Mating Call
Gatrina’s POV…
I’m not sure why I’m suddenly talking to myself. Maybe it’s because of how nervous I am. I need an outlet for all of this anxiety that Prince Jarox has awoken in me. How can anyone, whether human or Krug, be so damn alluring, visceral in all ramifications? The distance between us wasn’t that much. It wasn’t the grandest table in the world, although it was the largest I have ever sat at. He just keeps watching me so closely, I can feel his gaze against the surface of my skin. He’s making me feel like a piece of meat. I don’t like this feeling. I don’t like it at all.
“You’re not eating. You should. You’ll need your strength for tonight.”
What the fuck did he mean by that? What’s tonight supposed to be that I’ll need strength for? Was he really going to fulfill his threat to do to me what he did to his harlots? Was he going to try to finish what he started a few hours ago, when he touched me to the point where I froze and lost control of my own senses?
“What’s happening tonight?”
I asked the question, but I hid the trembling that threatened to come out with the words.
“Have you ever mated with a Kruggorian before, Gatrina?”
I hesitated. The question was pretty personal, “No…”
“Well, Krugs and Humans weren’t created to mate with each other. The female human body needs to become accustomed to the pain that comes with lying with a Krug, so you’ll need some…conditioning!”
“Before I can mate with you, I first need to prepare your body for it, and that can only happen through the administration of sensual physical pain.”
He was so sure of himself, so certain that he was in control of me and could do whatever he wanted and no one would stop him. He was in for a rude awakening if he thinks I’m just going to sit by and let him beat the shit out of me.
“I won’t let you touch me again. I will fight back if you try,”
I said this with all seriousness. There was not an atom of humour on my face and yet, Jarox had a wide grin on his. It was almost like he was fascinated by my will and amused that I would stand against him.
“If you fight me, you will lose, so it’s better to just give in and let what will happen happen.”
I took my defiance a step further. I slammed my fist down and spat on the table, clearly for him to see the level at which I was willing to defy him. He didn’t seem to like that one bit!
The grin on his face evaporated faster than power fluid when it touches water and in one quick fluid motion, he stood up and using one hand, he flipped the entire breakfast table all the way to the other side of the room, spilling the food on the shiny floor. He did that invisibility thing of his and before I knew it, he was out of sight.
I stood up as well, scared beyond my wits. I still had my fork with me but I hid it within my dress while I waited for something to happen. There was no one else in the room with us, and I contemplated running for the exit.
That was a gasp escaping my mouth. Why? Well, I can’t see it, but his hand is around my neck, and he’s holding on tight. I can’t breathe…
Jarox’s POV…
“Let go of me. I can’t breathe…I can’t–”
Even with my fingers wrapped around her slender neck, even with the fear I was sure I had put in her with this singular action, she was still fighting, hitting my hand as she tried to pry fingers off her soft flesh.
I made myself visible to her eyes and when she looked into mine, I was very surprised to see her holding my gaze; defiance was the theme of her stares. She was refusing to be bent.
“You do not disrespect me, do you understand, little girl?”
She didn’t want to answer and that pissed me off even more. I tightened my grip and pushed her until her back met the nearest wall with a considerable amount of force. A small yelp came out of her. She certainly felt that wall.
“Do you understand, Gatrina?”
I’m a prince. I don’t like to yell, but I was yelling now. Fighting me with words was one thing, but spitting at me was a form of human disrespect that I will not take. She needed to understand that.
“Yes, yes. I understand…”
I believed her, mainly because the defiance in her eyes was gone, replaced by a brand of realization that I was not to be played with. She was getting a first-hand experience of my anger, which in all honesty, was not the part of me that I was eager to show her. Alas, lines must be drawn. Boundaries must be established. It was the only way this experiment of mine stood the best chance to bear good fruit.
I let go of her neck and she caught her breath. I looked at the red mark around her neck. Despite her brown coffee skin tone, the red was very much visible. Normally, I would have felt bad for wounding her, but considering the circumstances, I wasn’t.
“You bruise easily! That’s good. It means that breaking you will be faster.”
My anger simmered away and I regained my regal composure. Breakfast was definitely over and I needed to get to doing other important things. Just as I was thinking about it, I heard her voice in my head.
“Brother, get to the throne room immediately. Father is on his way here and he has an important announcement.”
“Thanks for the heads-up, Trix. I’ll be there shortly.”
I turned my attention back to my pet, “Return to your bedroom and seal yourself inside. I don’t want anyone else to see you or even be aware of your presence here. Tonight, I will come and call on you,” I held her chin to force her to look at me, “You’d better answer submissively. We wouldn’t want a repeat of what just happened now to happen again.
She could feel the energy pulses that were softly blasting off my skin. That only ever happens when I get rattled, and I was very much rattled now. I let go of her and took my leave. Father has an announcement? Let’s hear what he has to say…