Chapter 2
“Mom, I want that dress!” Fiona said as she pointed at a certain pink dress that was on a corner.
“I am sorry miss but that dress has been reserved for one of our clients!” a shop attendant said when she saw the dress that Fiona was pointing at.
“Let her have it. Ivanna can get another dress!” Mrs Bakers said as he stared at the dress recognizing it as the one which had been personally tailored for Ivanna to wear during the birthday banquet.
Hearing her words, Ivanna let a cold laugh inwardly mocking herself. Because she had not accompanied them shopping in her previous life, she didn’t know that their mother was the one who had given the dress to Fiona.
She remembered when she had seen the dress Fiona wearing that dress, she was so mad and caused a tantrum but because of what had happened previously in her room, no one listened to her. To make things worse, they never bought her any dress thus she had to take one of her dresses from her wardrobe to wear which caused her to be mocked as that dress was an edition from the last year.
“But what will sister wear if I take it? Won’t she be angry?” Fiona asked innocently as she glanced at Ivanna then held Mrs Bakers arm tightly.
“No! This dress should have belonged to you in the first place as you are the Miss Bakers and not her! Give that dress to my daughter to try. Ivanna this is what you owe Fiona thus you better not make a scene here,” Mrs Bakers said.
“Okay,” Ivanna said indifferently before walking turning to walk aware as she wondered why they had asked her to join if they were going to treat her that way.
Her indifference stunned everyone as they knew how unreasonable she would get.
“Are you sure?” Mrs Bakers asked as she eyed Ivanna not believing that she was willing to give the dress to Fiona.
“If I say no and insist on taking that dress, would you allow me to?” She asked Mrs BAKERS.
“No!” the woman replied immediately.
“There, why should I keep arguing and am not going to win and keep it? Shouldn’t I just give her what she wants?” Ivanna asked making everyone speechless as they knew that she was right.
“Can I go to other shops to buy a dress?” she asked as she didn’t see anything that caught her taste in that shop.
“Do what you want!” Mrs Bakers said before dragging Fiona away from her.
Fiona snickered when she saw what had happened but at the same time wondered when Ivanna started to be reasonable.
“Mom, sister doesn’t have money to buy a dress. Shouldn’t you give her some to buy?” Fiona asked seeming worried and kind-hearted causing her mother to smile.
“Let her be! Your father has always given her a lot of money as her monthly allowance, she can use that money to buy the dress. I don’t care,” Mrs Bakers said coldly disgust evident in her eyes as she thought that with how Ivanna looked, there were no beautiful dresses that would suit her thus she wasn’t worried that Ivanna would steal Fiona’s timelight tomorrow.
Also, to her and everyone else, Ivanna didn’t have any fashion taste, and that is why she always wore ugly outfits.
Fiona lowered her head and smiled feeling proud of herself and also thought that even though Ivanna had escaped what she had planned for her, it was better for Ivanna to see how the woman she had called mom treated her. She wondered what was Ivanna feeling at the moment and turned around.
Ivanna saw her turning and knew what was on her head and smirked. Well, if it were in the past, I would have felt pain but now, I don’t care about what you think about me! I don’t care about the kinship with your guys anymore. She thought as she felt the shop.
She walked to a shop on the corner and walked in.
“Good afternoon miss,” a shop attendant welcomed her and Ivanna flashed her a smile.
“Good afternoon,” Ivanna said as she walked into the shop.
“How may I help you miss,” the shop attendant asked making Ivanna feel admiration for her as most shops she always went to, looked down on her because of her makeup up but here, she had not seen anyone around giving her disgusted looks.
“I want to look around first,” Ivanna replied.
“Okay miss,” the shop attendant said before standing behind Ianna allowing her to walk into the room.
“This shop,” Ivanna started then fell silent.
She knew this shop from her past life. It had just recently opened and didn’t have a banner at the door thus people didn’t know which company it belonged to but she knew it too well. It was a shop that from an international clothing brand.
She remembered that in her past life, two months from now, Fiona would be attracted by an outfit displayed near the window. Because of her beauty, the brand invited her to sign and be their second brand ambassador raising Fiona’s fame and popularity.
Thinking of these, Ivanna sneered feeling grateful to find this shop.
She had not known that they had already opened by this time, she was just walking around when she saw the shop opened and it had always been closed reminding her of its background.
“I want this dress,” she said as she pointed at a strikingly red dress.
She was attracted to it as to her, the red blood represented blood, the blood of her enemies. Although she rarely wore red, she believed that she would be beautiful when wearing it.
“Uhm, am sorry miss but the designer said that whoever wants this dress must be approved by her,” the salesgirls said after being silent for a while.
“Oh? Is the designer present then? Take me to her,” Ivanna said as she didn’t want to leave the dress.
Although she didn’t have a lot of money with her, she believed that the money in her card was enough to buy it as she had rarely gone shopping and the clothes she always wore, she had always bought them on the streets because her fiance had told her that he didn’t want a spendthrift for a wife.
“I am sorry but I don’t think that you will pass her test,” the shop attendant said as she looked at Ivanna in sympathy.
“Why?” she asked confusion written all over her face.
“She is a beauty fanfic. Actually, this dress was designed by two of our top designers and they had very high expectations of it. I don’t think they will allow you to carry the dress with…uhm… your face,” the shop attendant said and Ivanna understood and chuckled.
However, when she recalled what the woman had just said, she thought that she had heard the wrong thing. Top designers did that mean that…
She felt a wave of joy in her heart as she couldn’t believe that she was about to hit the jackpot.
She remembered that Fiona got the position because she gained the favor of the top designer and it was because of her beauty.
She didn’t believe that Fiona was more beautiful than her.
“Uhm sorry to ask this but are the designers present?” she asked as she tried to contain her happiness.
“Yes, they are within the city,” the lass answered causing Ivanna to nod her head.
“Okay, why don’t you call them and tell them that I am interested in this dress? Let them be the judges of whether I deserve the dress or not!”