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Author’s POV…
Alright! Now don’t get used to me doing this. Directly addressing my audience isn’t something I like to do mid-story, but I have the liberty to and also, you need some insight before you continue reading. I’m sure you’re aware that this is a sci-fi world, so of course, it has some unique rules. I’ll just give you a few off the top of my head. The rest will be instrumentally divulged in how the plot is paced.
Five chapters in and that’s all it took for me to gain access into the heads of these characters. The reason it took me so long was because this universe, this story, these people; They don’t exist in my reality and assimilating into the matrix of their world takes quite the doing!
Alas, this story must be written and as the prophet placed in charge of telling it, I believe it’s time to do just that. So, after doing some dream-walking, or as I prefer to call it, astral projecting, I’ve been able to lock into the stream of consciousness of the characters and now, I can tell the story from their perspectives because I have access to new information that I didn’t have before.
Their thoughts, their goals, their memories, their dreams, their motivations, their ambitions, their agendas, their aims and objectives, their temperaments, their good, their bad, their yin and their yan; all of it is now at my fingertips, and now, you get to see the madness that’s actually going on in their heads, from their eyes.
The setting of this world is pretty advanced and ahead of our time, here in the sacred reality. It’s not that important where they are, though you will find out as the story progresses. No, what’s important is what happens between Prince Jarox and Gatrina; ***the plot of their love story, their sexual escapades, the twists and the tension that their proximity will spark…***that is what’s important. Trust me, I’ve been in their heads for just a few days, and I’m already certain that you’ll have a blast getting to know these people.
First person I need to address has to be the female lead, Gatrina! Now, in terms of her physical appearance, you’ll find that out when Jarox describes her to you. I’m telling you, he’ll do a much better job describing her features to you than I ever could. You should see the way he looks at her. Like a falcon. Always observing her features. He’s fascinated by her…
Clearly, with all I’ve narrated so far, she’s in need of some discipline and autonomy, especially around the Prince. I mean, come on, for someone who keeps withholding sex from her actual boyfriend, all in the guise of “not being ready”to lose her virginity, she seemed pretty ready to go when Jarox was touching her intimate parts earlier. You can’t trust these females. Their emotions are always all over the place.
Aside from that, she’s pretty dope. She’s everything you want in a heroine; brave, stubborn, adventurous, beautiful, smart, empathetic, tough, warm and intensely feminine. She’s a pretty simple Yoruba girl and hasn’t had that much happen to her in her short life. But all that’s about to change now that she has crossed paths with the sexiest Kruggorian on the planet…and he’s all about that free life.
Speaking of the Devil, let me give you some info on our dear green prince. Ah. Jarox Girth! If ever there was an individual whose heart could be simultaneously black and white, then that individual is him. One minute, he’s this green demon who’s sexually perverse and excessively domineering, bent on dominating all who come before him, and the next minute, he’s a charming big brother who takes care of his sister and has dreams of practically becoming Daenerys Targeryan; a breaker of chains, liberator of the enslaved. I guess that’s where their similarities lies, in the fact that Gatrina, being human, does not despise Krugs as she’s rightfully supposed to, and Jarox; he doesn’t see humans as beneath him and actually wants to liberate them and equalize life on the planet that they share.
This man has big dreams, huge goals, and he has the patience and skill to acquire his dreams. He’s just quite the entitled brat, and he easily gets distracted by human frivolities. The good news is that Gatrina is going to be a challenge for him and she might even succeed in humbling him as time passes.
He does have dirty things planned out for her, that’s for certain. Oh, the things he will do to her innocent body! Don’t get me wrong, she’ll definitely enjoy it, but the consequences…they might result in catastrophe beyond human reckoning.
On the topic of catastrophe, let’s bring the focus to the primary villain of this here tale; Gary! There’s already an ongoing war, so bad guys and good guys are scattered all over the place. But with Gary, you have that extra X-factor. It’s personal for him, in more ways than the obvious one.
His name is pretty anticlimactic and I know when you read it, you’re mostly thinking about Spongebob’s pet snail. However, this Gary is no adorable sea snail. He’s Jarox’s worst nightmare, and the Prince doesn’t even know it yet.
Gary is what is called a KILLER. In the context of this world, a Killer is a deadly person, similar to an assassin from The Creed, but much more advanced. Gary is like one of the best of them and what they essentially do is exterminate Krugs or Humans for that matter, that threaten the prosperity and preservation of the Underground Human Society.
He’s a sleeper agent, trained and seasoned in brutal combat, melee kills, guns, bombs, hand-to-hand, even poison; the man had a thousand and one ways to kill, and also, he has eyes for only one woman and her name is Gatrina. You can imagine how upset he’s going to get when Jarox has his way with his woman. Trust me, he’s going to be a thorn in everyone’s side. He’s going to be a pain in the ass, and all that boils down to how capable he is. He’s deadly, I don’t know how else to stress this point.
Finally, there’s little Princess Trix! What can I say about this girl? Don’t let her size and tiny voice fool you, she’s a menace. She’s a biotech genius and her unique royal abilities make her a force to be reckoned with. I’m torn about who’s more dangerous; her or Gary? I’ll let you guys be the judge of that.
Buckle up! It’s about to get crazy in this sci-fi world. Bring your popcorn for your stomach, some tissues for your drool, and a bottle of eye drops. You’re about to be glued to your reading device.