Robot Romance

As the kiss continued, Jarox couldn’t contain his excitement. He held on to Gatrina, pulling her closer against his body, deepening the kiss and wanting more. He held her waist and his hands began to trail down her blouse, until they arrived at her thighs.

He fondled her legs, massaging them with his large fingers, teasing her body for what was to come.

Gatrina was over the clouds at this point. She wasn’t in control of her own feelings, neither was she in control of her body. His kiss, his touch, his smell, his presence; everything he did at this moment was like hypnosis to her. She was under his spell and all her reasoning had flown out the window and she just let him do whatever he wanted.

Prince Jarox began to move one of his hands in-between her legs until he felt her wet kitty, already throbbing in ecstasy, eager to be stimulated in whatever way was fit.

At this point, Gatrina’s senses began to return. The alien prince was about to do something to her that no one had ever done before. Although she was sexually aroused at that moment, the fact that she had never been with a man before began to ring aloud in her head, causing her to consider if she should stop what was happening between her and Jarox before it went too far.

“Do my fingers feel nice against your lips?” Jarox whispered erotically, causing Gatrina to moan a bit.

She couldn’t bring herself to answer him. All she could do was just stand there and take his kisses and touches. She wanted to pull away, wanted to ask him to stop…Heck, she wanted to knead him in his alien balls and make a run for it, but she couldn’t. She loved what he was doing too much, and frankly, she didn’t want him to stop.

“Does that feel good?” He asked again.

He swiftly slipped his hands into her trousers and made direct contact with her throbbing pussy. She gasped as she felt his touch, barely able to open her eyes to look at him. He, on the other hand, was looking directly at her face while his hands massaged her wet clit. He knew he had her right where he wanted and this made him more aroused than he had ever been.

“Do you like my fingers rubbing against you?”

He wanted her to say “yes”! He wanted her to admit that he was turning her on, but she wasn’t saying anything, only moaning and groaning the more he rubbed her.

Jarox was beyond aroused. He decided to go even further and just as he readied his index finger, preparing to insert it within her hole, the door to his chamber burst open and a robot-dog came running in, barking excitedly as it reached for its master.

“Ruff, ruff! Fizz wants to play with Master,” the robot said aloud.

The presence of another person, though it was an animatronic being, caused Gatrina to finally slip out of her trance-like state. She got a hold of her senses and pulled away from Jarox, using her hands to cover herself while putting some good distance between them both.

“Now’s not a good time, Fizz,” Jarox yelled at the robot.

“Forgive me, Master,” Fizz replied after assessing the situation, “I didn’t know that you had company. I can leave if you want.”

“I want to leave as well,” Gatrina suddenly said, “I saved your life. The least you can do to thank me is to let me return home.”

Jarox faced her and shot her a questioning look, “And why would I do that? Why should I let a human as unique as you to return to the confines of the Underground, just so the Krug forces may capture and enslave you?”

“I don’t belong here. Please,” she swallowed her pride, “You have to let me go.”

“I am the crowned prince of this entire planet. I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to, and quite frankly, I don’t want to let you go. But, I will do something nice for you.”

He took her necklace out of his pocket and tossed it to her. She caught it in her right hand and although she was happy to have her necklace back, she couldn’t bring herself to smile because she was still his prisoner.

“If you’re not going to let me go, then what are you going to do with me?” She asked with a cracky voice, all her resolve seemed to have flown out the window.

He closed the distance between them and as he got closer, Gatrina turned her face away from his, trying to avoid being kissed again.

“In due time, you’ll have the answer to that question. For now, my servants will dress you and get you ready for dinner. You must be starving,” he replied.

Without saying anything else, he turned away and put his hands out. His robot dog, Fizz, jumped into his arms and he carried the canine out of the room. The door closed shut and Gatrina could hear the locks clicking afterward.

Now that he was gone, she was alone and could process what had just transpired between her and Prince Jarox. She found herself a seat and practically sank into it. Her entire body was trembling, and it was because she was scared for her life or worried about her freedom!

No, she was shaking because she was still turned on. Such a thing had never happened to her before. Never had she been kissed or caressed in such a manner and the fact that it just happened with a Krug…and not just any Krug but the Prince, made her understand that she was in some seriously deep shit and only a miracle could get her out of it.

“Honestly, I couldn’t guess who was more horny; my brother or you, human girl,” a tiny feminine voice suddenly said.

“Who said that? Show yourself,” Gatrina said defensively.

She had thought that she was alone in the room but that was clearly not the case.

“Relax, I’m not here to hurt you. Actually, I’m a friend,” the voice said again just as the Krug made herself visible.

“Who the hell are you?” Gatrina asked.

“Hi,” the Krug child said with a smile, “My name is Princess Trix. Jarox is my big brother, and judging from that steamy make-out session you both just had, I’d say he’s found himself a new toy to play with.”

The alien girl giggled in a way that made Gatrina quite uncomfortable, causing a little tension between the two of them.

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