Chapter 7
I was staring dumbfoundedly at Kevin. He laughed at the fact that I hadn't seen it all coming. My eyes were already swollen from excessive crying, I begged for my life.
"K-Kevin please.. don't do this please, I beg of you please Kevin.. no," I choked on my tears. He laughed again and looked over to Tara who was on the phone and then took the opportunity to lean closer.
"This is all because of your disobedience love.." he chuckled. "You're too fucking stubborn!" He spat at my face in disgust.
I couldn't stop crying. "P-please.. Kevin please, we can fix this!"
"There's nothing to fix!" He seethed.
Tara got off the phone and I watched my best friend and husband suck their faces off on a sloppy attempt to devour themselves, whilst I, made a devastating trip down the cliff.
I screamed out of sleep. A dream. Not a dream, a nightmare. My nightmare. They're back, I haven't had them in a while and I guess for a moment I was thankful for being spared of the torture but I guess they're back now to once again define my existence. I pulled out of bed and went to the bathroom. I splashed water on my face and immediately got changed into the closest gym outfit I could find. I could use a good run to clear my head. I headed out.
When I got outside, I could feel the quietness. It was 4am kind of early, so the silence attached to it was something I loved. Tommy came running to me wagging his tail. I couldn't help but smile at his cuteness. I quickly touched him and shushed him away. Then I pulled up my zipper and raced to find the gym separated from mansion and I did in no time.
I closed the door behind me only to find Jordan at a far corner exercising. I greeted him with a small smile and he looked like he was surprised to see me. I headed for the treadmill. What was he doing up so early anyway?
I set it up to my choice of speed and began, the dream and revenge on my mind. My thoughts trail to the time Kevin and I decided to be inseparable lovers and we got married in less than three months. I loved him with the whole of my being, with everything I had. The jokes, the laughs, the lovemaking, the silliness.., all of the memories that made us, turned out to be a flat joke and an attractive strategy to get rid of me.
Kevin was my hero, my knight in shiny armor. Of course he'd fooled me to think he actually loved me, that he actually cared. He'd been sleeping with Tara and cheating on me with her the whole time and I was clearly a fool not to notice, not to realize that I was actually dumb the whole fucking time!
Jordan tapped me then turned the treadmill off, apparently he'd been calling my name but I was clearly too busy with my thoughts to notice him beside me. I slowed down with it and grabbed its handle for support as I tried to calm my breathing.
"Here," he gave me water to drink from his bottle and I shook my head 'no'. "Have some, you look like you're going to pass out any minute."
I accepted and gulped a good amount. Great, I needed it.
"What has got you zoned out like that?"
"Doesn't look like nothing.. care to share?" He drank from his bottle too. I stared quizzically at him for a while.
"Revenge." I blurted. He stared wide-eyed at me like I've gone nuts. Maybe I have. "Revenge?"
"Yes, revenge." I observed him with a straight face. "I want to get revenge." I stated as I turn the treadmill back on and continued my race. He turned it off to make me focus on him.
"I need more than that information to know what's actually going on." He said with a trace of worry in his features. I grabbed the bottle from him and took a large gulp yet again. I wasn't ready to spill all the details yet but I got to give him reasons if I need him for an ally and yes, if I need his help. What should I say that won't necessarily have me in tears and mortified.
"I want revenge on Tara Williams and Kevin Roland." I eyed him. "My friend and my husband.. e-ex-husband." He looked shocked but bit his lip like a done deal.
"I'll help you. I'll help you get your revenge." He said thickly. I was surprised he gave in so quickly.
"I thought you wanted explanations.."
"Doesn't look like you're ready to give it and hopefully you could share bits of it while we're on it but regardless, I'll help you." He gave me a small smile.
I needed him, I needed his assistance but having him on this doesn't quite seat well with me. "Why would you willingly agree to this?" I got down from the treadmill and we're closely facing each other.
He gulped his water and put the bottle away. He observed my face and his eyes settled on my lips. "Why wouldn't I? You look hell bent on getting it and I'm just offering to help."
"Didn't think you'd agree.."
"Didn't think you'd ask, besides.." He cut me off and chuckled and then leaned in to whisper to my ears. "I bet it'd be fun."
I scoffed at his silliness.
"Have you gotten any lead yet?" I looked away from him.
"Stella's looking up Tara for me and I guess that's where I'll start from."
"Yes Stella, a friend from the dorms.." he nodded.
"You want her dead along with your husband or something?" I eyed him. "Sorry ex-husband."
"And no, not dead.."
"Sounds like you haven't given it much thought."
"You're right, I haven't."
"We'll make them pay anyways." Pay? All this while, I just knew I had to get my revenge but the thought of wanting them dead is not something I'd really want but maybe that's just my soft side coming up because they literally killed me. Fuck it, I just want them to suffer, by whichever means. Fuck my soft side!
"Anyway, everyone is starting to think you're not really Arthur's 'play thing'," he blurted.
"Why's that?"
"He seem to not treat you as such.. compared to Becky." He said tight lipped.
"You mean his previous whore?" I asked and he nodded.
"How did he treat her?"
He shook his head, "you don't wanna know." He picked up his stuff from where he dumped it.
"Oh yeah.. maybe I don't wanna know."
"Come on.. let's head out." I grabbed a towel and followed him.
