Battle In My Bed
Jarox’s POV…
After father’s new decree, he went off to handle some other important things that required his attention and although I was intent on speaking to him about certain things, Hugo couldn’t grant me an audience, and I had to keep my reservations to myself…at least, for now.
I had some time to kill before it would be dusk, so I left the throne room and constricted myself to the confines of my lab. If I was to continue my experiment with my new specimen, I needed to thoroughly understand why I had failed with the previous subjects. You’re probably wondering about these experiments of mine. Move around with me here in my lab. Let me share my passions with you…
If humans were to someday be regarded as equal to Krugs, they would have to be able to breed with us. That was the only way to show all of the ministers and counselors that they were not to be enslaved; by creating a new breed…a mix of both genes that function at the highest capacity. So far, my experiments haven’t been fruitful. Every woman I choose always dies in childbirth and the babies never survive.
However, one did! Specimen 7. Barely! It hasn’t opened its eyes since its birth, and that was over two months ago. He’s being kept alive in a canister filled with biogenetic goo. My sister invented it. It simulates the material in a woman’s womb when she carries a baby to term. It’s quite remarkable and it’s the only thing keeping 7 alive, although his heart rate keeps dropping and I fear that I may lose him.
As I stare at him now, I can’t help but feel like a failure. I’ve dedicated my entire adult life to this, and yet, I still couldn’t figure it out. Fucking science!
“It’s been five years since you learned how to cloak yourself and still, you can’t manage to sneak up on me, huh, Trixie?”
“How do you always– You know what? Nevermind that. One day, brother…”
She became visible and when she saw me looking at 7 with grief in my countenance, she proceeded to try to comfort me. “If he’s not the one, then he’s not the one. I think it’s time to pull the plug on 7.”
She took my hand and I could feel her energy pulsating around me. It nurtured my broken heart and filled me with hope that perhaps, I could still succeed in my mission.
“You’re right, Trixie, but I don’t think I’m ready for that.”
“I think you are. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have brought Gatrina here to try again with her.”
We stayed quiet for a moment, while I contemplated the decision to make. “I have observed her, as I’m sure you have as well. She might work. She’s got good genes and she’s stronger than any other woman you’ve tried to use. She’s a virgin too…”
“I already knew that. I had my finger in her. It was in for barely a second but I confirmed what needed confirming.”
Trix may be young, but don’t let it fool you into thinking that she had the mind of a child. She was by far the most adult person I know and the only one who could compete with me on an intellectual level.
“Since you already know this, let go of your past failure and try again, brother. You need to start breaking her so you can give her your seeds. This one will be trouble, I can smell it all over her. You need to handle it soon before news of her existence reaches father.”
Fuck! Trix was right. Trix is always right. I had to move on with my new plans, and to do that, I had to let go of the old.
“You’re right,” And after the words left my lips, I let go of her hand and moved closer to the panelboard that controlled the in-flow of goo. I turned off the switch and we both watched the goo drain from the canister, causing 7’s heart rate to drop exponentially until he stopped breathing.
I was disappointed, but also motivated. Out with the old, and in with a new attempt.
“Go get her. I’ll close up the lab for you…”
Gatrina’s POV…
As the seconds ticked away and the night came, I couldn’t go to sleep. Not because I wasn’t tired. I really was. No, I couldn’t go to sleep out of fear of being assaulted by the green demon if I put down my guard. A maid brought me dinner and I ate in the room. I was even visited by his robot dog, Fizz. It was friendly and even managed to get a chuckle out of me before he left.
Night eventually came and I wasn’t able to witness it, because insomnia ran from me and a wave of sleepiness came over me with murderous intensity. I dozed off, forgetting my mission to stay awake. I was definitely going to regret being so weak.
The sleep was quite good, but it became tainted when I could feel a pair of hands running down my body. At first, I thought I was dreaming it, but when it started to feel more real, my body reminded me where it was and who it was that was touching me.
“No,” I dashed out of my slumber, “Don’t touch me…”
His smile was the first thing my eyes met. It scared me, but not enough for me to forget myself as I had done beforehand. My immediate thought was to get my weapon, but it was hidden under the bed. If I tried to get it, he would see and stop me. I needed to be smart about this…for my body’s sake, and my mind as well.
“Do you want to be awake for this, or should I put you to sleep?”
He held his finger up and as soon as I saw the light, I spun out of the bed but he was quickly after me. I felt like a tiny mouse being stalked by a hungry tomcat, but there was nowhere for me to run or hide, no hole to crawl into to avoid my captor’s snare.
“Please. don’t make me fight you. I’m not a violent girl, but I swear to all that is holy, I will kill you if you try to force yourself on me…”
My warning was more of a bluff, but he didn’t know that, and to be honest, I believed myself more than I should. I was ready to fight him. Killing him was a whole nother thing, but it wasn’t out of the realm of possibility.
“I think you misunderstand what I want to do to you tonight. I’m not here to fuck you, Gatrina. I’m here to start your re-education. I’m here to break your flesh. Until that is done, I can’t insert myself into you, otherwise you’ll be the one who ends up killed.”
Before I could even begin to understand what any of that meant, I noticed the whip in his left hand. He wanted to beat me up. That was my cue to arm myself. I couldn’t waste another second. I dove underneath the bed, reaching for the fork.
“You can’t run from me,” he said just as he grabbed my legs and pulled me from under the bed.
What he didn’t know was that I had the fork in my hand. He was about to find out…