The Edge of Betrayal

Elena’s point of view:

Leaning against the cavern wall, the weight of tiredness descended on me; every breath became a struggle. Our improvised fire's wavering light created shadows that danced like specters, reminding me just how near we were to be engulfed by the gloom. Orion sat across from me, honing his sword with a clarity that defied the turmoil inside him.

The air between us was thick, too thick, filled with words we were unable to utter ourselves.I found it intolerable at last."Say something," I insisted, the clarity in my voice startling even to me. "Everything."Not looking up, he focused on the sword. Elena, what do you want me to say?"Something real," I yelled back, my irritation boiling over. "You have not spoken since Kress left. Once more you are excluding me.He stopped, the metal stopping as well. He raised his gaze to me slowly. "I'm trying to survive for us.""Don't," I snapped, my heart thumping. Steer clear of hiding behind obligation. not now.His teeth closed, the muscles contracting as he battled self-control.

His voice low and threatening, he said, "What do you want from me?" "You believe I am not enraged? That I feel as though I am one breath away from disintegrating? I gazed at him, fury yielding to something more delicate. then tell me. Give up assuming you are unbeatable.

He stood suddenly, jagged shadows from the firelight over his face. "You desire the truth?" Good. He closed the space separating us, his presence too great. "Elena, I am afraid. Every damned second I am terrified that I may lose you once more. I am going to fail you. And I despise it as well.The words strike me like a gut-reversal punch. "You believe I'm not also afraid?"His eyes flaming, he scanned my face. Then, why do you continue to drive me away?"Because depending on you got me nothing but pain!!" The words sprang from me, unvarnished and unedited. Once I trusted you, it cost me everything. How am I expected to do that once more?His voice shaking, he added, "Because I'm here."

Here I am battling for you. For us, too.Tears boiled behind my eyelids, and I despised myself for being this sensitive. "I doubt if that is sufficient."Silence between us was weighty and oppressive. His hand hovering just inches away, he reached for me. "Let me prove it," he said softly. "Let me show you that I won't make the same mistakes."I would have liked to believe him. Above all, I wanted to let go of the anxiety and resentment that had dogged me for so long. Nonetheless, I couldn't. Steering back, I said, "It's not that simple."His hand slipped, and his eyes' flutter of hope darkened. His voice flat, he replied, "You're right." "Never is.".I turned aside; the pain in my chest seemed to swallow me. But before I could withdraw any further, a sound emanated from the cavern's entrance. My blood ran frigid. We were not on our alone.Orion went right away, his blade at hand. Every nerve on tight, I matched him. The shadows moved, and a tall, covered, clearly recognized person appeared.

Hello, Elena," the man replied, his voice cool and silky. Darius, formerly an ally turned traitor. My mouth stopped in my throat. Among all the adversaries we had encountered, he was the one most familiar to us, too well."What are you working on here? I insisted, driving power into my voice.Grinning like a predator, he nodded "I'm here to make a deal. Orion tensely stood next to me. "We do not deal with traitors in negotiations."Darius turned away him, concentrating on me. Elena, you know what is approaching. The Xerathians cannot stop. You could, however, stand a chance with the appropriate allies.I stepped forward, fists quivering with rage.

You think I would trust you following all you have done?His smile became wider. You only trusted me once. And down below, you know I'm correct.Orion went to sit between us. "Stop back."Darius looked at him, contempt twisting his mouth. "Ah, the devoted guardian. Always so fast to leap in. He bent forward, his voice lowering to a conspiratorial whisper. Orion, do she know? Is she aware of the still hidden you? My heart came to a standstill. " What is he talking about?"Orion's jaw tightened yet he did not move. "Ignite not pay attention to him."Darius laughed, a low, contemptuous sound. "Secrets have a way of revealing themselves. Don't they?" Tell Her, Commander. Share with her the bargain you struck to rescue her.I turned to Orion, my tummy turning around. " What is he talking about?"He ignored him; his silence was louder than any language. Panic pounced at my throat. "Orion?," Ask his voice tense, he replied, "It's not what you think. Then tell me, I insisted, shaking hands.

Tell me what you worked on.Darius back off, delight shining in his eyes. "I'll leave two to figure this out. Think about my offer to Elena. The clock is running down.He vanished into the darkness, leaving behind a hush that felt like it may crush me. Heart pounding, I turned to Orion. "What did you do?"?His eyes begging, he stepped toward me. I did what I had to. In order to keep you secure.Tell me, I murmured, my voice cracking. "No more lies."Shaking, the weight of his confession pressed down on him. "I bargained. Following the Xerathians. In order to spare your life.I staggered back, shock drowning over me. You... you struck a bargain with them?Desperate, he added, "It was the only way." " They would have killed you." There was no choice for me."You always have a decision!" I yelled, tears distorting my view. And you choose to line up with them?His voice shaking, he continued, "It wasn't like that." I believed I could turn it against them. You should use it for protection.

All this time," I said, the treachery stinging deeply. You have been lying to me. Not lying, he said, his hands spread. "In an attempt to guard you. I assumed I could call it off. I felt I may save you.The suffering exceeded what was reasonable. My voice quivering, I continued, "You can't fix this." "You cannot reverse what you have done."There was suffering in his eyes. "I understand." Still, I can strive to rectify things."How?" I insisted, my voice cracking. "How do you make this right? The cavern rocked before he could respond, a terrible yell filling the space. Ground shook and rocks collapsed all around us. The Xerathians were here, and they were not isolated. Orion reached for my arm with a strong hold.

We have to go. I withdrew, the treachery still raw. I am unable to accomplish this. You have to, he continued, his voice unvarnished. " kindly Elena. Time is not on our side. His desperate voice shattered something within of me. I nodded and swallowed the agony. Perfect. But this is not done here. He nodded, his face becoming rigid. " I know."We sprinted, the earth breaking underfoot.

The opponent was closing in as the tunnel collapsed. Though for now survival was all that counted, whatever delicate trust we had left was destroyed.The way ahead collapsed when we arrived at the brink of the tunnel, only blackness below. One mistake and it would all be over.

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