Krug-ged Alien
“I have nothing to give you. I already saved your life today. You remember that? Isn’t that enough?” Gatrina asked the alien.
She was putting up a brave face but in reality, she was terrified for what this encounter could possibly lead to. Krugs were almost twice the size and height of an average human, and although they had a humanoid form, they were stronger and more durable, which meant if this alien intended to hurt her, there was very little she could do to save herself.
“You also electrocuted me, do you remember that?”
“You can’t blame me for that,” Gatrina pointed out, already quietly reaching for her taser again.
“I just wanted to thank you for helping me,” the alien said, still holding on to her arm.
“Well, you can thank me by giving me my necklace and letting me go,” she added.
“I have a better idea. You’re coming with me,” he said and held on even tighter to her arm.
Gatrina saw this as her cue to make her move. She needed to escape and there was only one way to go about it; violently!
She grabbed her taser and tried to hit the alien with it but, he saw her on time and managed to weave out of the way. He sharply spun her around and snatched the taser from her hand. He grabbed the back of her head and pushed her forward, until she slammed against the nearest wall. He towered over her as he asserted his dominance, pinning both her hands behind her back and giving her no room to escape his clutches.
“Let go of me, you green demon!”
“You don’t know who I am, do you?” He asked with a smirk.
“I don’t give a fuck who you are. Release me.”
“You are one feisty human! I will enjoy making you mine,” he whispered sensually into her left ear.
He turned her so she would be facing him and after that, he raised his index finger for her to see. The tip of his finger lit up in a glow and when Gatrina looked at the light, she lost consciousness and he carried her into his arms before walking off into the night with his prize.
“What?! How could you let her go up there again by herself? You should have come to me immediately she told you she was heading back up-side,” Gary yelled at Morgan.
They were in his flat in the quietest part of the Underground city, and he made sure nobody was around to hear what he and Morgan were discussing.
“You know how stubborn Gati is. I couldn’t stop her. Also, I was sure she would be back soon, but it’s been more than two hours and she’s yet to return. Something bad must have happened to her. We have to go look for her,” Morgan said with utmost concern.
Gary walked over to his weapons’ cache and started loading up some gear. He was even more worried than Morgan was, but was doing his best to not let it show.
“We should ask the leaders for reinforcements,” Morgan suggested.
“The Leaders won’t send any help for Gati. She’s not an official runner yet and if they find out about her unsanctioned movements, they’ll punish her when she comes back. We have to go get her ourselves,” Gary said.
His bag was full and he was ready to go. It had been a while since he was up-side, and for good reason too, but with Gatrina’s life on the line, he didn’t have any other choice but to go. He had to save the woman he loved.
“Take me to the tunnel you guys used!”
“Okay. Come on, let’s go get my sister.”
Gatrina opened her eyes and after blinking a few times, she remembered her situation and swiftly sat up. She realized that her hands were bounded at the wrist, and her shackles were attached to a chain that was hooked into the hard floor, right in the middle of the huge room. It was now morning and the sun was peering into every corner of the room.
She got on her feet and looked around, trying to figure out where she was. There was no way to discern that information so she focused on what she could do; trying to free her hands so she could escape.
“Come on,” she grunted as she struggled with the chain, trying to pry it out of the ground.
“Fuck! Fuck this shit,” she cursed after tugging a little more. She couldn’t get herself free and was extremely worried.
“I’ve never met a human as foul-mouthed as you,”
Gatrina nearly flew out of her skin when she heard his voice come from no particular point within the room. She looked around but couldn’t see anybody.
“Show yourself, Coward,” she yelled.
He suddenly materialized in front of her, causing a gasp to escape her rosy lips. She didn’t understand this why this particular Krug was so different from others she had come in contact with. If she were to escape him, she needed to know more about him.
“Where am I?”
“My bedroom,” he answered while walking circles around her, checking her out.
“What did you do to me last night?”
“You mean, when I made you sleep using my finger? It’s a skill that only Krugs with royal blood possess…that and our ability to become invisible,” he answered before disappearing again, but he was still very much in the room. She could still sense him beside her.
“Royal…?” She whispered, trying to piece it together, “You’re the Emperor of the Krug Dynasty?”
“Not yet,” he reappeared, “I’ll become the emperor a few years from now, and when I have complete power, you’ll become my Queen,” he held her entire face with his one huge hand.
“Prince Jarox Girth!” She said his name with so much hate.
“You’ve heard of me?”
“Every human in the Underground has heard of you and your obsession with us. We’ve heard about your inhumane experiments and your evil methods in your attempt to understand and dominate us,”
The Prince concealed his smile after hearing her speak so hatefully about him. He was eager to find out more about her but first, he needed to clear up a few things with her.
“Your informants must have misinformed you about my activities. Unlike the rest of my family and species, I am the only hope you humans have to live freely again on your own planet,” he said, eyes fixed on hers, never once tearing away.
“What do you mean by that?”
“I believe Krugs and Humans have more in common than we realize. If we cross our species and breed together, the result of it could be monumental to the progress of both our entire civilizations,”
“Cross? Breed? You’re insane! Krugs look at us like we’re vermin. Why would any of you want to procreate with us?”
“I have a vision for this world; a vision that no one else shares. I can be patient until I am Emperor, and then my plans will be brought to the limelight. For now,” he touched the shackles and they slipped off Gatrina’s hands, “…the experiment will continue.”
“Are you letting me go,” she held her wrist, still staring at him.
“That depends on your answer. I want to know why,” he said, staring at her pensively.
“…why what?”
“You clearly hate Krugs, so I don’t understand why you risked everything to save my life last night. Why did you help me?”
His curiosity about her motivations was warranted. Even her own sister, Morgan always wondered why she had a soft for certain Krugs. Unlike the rest of the population of the Underground, she was the only person who didn’t openly admit to having or even have any real hatred for the Krug Empire.
“I don’t hate Krugs. I don’t hate anyone. I was born into this world and I’ve only ever known it to be like this. I don’t think we have to be enemies. I believe we can find a way to work together,” she answered.
Prince Jarox smiled after he heard her answer. Hearing her speak the way she did only made him like her more…want her more!
“What are you called?”
She hesitated for a moment, “Gatrina…”
“There’s only one way we can work together,” he said and took two intimidating steps towards her until she was just inches away from him.
Without any warning, he grabbed Gatrina by the waist and pulled her closer. He planted his dark-green lips upon her pink ones, and claimed her lips in a passionate and yet possessive kiss.
At first, Gatrina struggled with him, trying to stop the kiss, but he refused to let her go and she was forced to take it…and after a few seconds, she stopped struggling and actually began to enjoy it, until she found herself kissing him back.
**His tongue parted her lips and invaded her mouth, and he relished the taste of her saliva mixing with his. She was like sweet nectar and he was a hungry butterfly, eager to suck and absorb her juices until there was nothing left.