****Alaric’s POV
My existence has been pretty boring lately, dealing with humans that always wanted to eat their cake and still have it wasn't the best way to live but I didn't have much of a choice.
I hated this part of my life, the collecting, the half sins, the indecision. They're never all the way into anything, good or bad and it irritated my dark soul but I needed them to survive as hell was worse for me. Everything over there was too much.
I'd mistakenly over fed on my last personal assistant until she went into a coma after she tried killing her abusive husband.
Keyword, tried. If she had successfully gone through with it, I would have been fed for a week or even more but she developed some stupid shit called conscience and only left him injured with the superpower I gave to her.
I took everything I could take from her which was too much and then she ended up in the hospital so as I went through the list of applicants for her replacement, I saw a girl, her eyes the color of the sun in the evening and a black hair that evoked something in me.
Immediately, I sent for her through my secretary, knowing fully well she'd be here as soon as possible. She looked like she desperately needed this job and I had a way of knowing these things.
As I looked over my tasks for today, everything looked confusing as the former girl always did everything that concerned planning. I felt a hot sensation on my palm; my father was calling for me.
I hated seeing him but I didn't really have much of a choice. He ruled hell and the rest of us, which was a lot, tried to help.
There were several hierarchies and levels based on how you were created.
I could have been the one in charge of every other ruler of hell, his second in command but he killed my mother after I was born and she kind of cursed me with her humanity.
I was to need humans for the rest of my existence.
I was about to go to hell but then remembered to change my appearance before going or he'd be more angry than usual.
I was the Prince of Desire yet I couldn't stay in here to punish people for it as was my destiny; this made our relationship quite tumultuous as he hated me for not being enough and the fact that he couldn't give the position to someone else.
We were stuck in this insane dynamic forever, me feeding on mortals in their tiny doses of sin and going to hell to approve decisions made for the part of hell that I ruled.
With a flush of my hands, I transformed into my demon form and went through the fake wall at the back of my office chair. It was a pretty convenient place to put a portal and it saved me from any type of danger even though there wasn't really anything more dangerous in this world than me and my fellow defects but just in case, it was best to be prepared for eventualities.
I walked into the black themed palace that stood atop the vast kingdom of sin, cries, punishment and blood and walked into the vast throne room.
It was packed as usual with demons of various kinds and calibers, the entire place already getting to me.
Satan was way more dark than people could ever describe him, the entire place filled with different statues of him after a major victory and with how often that happened these past century, they were everywhere.
I didn't pay attention to anyone, the energy too dark and harsh to me.
He loved calling me here as often as possible because he thought exposing me to hell would make my condition change but I was a hybrid between him and a human and it wasn't some virus I contacted somewhere, it was who I am.
“Hello Father,” I bowed immediately I got his attention.
“Alaric, what took you so long to respond to my summon?” He barked at me and I looked up at him in confusion.
“I came immediately I got your call,”
I didn't even waste a full minute.
“Well, if you weren't such a disappointment, you'd be able to walk as fast as you should,”
Here we go…
He didn't stop berating me for almost three minutes, his usual tags of ‘incompetent, halfwit, weakling and more’ pouring out.
I didn't even bother responding, I'd learned over time that defending myself trying to counter him will only make things worse so I allowed him to rattle on, his words falling off my shoulders.
The thing with my father was that he's a terrible creature and Terrible father too but I understood where he was coming from. He had so much on his shoulders and anyone out of line stressed the fuck out of him and will all that dark energy, he was definitely going to lash out at any given opportunity.
“I will do better, Father,” I said after he paused, seeing my indifference to his temper.
“You need to find a way to come back more permanently,” he said, his tone flat.
“I don't understand, how's that supposed to work?”
“I don't know and I don't give a fuck! Since your position is yours permanently, I can't have someone else take over for you but I can't have the overflow from your kingdom affecting the perfect balance I've created here so find a way to come back!” He commanded, his words making absolutely no sense to me.
He didn't know my mother was pregnant until I was born and he killed her in a fit of rage afterwards, right there on the hospital bed. I still remember it clearly.
He took me down here and I was sick all through the ten horrible years I spent on this plane but the moment he got irritated and sent me off to some orphanage on earth and I consumed my first bodily human sin, I felt so much better.
“If I'm hearing you correctly, you are saying I have to come back here knowing fully well that I might actually perish from the energy down here?’ I asked, my voice getting louder than it should have.
I shook from said energy getting to me already, I've not stayed this long here in a while.
“Like I said Malakai, I don't care how you do it, I'm keeping a timer for you. In six months, I want you back here, permanently!” He commanded, waving his hand and a timer formed on my palm immediately.
As I appeared back in my New York City office that overlooked the sunrise, all I could think about was how I wished demons could actually die, hierarchy be damned.
My secretary walked into my office without knocking, startling me out of reverie with a message.
“She's here sir,”
Damn, I keep forgetting the time contrast in the two realms.
“Send her in,” I commanded, feeling a strange sensation in my crooked mind.