We got out to see it was slightly bright outside. Then we silently walked to the mansion only to find Arthur coming out with his casuals and his hands in his pants. If anything, he had a suspicious look which I damned with everything in me.
"Work out partners now huh?" He blurted out. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. For the records, I hated his presence. He was too sneaky and crazy. I turned to Jordan.
"I'll just go in." I made to move past him and he held me back. I looked at his grip on my arm like I could cause it to burn up and let me go. I stared back up at him.
"What do you want Arthur?" He chuckled and looked at Jordan, then back at me.
"I see you're still bitching and so early in the morning?"
I scoffed. "Let's just say it's bad luck to come face to face with you so 'early in the morning'."
He frowned and grabbed my arm tighter. I noticed Jordan make a move to free me from his grip but I guess he knows better than to rival with Arthur.
"You're really getting on my nerves.."
"And you on mine." I stated with a spark of rage. His eyes were dark with anger and I could hear his fast heartbeat and ragged breathing like he was trying so hard to control himself. He instantly claimed my lips. Kevin appeared shocked at his actions and struggled to look away.
"You're mine." Arthur mumbled between breaths whilst I struggled to push him off of me and I managed to.
"What has that got to do with you being a dick?" I seethed.
"I've been too easy on you. Guess I have to start treating you like the bitch you are!"
"Arthur!" Jordan called and tried to appear calm. "Enough."
Arthur scoffed and moved closer to Jordan. "It's your fault J, you're the reason she doesn't respect me."
"Look Arthur I.."
"Shove it." Arthur blinked back something and walked away. Jordan and I stared after him. His angry strides reminded me of when Kevin once defended me in front of his parents, he'd gone off and had returned with bloodied hands and knuckles.
"Ana," Jordan shook me out of my thoughts. "Go in, I'll meet you inside." He stared reassuringly at me. I nodded.
One of the servants inside approached me with a warm cup of coffee accompanied with a small smile. "Our big boss isn't always like that." The pale looking servant stated.
I ignored her statement. "Are you sick?"
"Was, I'm feeling better now." Her smile didn't go away.
"I'm sure there's someone to do your job so you can rest properly."
*Yes but big boss only wants me to handle his meals."
I didn't care. "Okay, thanks for the coffee." I handed her back an empty cup and approached the stairs.
"What would you like for breakfast?" She asked me.
"I'm not picky. Anything." I made to move.
"You're special." She mumbled and I almost snapped at her to cut the bullshit! What the hell makes me special in this mansion since I arrived? Not being treated like his trashy whore but definitely treated like a lunatic. There's no difference to me. I don't bloody care about those stupid sentiments.
"What're you called?" I asked her, "what's your name?"
"Lily, my name's Lily."
*Lily, I beg you to refrain from spewing such bullshit to my face." I told her and disappeared to my room. I bet she stood there transfixed.
I closed my door behind me and leaned on it for a while. It's barely a month and I've got no plan in motion. I needed those contract papers to properly go through them because as much as I'd like to continue to push it off, the nagging feeling that something is not right keeps bugging me and it was a good time to go search for it in Arthur's study since he's out.
I quickly went to take a shower and wore a loose shirt and shorts. I looked myself in the mirror and ran my fingers through my damp hair. I didn't care to use a comb cause I was in a rush to Arthur's study to get what I want before be returns.
I sneaked in and closed the door. His study was spacious and its deco was warm and almost welcoming as opposed to his personality. I began my search for the documents. I searched for a while before I found it and I opened it.
"What're you doing here?" Arthur asked by the door. I turned to look at him. He noticed what I was holding and came up to me. He looked at the documents and then to me.
"You bitch to my face and a moment later you're sneaking around my study?"
"I needed to check something." I tried not to look embarrassed.
He looked at the documents again and then at me. "To confirm your thoughts you mean?"
It was then I noticed his bloodied knuckles peaking through the bandage he has wrapped around his hand. Much like Kevin, he returned with same fate, just that Arthur had walked away after an unmatched disrespect accompanied with a sloppy wet kiss. I didn't bother to ask him what happened, I was focused on taking the documents out with me.
"You can take it with you." He said unbothered. "Doesn't change anything.. doesn't change the fact that you're mine." His bloodied knuckles slide up to grip my waist pulling me closer and against his desk. I swallowed something at the back of my throat, if he wants any form of intimacy I'll let him because I had obviously signed up for it and I was holding the papers. It's not like I had a choice.
"Why can't I treat you like the bitch you are?" He pressed my waist gently. He stood between my legs and his lips found their way to my neckline.
"What's preventing you?" I probed as he sucked at my neckline and stopped. He moved away from me looking upset.
"Get out." He mumbled. I scoffed not surprised at his attitude.
"I will." I moved away from him as he quickly grabbed me and pinned me up against the wall along with the papers. What the hell is wrong with this dude? He forcefully kissed me and then sucked deeper at my neckline whilst his free hand brought up my thighs closer to him.
Suddenly, he let me go and cursed himself out. He hit the wall hard with his injured knuckles. He's really fucked up.
"Get the fuck out!" He shouted and I took the opportunity to exit his study. I heard things breaking as I stepped out. What's wrong with him? Because I was unfazed, what's wrong with me?
I took quick strides to my room as I read through the papers. I almost tore them up. I'd signed up to be Arthur's possession for life. Then numbness overtook me.