Chapter 8: Get it done.

(Haisley’s point of view)

I nodded slowly. “Yes, Alpha.”

“Good,” she said, her tone dismissive. “Now, get me some hot water for my path, and get some rest yourself after that. Tomorrow, I expect you to fulfill your duties without any more dramatics.”

I nodded immediately and bowed, making my way to the door, but her voice stopped me just as I reached for the handle.

“And Haisley?”

I turned, meeting her gaze once more.

“Don’t make the mistake of thinking you can play games with me. I always win.”

As fast as I ever thought possible, I fetched the water for the Alpha’s bath, finishing as fast as I could and leaving in order to prevent another reprimandation.

When I was done, I rested my back on the stone walls in the kitchen, cleaning the droplet of sweat that dropped from my forehead.

“Well, that was intense,” I muttered under my breath, hoping never to encounter such a situation again. Ever since Alpha Lula took me as her personal slave, I must say, it hasn't been brutal, but it hasn't been easy. It was like I was stepping on raw ice anything I was in her presence.

Instinctively, I touched my stomach, feeling the small bump that was always growing. “Just sit there little one, I won’t let anyone hurt you,” I whispered, looking at the barely noticeable bump. I don't know what to do when my bump is suddenly noticeable. Maybe by then, I must have found a way to fix everything.

Fix the problem with Alpha Lula.

How could I tell her that I was pregnant? That was my secret, and one I don’t think I’ll be able to hold for long. If she ever knew I was pregnant, it might prove to her to investigate my past and maybe, lead to where I came from.

Back to him.

Back to Kayden.

No, I can’t let anyone find out. I can’t let him find me.

I have to look for a way to divert Alpha Lula’s attention away from me, but how?

Why she puts so much attention on me never makes sense to me, but I think it’s something connected with Alpha Luca.

Damn, even if he doesn’t want to, he has put me in a difficult situation because of some stupid crush he has on me. “Freaking buffalo,” I cursed him, wanting to scratch his perfect face.

Maybe then, he would leave me alone.

I took a deep breath and that was when I smelt fresh food. My gaze instinctively went over to the large counter at the table and just there—a plate of fried chicken and burger sat on it.

My stomach grumbled in response to the sight of food and I couldn’t help but salivate. This was what I was craving. I didn’t care and rushed toward the table, digging into the deliciousness.

My tastebuds exploded with the rich flavors of the food. “Who the heck made this? It’s delicious,” I said in between a mouth full of chicken. This must be goddess-sent.

I was feeling down and this was just a way to please me. “Thank you,” I said, gesturing towards the moon before digging into my food.

When I was done, I rested my back against the chair, holding my stomach as I belched. That was good.

But now, I wanted another.

My gaze swept around the kitchen, looking for any prepared meal, but when I turned towards the end of the kitchen, I saw a pair of feet.

I paused, focusing my gaze higher as I saw a broad waste, a large breast, and a broad neck before my face landed on none other than the headmistress.

Her eyes held anger represented by a terrible glare rooting me to the spot. Her hands were folded across her chest, her imposing figure casting a shadow over the dimly lit kitchen.

I smiled, a hesitant gesture as the remnants of the burger slid from my hands and onto my feet. I shot up immediately to my feet, wiping my greasy fingers hastily on my clothes.

“What in the goddess's name are you doing here, Maid?” She began, her booth drooling with venomous authority. “Helping yourself with a meal I prepared for myself.”

“I-I didn’t know it wasn’t for—”

“Silence!” she barked, cutting me off before I could explain. Her tone cracked through me, harder than any wipe could. I folded into myself, whimpering a little. “Who do you think you are? Do you think the rules don’t apply to you?”

“I’m sorry,”

She scoffed, clearly not listening to my words. “Sorry for yourself. As punishment, make me another meal and clean the whole pack before morning,”

My eyes widened. “B-but I have such—“

“Oh, shut up about school. There’s nothing better in the future for you. You’re a slave and will always remain one. I wonder why Alpha Lula agreed to sponsor the maids at school. It’s just a waste of resources.” She raised her hands in the air, exasperated.

I clenched my fist, preventing the tears from falling and showing any sign of weakness.

The headmistress continued. “I will make sure none of the maids like yourself ever think of going to that school. I shall speak to the Alpha myself. Now, make yourself useful and get me my food.” I nodded and rushed over to the kitchen counter, doing as she demanded without altering a word.

Her words hurt. School was the only way for me to escape this harsh reality and for her to say all of this?

“Here is it, miss,” I said, my tone flat as I handed her the meal. I made the exact replica of the meal I had just eaten: chicken and burger.

She looked at it as if it wasn’t my sweat i used to work my ass off to cook such a meal. “Get cleaning. I don’t want to wake up, and this place is still like this.” With that, she left the kitchen and into the darkness.

I rested on the table, grunting a little. “And now more work,” I murmured, and began cleaning.

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