Chapter 3 - Memories
What did I expect on hearing those words from him?
I don't exactly know. But I know that what I got was not what I expected.
Even though I didn't know what I expected.
The terms of our marriage was on paper, solely based on a contract that would benefit both parties.
When I say both parties, I don't mean me. Mr Jayden Horton is one party and Mr Peter Anderson, my father is the second party.
Oh! Did I forget his ‘Cinderella’s wicked stepmother character’ of a wife?
What does that even sound like?
I do hope you get my point though. I'm just a pawn in this game, they decided the move and I just had to follow.
Like a dog!
I will admit, though, that for a moment I didn't exactly regret being a pawn. That moment when he called me his wife, it felt like the whole universe had faded away. Trust my mind to cook up a thousand and one imaginations of all the things that would happen thereafter.
Call them fantasies ‘cause none of them happened.
Whatever bubbles I had conjured were popped by this indiscernible fellow. Worst part is, he gave me every reason to conjure these bubbles of imaginations.
Why be so nice to me if you'd only ignore me afterwards?
Confused, yeah? Let me explain.
After the wedding came the after-party. He asked me to dance with him in the most charming manner and yes, I definitely agreed. The room had gone silent as he led me to the middle of the hall. When he slipped his hand around my waist, my breath hitched and I couldn't think of anything else but how close we were. His cologne was enveloping, it was slowly replacing the oxygen I was taking in.
And the music, Vaultboy's ‘Way After Forever’ ( great music by the way), aired through the speakers, creating a soft symphony. The way he held my eyes as we moved along with the music made my heart drift away.
Well, there's another moment I didn't regret the title that had been bestowed upon me.
Mrs Jayden Horton!
I won't exactly say I regret it now, I simply feel empty. The party ended and we were driven home. For one coming from a wealthy family, I was rather too impressed at his residence and I think I showed it a little too much.
Was that why he ceased to acknowledge my presence from the moment we entered the building?
Was he embarrassed?
Jesus! I'll lose my mind from all this thinking.
deep sigh
Long story short, I was totally ignored by the same man who had swept me off my feet with his charisma. The last time he spoke to me was when he showed me off to my room and it's been two weeks now.
Crazy, right?
All of my expectations fell short but I'm not pained, I'm the one who was stupid enough to have any expectations.
There was no honeymoon. Jayden returned to work the next day after our wedding, I couldn't do the same because the company I worked for had “graciously” given me two weeks off. Now, you can begin to imagine what it felt like for me. Two weeks in a place where I knew no one and had nothing.
All I could do was bury myself in writing and try not to get consumed by the strong shadows of depression and misery that loomed around me.
Hardest battle of my life, believe me!
I was eager to return to work and somewhat excited to step out of this building. I hadn't been through the gates for two weeks and the walls were high, like that of Jericho.
I felt like a prisoner.
Also, I needed to see my father. I had wanted to see him as soon as the wedding was over but Anna wouldn't let me. According to her, being out to the public immediately after my wedding wasn't ideal.
My father was hospitalized and all she could care about was what was ideal to the public and what was not. You know, with each passing day, I have every reason to not like this woman.
You do too, right?
Just so you know, I'm worried about my father, not because I like him but because he's my father.
You know, the same way you can like someone and not love them, you can love someone and not like them.
That's just how this is. My father and I don't get along, and you must have guessed the reason - Anna. She tore us apart, broke the bond father and I shared.
Now, don't even come at me for letting someone else take my father from me.
Imagine watching your father get married to someone else barely a month after your mother died on a hospital bed with an undiagnosed sickness, tell me how that would make you feel.
There I was,u nothing I could have done to stop him.
I cried. I begged. I even went for days without food.
Now, these memories aren't one I like to remember. It's been fourteen years yet it hurts afresh to think about it.
I was lost in my thoughts and as such, I couldn't eat the well garnished and highly expensive meal before me. I was dabbling with the cutleries in my hand, my mind lost in a world I found very unpleasant and didn't want to be in.
I didn't hear him walk in. What made me snap out of my thoughts was his fragrance. I recognized it even from a distance.
It was him.
He was standing barely two inches away from me, looking ever so god-like. His hair, as always was styled with complete perfection, it made me wonder how he had the time to focus on his hair with his busy schedule. The expression on his face was blank, I had come to realize that one couldn't read this man from his expressions.
I fumbled.
“ Ummm… “
Did he not realize how nervous he made me? Or did he just not care?
" Today marks the end of your two-week leave, yeah?” He spoke up. I was about getting lost in how amazing his voice sounded but I pulled myself right back when I realized what he said.
Was he keeping track?
He didn't wait for my response before he dropped the bombshell.
“ I had your resignation letter tendered to them and it has been accepted. You no longer work there anymore.”
My eyes widened.
" What?” I blurted out.
" I'm quite sure you heard me, Ms Daphne.”
Ms Daphne? What the… ?
Mr-I-don’t-care-about-your-reaction continued, without caring about my reaction!
“ All you have to do is make an appearance today, pick up any of your properties you have over there and say goodbyes and whatever."
There was something in his voice that told me that he couldn't wait to get this conversation done and over with.
Just wow!
I rose to my feet, not like it made any difference as I still had to crane my neck to look at his face.
I swallowed but refused to let my mustard seed confidence be totally crushed.
“ Mr Jayden, you don't just wake up one morning and make decisions for me, that's not how it's done.”
His brows arched, rather perfectly I must add. There was literally no time to obsess over that before he took a giant step towards me. My breath hitched as the air I inhaled was immediately replaced by the intoxicating fragrance of his cologne.
No, don't fumble Daphne!
I had already fumbled. Somehow I lost my balance and rested on the table for support. When his hand landed on the table too and began moving towards mine, I swear my heart rate would have won an Olympic race.
Breathe, Daphne!
I tried to but the more his hand inched towards mine, the harder it got. Then, I heard his voice and I was one step away from crumbling to my knees.
“ Then tell me how it's done, Daphne!"