Can you stop doing that?"
"He basically asked you out," she said with her blue eyes twinkling at me.
"And I said no. That's the end of it. I don't need a rich brat on my ass. They are disgusting," I spat. The memory of the unfortunate night came to my mind again bringing a bitter taste to my mouth. I felt like throwing up.
"You don't know him. Get to know him perhaps," she said with hope lingering in her eyes. "He said you could bring a friend along. So, maybe you could take me. I can keep you company."
"I said no. You can go alone if you want to. But I am definitely not going."
"I can't go alone. Damn it! You're no fun," she scoffed with a pouty face.
"I. Don't. Care." I paused after each word, emphasizing my point.
"Yeah, I can see that." She vanished into her office extremely disappointed. I wasn't here to please anyone at all. And at this point, I honestly didn't care what people thought of me.
Sabrina was so much like Soph. They would be best friends if Soph worked here too but she'd rather party than work. Her parents were filthy rich actually. She could party all the time and still graduate. Sabrina on the other hand, worked her ass off. She built this clinic all on her own with very little help. She had a heart of gold, but could be a real bitch sometimes. I honestly admired her.
I got home weary from the day. Opening the door, I sprinted to my room and threw myself on my bed. Oh God. I've missed my bed so much all day.
"Mermaid!" Aunt Wendy yelled from downstairs. "Something came in the mail for you. It's a pretty fancy box."
Pretty sure amazon boxes aren't fancy and I was even more sure that I didn't order anything. It was probably Ashton. He orders gym products and other shenanigans all the time when he'd stay at his fraternity. He spent most nights there rather than home. We'd be lucky if we got to see him once a week. And I haven't even told him about the rape. I don't want to. Yet.
"Coming," I replied, pulling myself away from my warm bed and slowly making my way downstairs.
"Here," she said, handing me a big rectangular red box with a red bow to match it. "Open it up."
I pulled off the lid of the box and discovered a envelope inside. Opening up the envelope, I jerked out the letter.
"Hello love,This is a token of my apology. I hope you accept it and come to the ball tomorrow. I'll have a car waiting for you outside at 7 sharp. Please don't refuse. I know you don't trust me and don't know me but I can promise you that I won't hurt you. We'll just enjoy the evening and call it a night. I really look forward to seeing you. And I'll have my brother ready to apologize to you. Please wear this dress.Yours truly,Leo."
I didn't know if I should be flattered or scared. How did he know where I lived?! God. Was he a psychopath or a stalker? I needed to chill. These terrible ideas were killing me.
Aunt Wendy snatched the letter out of my hand and read it. "Oh wow. Who's this Leo?"
"Leo Bonferroni," I shrugged and saw her eyes widen. "I bumped into him today and his brother was an ass to me. So yeah."
"Leo Bonferroni. The Leo Bonferroni?" She asked, wide eyed. Great. She knew about him too. Was I the only one who didn't?
"I guess."
"Do you want to go?" She asked cautiously.
"I don't know honestly. I can't trust anyone. He said I could bring someone along with me."
She ran to the kitchen and brought back a small spray can. "Here you go. This can protect you to an extent."
"What's this?" I asked, examining the small can. "Pepper spray? Really?"
"Don't laugh. It's useful. Put it in your bag and keep it there at all times."
"If I go, will you go with me?" I inquired with hope in my eyes. I wanted to go deep down, but I didn't want to go alone. Having Aunt Wendy by my side, I'd feel safe so I'd rather go with her than anyone else and I also wanted to get rid of this gloomy feeling in my heart that was eating away at it.
"I'll go anywhere you want me to, my little mermaid," she cupped my face in her warm, soft hand.
"I love you, Aunt Wendy."
"I love you too, mermaid."