Two Can Play

Gatrina was now bathed and she was put into some regal clothes. She remained in the bedroom of the Prince, awaiting his return, while plotting a way to escape so she could return to her sister. His sister may have tried to frighten her, but she still had her mind set on escaping.

She kept nuzzling at her necklace, hoping to get some strength from it, hoping that a way out would present itself and she would recognize it. She had already checked the windows and although she was a great climber, scaling down the full length of the palace was an impossible task. Since she could not escape that way, she began to think more realistically.

As she thought about escaping, it was clear that she would have to leave this room and see the rest of the palace; that way, she’ll be able to find a way out. The only way to have such freedom to roam would be to get on the good graces of her captor. She needed to win him over, but she had no idea how to be that kind of a woman.

As she thought about the Prince, she began to remember what had happened between them just a few hours ago. She remembered the way he touched her body and caressed her parts. She remembered how warm his hand felt, how wet it made her, how badly she had wanted him to keep going. It was all a little too overwhelming and Gatrina found herself sweating just from thinking about the sexy nature of the crowned Prince.

“I will enjoy making you mine!”

She remembered those words from the prince. He had said that just before he abducted her, and she could only imagine what he could have meant by it. Did he mean he wanted to turn her into his slave, or was he talking about something else, something more intimate?

She shuddered as she considered it. He could do whatever he wanted to her, and no one would care enough to save or help her. She wasn’t ready to deal with this. She wanted to return home, and she hoped that she would find a way soon.

Just then, the bedroom door flashed open and one of the maids walked in.

“My Lady, please come with me to the dining hall. Prince Jarox awaits your presence."

Gatrina took a deep breath, stood off the bed and followed the older woman out of the room and into the rest of the palace. She intended to draw a map in her head as she moved around. As she was led to the dining hall, she saw a few other human slaves around and they all looked at her like she was a Krug. Their stares didn’t give her any comfort because she could see the upset in their eyes, and she discerned that it was because she was dressed like a princess and was clearly not enslaved like the rest of them.

She didn’t say anything to anyone. She just kept walking, taking in her surroundings, until they arrived at the dining area and she was ushered in by the maid.

Gatrina entered the room and when she looked ahead, she noticed the huge table and was astounded because all her life, she had never seen this much food spread out, and her stomach reminded her of its presence.

The food wasn’t the only thing that caught her attention. Prince Jarox was also there, seated on one side of the magnificent table and he had this look in his eyes that just felt like trouble. Gatrina knew to be wary of him.

“Welcome, Gatrina. Please, have a seat and join me,” he offered, pointing at the chair opposite from him.

She composed herself and went to the table, and with that, she took the seat and they locked eyes. Time to eat, time to play!




“Help yourself to whatever you like,” Jarox said.

“I would like to leave,” Gatrina said, holding eye contact with the prince.

“You keep talking as if you have a choice in this matter. Stop asking me about leaving and start getting used to being here.”

He didn’t seem like he was going to budge, so she decided to leave it alone, for now. She helped herself to the meal, and although she didn’t want to enjoy it, she couldn’t help it. It was so good and she was so hungry.

He was just monitoring her with his blue eyes, and this incessant glaring was making Gatrina anxious and self-conscious. She wanted to remain restricted. Acting meek and unrebellious was her best shot at surviving her new reality. However, she knew the Prince didn’t mean to harm her, so she decided to probe him a little, try and shift the discomfort to him, just as he was doing to her.

“Where were you headed?”

He looked over at her with a pensive look, unsure of what she meant with her question.

“The night I pulled you out of that hover car… Why was the crowned prince of New Morjan driving around in the trenches at such a late hour?”

“Why do you ask?”

“I’m just curious. What? Do you feel uncomfortable sharing that information with me?”

He was smart enough to see what she was doing, or trying to do, at least. It amused him that she was trying to get under his skin with such a silly tactic, and he decided to indulge her mind games.

“That night, I was returning from my favourite human brothel,” his eyes were looking into hers as he shared more details, “I guess I was still turned on, and that caused me to get distracted, and I didn’t see the other car until it was too late.”


Now he was starting to make her uncomfortable, and he chose to keep doing so.

"You'd be surprised how flexible human females are. The areas at which your bodies can bend and stretch is beyond understanding, but I am not dettered."

"What did you do to them?"

She felt the need to ask. She believed that he may have ripped the women apart with his bare hands.

“Maybe tonight I’ll show you exactly what I did to the human women I had sought out. They certainly loved it, and I’m certain you will too,” he added.

She swallowed hard! This wasn’t what she was trying to accomplish, and now, she was scared of him following up on his promise. She needed to be prepared in case he tried anything again, so she reached for one of the forks on the table, and slipped it into her dress.

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