2 - The Shack
Gross. All you had to say was that he was too old. You didn’t have to ruin him for me. – Priscilla
Leo stepped out of the bathroom at the end of the hall with a towel wrapped around his hips and his shower shoes slapping against the dark tiled floor. With his shower and shaving kits tucked under his arm and dirty clothes in his hand, he approached his door and unlocked it with his free hand. Opening the door, he froze in the doorway, looked at the sign on the door to ensure that he was at the right door and then stepped inside and closed the door.
He swallowed hard before he spoke quietly. “Mitzi, this is not a good idea.”
“I can keep things on the down low,” she smiled from where she lay on his bed.
Her tight skirt was pulled up around her hips allowing her legs to be spread wide. Unable to help himself, Leo’s eyes were drawn to the three fingers that were moving in and out of her slick pussy.
“You can fuck me now, or later,” she grinned, “but I always get the cock that I want.”
Shaking his head, he knew he was screwing up as he dropped the dirty clothes in the hamper and placed his kits and room key on the five-drawer dresser. Opening the top drawer, he grabbed a condom and then hung his towel on the hook on the back of the door. Before he could think better of what he was doing, he locked the door on both the handle and the secondary lock.
After sheathing himself, he crawled over the older woman on the twin bed. He was surprised at how tight she was, and he let out a soft groan of pleasure. She moaned in answer as he began to move inside her.
“Fuck me hard and fast,” she commanded. “I don’t need sweetness; I just need your cock.”
Her fingers continued to tease her clit as he pumped in and out of her. Knowing that he only had a few minutes, he chased his own release as she went for hers. The fear of getting caught, and another punishment, enhanced the sensations and excitement.
Mitzi’s body arched against him and her walls began to clamp down around him. With a soft curse, he emptied himself into the condom. He wanted to collapse down on her, and would have, but the yelled word from the top of the stairs brought him back to reality.
“Yes, sir!” Leo yelled back as he slid out of the married woman and crawled off the bed.
“Two minutes, prospect!” Scrapper yelled.
“Yes, sir!” he barked back as he dropped the condom into the trash can and grabbed a pair of jeans out of the dresser.
“Commando?” Mitzi asked quietly as she pulled her thongs back on and fixed her skirt.
“Don’t have time,” he growled. “How the hell-“
She gave a soft laugh as she tossed the sheets into the laundry basket next to the door. “I’d love to take that for a proper ride, sometime. I’ll let you know the next time Zero is going to be out of town.”
“This can’t happen-“
“Sure, it can,” she purred as she grabbed the basket and walked out, leaving the door open. “Hey, Scrap, you got anything that needs to be washed? You know I don’t trust you boys with the machines.”
“I’m good,” Scrapper said as she dropped the basket and unlocked a different door.
Leo shook his head as he pulled on his socks and watched the woman that calmly acted like she had not just been fucked.
“Not sure if LJ has anything,” she grabbed the basket out of the room. “But at least he knows to strip his bed on Saturdays.”
Obviously, Leo thought, the fucking was not all that great if she could do laundry. Pulling on his plain gray pocket T-shirt and cut, he decided that it would have to happen again. If for no other reason, he needed to prove that he could fuck her mindless.
“Sixty seconds!” Scrapper yelled as Leo stepped into his boots and grabbed his room key off the top of the dresser and bike key off the hook.
He was still tucking in his shirt as he stepped out of the room and closed the door. With a curse under his breath, he grabbed his belt just before the door latched and automatically locked.
“You’ve got forty-five seconds to get that on,” Scrapper motioned to the belt in Leo’s hand.
Nodding, Leo gave yet another “Yes, sir,” as he fastened the button on his jeans and then began threading the belt through the belt loops.
As the prospect fastened the belt, his Vice looked at the analog watch on his wrist. “Twelve seconds left, prospect. You’re learning.”
“Thank you, sir,” Leo smiled but considering he had just been balls deep in patched brother’s wife, he was not certain that he was learning anything.
He followed the Vice downstairs and out to the bikes. Although Leo had been told that Scrapper would probably follow his father in being the president of the mother house, he had only recently been elected to the position of Vice. So recently, in fact, he did not even have Vice on his cut yet.
The ride of the six brothers and one prospect from the mother house to the Shack was uneventful and Leo was grateful. If Zero knew that the prospect had just dicked his old lady, the ride would have been very eventful. Leo acted the same around all of them, kept his head down and did what he was told.
And hoped to God that Mitzi would keep their fucking on the down low.
They parked in the large lot of the Shack where the young brother pointed. Leo looked around at the massive building in the compound and the nearby parking garage.
“First time at the Shack?” Zero asked with a laugh.
“Yes’ sir,” Leo admitted, and the others laughed.
“Let’s go in and get you a drink,” Scrapper suggested as he led the group inside.
Just inside the door, there were several tables, and most were empty. A lone teenaged girl sat at the center table with about four or five elementary aged girls sitting on the floor. Scrapper nudged Leo in front of him with a light warning.
Leo was intrigued by the dark-haired woman who tried to take a discreet picture. He followed his Vice into the bar and was introduced to several brothers from the Shack. Although he tried not to, Leo’s eyes kept roaming back to the young woman.
“Your dad’s here, sir,” Leo told Scrapper and gave away the fact that he was watching the young woman that Brute was now talking to.
The man who sat at a table surrounded by women declared that he needed to speak with Brute.
“Don’t even think it, Prospect,” Kix warned. “Molly doesn’t share his pretties.”
“Pretties?” Leo asked.
Scrapper tilted his head towards the table of women, “Most men have a woman, or an old lady, some even have fuck buddy. But Molly has his pretties.”
“There’s five of them,” Bam Bam’s smile fell slightly, “it is five, right?”
“Yes,” the bartender confirmed as she handed over drinks. “You want a soda?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Leo smiled at her.
She handed him the bottled drink that he had ordered to him and looked him up and down with her pink and purple star eyes. “Book taking bets on this one, yet?”
The men around him laughed and Leo opened the bottle to take a drink as they made jokes about him failing. And that he got caught with his dick in a brother’s wife.
With no one paying attention, he tried to get Scrapper’s attention, but the other man waved him off. Smiling to himself, Leo headed out of the bar and towards the table. He tucked his drink into his back pocket as he neared the small group.
Leo didn’t catch what Molly said to the woman, but he caught her simple ‘Yeah,’ as she agreed to it.
“Hey, Pres, Molly,” Leo could see the slight resemblance between the girl and Molly. She had his height, dark hair and bright blue eyes. “I’m Leo.”
“Priscilla,” she took his hand, and her bangle bracelets tingled softly in a gentle song.
“She’s my oldest daughter,” Molly warned as another little girl climbed onto his back.
“Off limits,” Leo understood that he was being told to keep his damned hands to himself.
“Until she turns eighteen,” her father agreed with a warning grin, “after that, you just have to survive all her uncles. She grew up in this clubhouse. My grandfather founded Pop’s Place. Two of her closest friends grew up with club presidents. Her roots run deep with the Saints.
Rolling her eyes, Priscilla added, “And their overprotectiveness borders on insane.”