CHAPTER TWO <Ogling My New Boss>

That interview was the start of a very strange string of events.

I'd walked in and the view of the room paled in comparison to the man standing by the floor length window in the massive office. It was so big I could fit four of my bedrooms in it and the huge table in the middle of it had two office chairs to my side and the one belonging to the man facing me.

I'd thought I was going to be interviewed by a normal HR person or something since I was going for something lower than my degree – a PA – but instead, I got into the elevator with the pristinely articulated lady that brought me here.

I'd been ogling the office like I'd never seen anything beautiful in my life but when I focused on the man, I knew that he was the most beautiful sight I'd ever seen. Also, he looked so much like the man that had made me cum this morning, I mean, what were the odds?

Now that I could see him physically, I took the opportunity to look at him properly, well, oggle him more or less. He was tall but not the model type; he'd be a 6”5 in my guess yet he was built like Henry Cavill. For some wild reason, I felt the urge to run my fingers through his body and see what he feels like without that suit. Well, maybe the feeling wasn't wild, if you saw the man, you'd want to eat him for dinner, trust me. I was already imagining so many naughty things with him as the main character when he turned around from the window where he'd been staring down.

Our eyes met and I broke out of my obvious ogling and composed myself. Well, tried to, my pussy was like an open faucet, letting me know she liked what we were seeing. 'Me too girl, me too' I thought dreamily, wishing I was a different person, more like my pretty sister who got any man she laid her pretty eyes on.

I focused on why I was here, at least if I could not get the man, I could get the job, right?

“Good Morning Sir, I'm here for the interview,” I said, thankful for that one cup of coffee I took. My voice was steady and every sign of fatigue was gone. Or maybe it's my body feeling extremely horny at the sight before me. His fingers alone evoked images of the thick digits sliding in and out of my pussy with my wetness coating it.

His eyes were a deep coral blue and when he smiled at me, I melted into a puddle, well, my pussy did. I stood there like I was a deer in headlights, praying I didn''t fuck this up.

I'm not a virgin but I've never felt this horny in my entire existence. I felt like taking off my clothes and jumping the man but thankfully, I had steel like control and my smile didn't slip for a second.

“Hello Miss Aria,” he responded, his masculine voice making things worse. It was the type of voice that would talk you through it, my days of listening to erotica coming back to haunt me. His was the thickest I've ever heard and it was so damn sexy that I nearly groaned. Why was the universe punishing me this way? I would have preferred hitting my legs on every couch rather than this. I should have asked for this interview to be pushed forward and not when I was ovulating. Now I was eye raping the innocent man who was kind enough to even allow me walk into his office.

“Please have a seat,” he waved me over to one of the very comfortable chairs in front of me.

Remembering my dysfunctional feet, I slowly walked over to the chair and pulled it back. That was usually the point I fell over my back because I had the absolute worst luck ever but the chair seamlessly moved and I sat down uneasily, the movement a torture to my weeping vagina.

Thank God for cotton panties.

Somehow, I wished I'd fallen down and see if he'd attempt to catch me so I could feel his strong arms around me. 'Fuck, I was going to fail at this interview because of my raging hormones and then I'll have to twerk for strangers before I'll be able to eat,' I groaned mentally.

“I've gone through your resume and it's pretty impressive, I'm just wondering why no one has hired you in the last two years,” he began the interview, hitting me where it hurt the most.

I definitely wasn't going to tell him all my soddy tales of bad luck and I'd prepared for this during my marathon reading last night.

“I took some time off after school to look after my aged grandmother before she passed and I've taken a refresher course so I'm in top shape,” I replied with a smile that I didn't mean.

My grandmother hated my entire existence and I was so happy she was gone, heavens forgive me. My mother was exactly like her but at least, I get one devil in my life instead of two and she generally leaves me to myself anyways so that's like, half a devil? I'm rambling in my mind because the man had been staring at me intensely.

Instead of being scared, my body was hyper aware of his gaze, my nipples straining my top and my pussy throwing signals at me. ‘Girl, calm down! I'm trying to get a damn job!’ I screamed at myself while adjusting on the thick leather chair.

I coughed a little bit and he was startled out of his staring, focusing back on the file in front of him.

“The job is to be my Personal Assistant, so you'll be responsible for organizing every part of my life in and outside of work. You will have to travel with me in and out of the country sometimes. Will you be able to do that?” He asked me, and I had to shake my head to clear the feelings his thick, sexy voice evoked in me.

I've never been much of a sex person, the only boyfriend I ever had was a narcissistic asshole who only cared about himself and I didn't put myself out there afterwards. But with the way my body was on fire in the presence of this attractive man, I knew I'd have to find a way to cum tonight or I'll go crazy.

“I'll be happy to, Sir,” I replied, my body still not allowing my brain to process what was happening.

“Well then, welcome to the company. Meet Melanie out front and she'll give you a rundown on everything you need to do,” he said, that smile of releasing all the caged butterflies in my stomach.

“Alright Boss,” I answered and quickly got up from the chair and left before I disgraced myself.

I was so freaked out that I nearly ran into the lady I'd seen earlier and normally, we'd be rolling on the ground right now but I held myself steady for the first time in my life.

Wow, there were so many firsts today and I knew I'd probably tattoo this date on my skin if I could afford it.

“Are you Melanie? The Boss asked me to meet you for more details about my job,” I said and her once glittering smile did a 360 and she was upset. “Is there a problem?” I asked, quite sure my ill luck had reactivated itself.

So much for that tattoo, ugh.

“No, not at all. I.. I just didn't think he'd, you know, employ someone so…” she rambled, giving me the look I've always gotten all my life.

“Oh, today is my lucky day I guess.”

“Okay,” she quipped and showed me to a chair before giving me a list of things I'd need to get activated, apps and all of that. I was to be his human brain and I needed to do it well.

She didn't need to tell me, I knew I'll work for this firm like my life depended on it which it kind of did because I have that scar on my left lap and I doubt people would pay to see it if I decided to create that only fans account.

“You can go now, you'll resume on Monday,” she said afterwards, her tone still icy. I refused to get upset about it, so many things were going on perfectly fine for me today and someone looking down on me won't throw me off my game.

As I walked out of the huge office door, I had the sudden urge to call a taxi.

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