Sexy Jailer

Gatrina’s POV…

This is my fault, if I’m being honest, which I am. Morgan was right to have told me to leave the Krug in the car to his death. If only I had listened to her, I wouldn’t have entered this mess.

“He’d better not come in here. He’d better not…”

It was a situation of maybe if I said it as many times as I could, it would happen that way. Wishful thinking!

I was back in Jarox’s bedroom. The chains that he had bound me with before were now gone, and also, there was a smaller bed in the corner of the huge space. I assumed it was mine when I walked over to it and found a few dresses on the sheet. At least, I could take comfort in the fact that he wouldn’t share a bed with me while I remain his prisoner.

I sat on the bed and touched the helm of the dresses. They were soft and were sure to feel good on my skin. I’ve seen pictures of women wearing similar dresses to these, looking beautiful and happy, but those pictures were from a time long since passed. Now, we fashion clothes from whatever materials we can find and they aren’t made for comfort or ease. No, they’re made to be practical, to ensure our survival.

I remembered the weapon I had stolen from the breakfast table and slipped it out of my dress. A small fork, but with four pointy ends, and they were sharp. Knowing that the prince or his weird sister could sneak up on me with their invisibility trick, I knew I had to hide the fork somewhere safe for when I would need it. I would most certainly need it.

You see, it’s not even been a complete day since I met Jarox, but I have already felt his wrath. He was violent, and although I wasn’t the best fighter in the world, I could be violent as well. My weapon found the solitude of the bottom of my new bed, and I heavily anticipated when I would have to wield it for real.

“Probably sooner rather than later,” I muttered to myself.

As I remained seated on the bed, I was suddenly hit by a wave of negative emotions. Sadness was not a friend to the people of the Underground. Sure, we felt fear, hunger and pain, but we were always taught, even as children, to never get sad or let it stay with us for long. If we were to survive, we had to have a heart of stone. Only a heart of flesh felt sadness, while a stony heart might feel fear but will use it as an incentive to fight.

I missed my sister. I missed the kids in the Underground. I missed my friends. I even missed Gary. He was always too intense and that made me uneasy at times, but I knew he loved me and I loved him as well…which was why the strongest negative emotion I was feeling at the moment was guilt.

Sure, I didn’t choose to be in this situation and neither did I choose to let the prince touch me the way he had done. However, I didn’t try to stop it either. I even enjoyed it to an extent, but now, I was remorseful, and I would not let it happen again. My jailer might have hypnotized me the first time with his steeze and sexual appeal, but I will not be charmed when next he comes to “call” on me. I will not be spelled…




Jarox’s POV…

My father, Emperor Feran of New Morjan, was what you call a driven conqueror; a true King. We share many similarities and I’ve learned so much from him. However, I am not my father and I don’t share in all his views, especially the political ones. The ministers in charge of controlling the pillars of our society were all thieves and criminals, more invested in lining their own pockets with gold and silver than they were in the advancement of our people’s way of life. Selfish bastards!

Despite their obvious apathy to these things, my father still keeps them in their appointed positions because at the end of it all, their policies kept the engine of Morjan running and the humans at bay. That was what my father truly cared about; snuffing out the remainder of the Human Resistance and achieving total dominance over their species. He hides it well, but father fears the humans. He knows the power of their will and fears that they may one day retake what is rightfully theirs.

I may not share my father’s desire to trample on the humans we rule over, but I understood the need for being dominant over them at this period of constant attacks due to their resistance. I believe that’s what he wishes to address in this meeting of his here in the throne room.

I was in my seat, which was right next to my mother’s. My sister was sitting two chairs away from Mother, the chair between them was father’s throne, which was about to be occupied by him as he walked into the space.

“Long live the Emperor!”

Hugo, my father’s most trusted counselor, announced his arrival and we all followed suit, “Long live the ruler of New Morjan…”

Father was everything you’d expect a Krug King to be; tall, enigmatic, imposing and gloomy. He sat down and he didn’t even beat about the bush. He just went straight to the main point of this meeting; WAR…

“People of New Morjan, I’ve called this meeting to discuss the human scourge that threatens to destroy our thriving city. Yesterday, I received reports that another of our factories was raided and they stole several gallons of power fluid and other dangerous weapons.

“I’m enforcing some new sanctions. From this moment henceforth, any human with ties or loyalty to the resistance is an enemy of the state and will be condemned to death on the spot. They will not be enslaved and sold off to live out the rest of their feeble lives. No, they will meet the full force of my wrath. That is my decree.”

Damn! This wasn’t good. With these new sanctions, it will be harder to carry on with my experiment. Gatrina was loyal to the resistance and she was right here in the same palace as the Emperor who despises her and all she stands for. I needed to protect her. I needed to figure out a way to keep her well-behaved and unnoticed, and I needed to do so tonight.

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