Chapter 3
I tried to crawl my way to the door struggling on the rocky floor that brought more bruises to body adding to the ones I had earlier obtained when I fell off the tiny bed. I struggled with muffled groans for minutes trying to get to the door that was just a few feet away from the bed. As I struggled in that state, I realized fully how empty and demeaning my room was plus how pathetic my life's turned out. Still clutching my tommy, I gave up trying to seek for help as I resolved to lie on my back. I wasn't going to die because death was already miles away from me, I could just endure all the pain till it goes away or when someone finally finds me; demise is far from me because even death, wants me to live enough to get a full scaled revenge.
I shut my eyes possibly willing the tears to disappear but it still managed to drip, leaving bold dents on the floor. The last thing I heard were anxious cries and mumbles as I felt rigorous shake on my body by people who cared enough to want to 'revive' me. My peanut earnings from being a level one was laid out like cards in the open and the only thing I thought to establish is the fact that it shouldn't grace any hospital's reception because all I felt I needed was adequate rest, a couple of random painkillers and a cold route to revenge, just to be able to live and breach this life. I didn't care about anything else.
My sole purpose in this life was revenge. It's the first air I breathe in when I wake and my tattered duvet when I lay my head to sleep at dusk.
When I opened my eyes, I quickly shut them because the lights had a blinding effect on me. Then I slowly opened them again willing my orbs to adjust to my environment. I heard faint noises and then I sat up, I was in a stupid ward in an hospital. Heck! Who the hell brought me here just to suck up my little income? A few pangs weighed on my chest and I was dizzy and still felt like I'd slept for months. God! I swear I don't need this now.. I shouldn't be bedridden when I should be out there making a freaking living for myself. Exasperated, I tore away the drips connected to some parts of my body, why do I even need this much? True, I was still tired and I wasn't feeling myself and I also felt some crazy emotions piling up but that didn't matter right now because I should be off and on that stampede to get my revenge.
As I got down from the bed and as my feet came in contact with the cold floor, I saw the door slide open and in came Clara and Manie accompanied by a huge guy that appeared to be a bodyguard but obviously not Manie's. Clara walked up to me like she was going to scold me for getting rid of my drips and treatment.
"You didn't look to be this weak the last time I saw you," Manie eyed me up and down. "It's really annoying you end up here after a couple experience and I have to clean up after you." She scoffed. If by 'cleaning up after me' she meant things that included taking care of my hospital bills, then it means that my level one income was still alive and breathing still in my possession. I was relieved.
"Are you okay?" Clara asked me, looking for my eyes. I nodded as I heard her sigh a bit in relief.
"Clara.." Manie spoke up. "Clean her up and get her ready, we're leaving." And as if Clara had been pre-informed, she was eager to pull off her assignment as she first grabbed my frame carefully and started to undo the hospital robe. Clara was going to change me into a new set of clothes and none of my audience even cared to give me some privacy or even turn their backs at least in attempt to preserve my dignity. They just stood like me being naked in front of their eyes was nothing and that means I at this point, have no dignity whatsoever to preserve.
My mind subscribed to numbness and there I was stripped naked and with no trembling effect, I was reclothed again much to a clean advantage. Manie nodded her head in satisfaction as she declared our departure not failing to beckon on me to follow. As Manie left with the huge looking bodyguard, Clara quickly tucked my level one income into my bra and squeezed my hands in reassurance.
"Where are they taking me?" I mumbled the question much to my annoyance.
Clara tried to draw up a smile. "To big daddy!" I watched her lips press into a thin line and surprising enough, I didn't feel anything. Even the tinniest of emotional attachment was ruled out to be a waste of time in my head and I guess Clara was surprised at my unperturbed reaction to the news. I didn't even care about what she thought or felt about the whole thing till now, I have a goal. As we left the hospital ward, I became more than certain that revenge is my life's purpose.
Clara and I had settled scores, you know about her makeup and clothes and whatsoever had previously tied us together. What I got from her in return was a goodbye hug my body didn't feel any inclination to return and afterwards, we parted ways; Clara to her slum as a level two and I, to the seed for my revenge.
I was dropped off with no belonging attached to my new identity in front of a huge mansion. It was just me and the untouched cash earlier tucked into my bra by Clara. I scanned my surroundings and like I was in a different realm, I heard the aggressive barking of a dog my eyes registered charging towards me. In my head, its barks were not so loud and if it wasn't for the fact that I see it charging aggressively towards me, it was easier to believe it was so far away because it barks was a tad bit mild in my head.
As I watched the dog approach me, I was tempted to ask the universe what had really become of me because I didn't move and I didn't even feel any inclination to move or run. I was just rooted like I was so sure this hostile creature won't hurt me and it didn't because it abruptly came to a halt a couple of inches away from where I stood. It sat down and wagged its tail urging me on to caress it and I had to squat to touch it with a domineering smirk etched to my face. I must admit it felt good. Was this a sign? A sign that I'd conquer big daddy and this life? Is it?
"Miss Ana," I stood upright as I heard my name to behold a lanky bodyguard who looked like he was about to shit his pants. "Follow me."
I touched my new found friend once again as I followed Mr lanky inside with the soft barks of the dog trailing behind me. I followed the bodyguard as we passed a few diners, a couple doors and climbed a few stairs. Finally, we came face to face with a double door study room and just then, the bodyguard departed and left me to my fate to finally meet big daddy.
"Come in." I heard a voice call from inside as I took one more step closer to the door knob. This was it. This has to be it. I heaved a sign and instead of pushing one part of it apart to get in, I pushed at both doors to give way and in my head, this has to be my grand entry to conquer my foes.
"You possess one hell of a nerve." A short potbellied man said as he puffed up smoke from his mouth whilst giving me an annoyed glare but even his expression didn't faze me. Then again he had to be big daddy seeing him 'big' in its sense. I quickly calculated being intimate with him and for six months? It'll sure be a daunting experience but I'll sure build up strategy to have my revenge and that already feels good being at the gate of ultimate victory. I had to swallow the lump in my throat as I eyed the short man detesting his appearance. Again, this had to be it.
"Ana right?" He questioned and I nodded.
"You got to use your voice ya know?" I heard a voice say as it made an unwanted appearance from an inner cubicle. I observed the glare from the short man agreeing to the man that appeared in front of me, he was tall, a bit muscular and.. handsome I must admit.