Dimitri held me by the arm amid the flickering light of the torch in his hand. We quickly descended the stone steps until we reached what looked like a warehouse. Then he let go of me and went straight to another door, which he opened with another key. He came back and pulled me again.
We started walking again, this time down a long, cavernous corridor that was even darker. I could hear the bugs and rats passing close by us. And if it weren't for the fact that I was being kidnapped—supposedly to elope and marry—I might have cared about the rats running in the dark.
I tried to talk to him; I really tried to force my mouth open and protest against it, but my body wouldn't obey me. I was just an observer in my own body, and that was terrifying. Panic started to settle in my heart; my heart was beating fast, my legs were shaking... I wanted my body to react and fight him. I assumed it would be better to die here fighting for my honor than to become his wife. Unfortunately, my body did not share this feeling and continued to follow him without offering any resistance.
After a few minutes, we arrived at what seemed to be the end of the corridor. He released me and illuminated the ceiling, looking for something. The weak light of the torch revealed an opening above us—a hatch that he opened with one of his keys. When he opened it, the light of the moon illuminated his blue eyes. He turned back to me and held me by the waist; in quick movements, he lifted me toward the exit, taking me out before him.
It just gave me a sad certainty: whatever he did to me when he pricked me with his fingernail, he was sure I couldn't resist; he was confident in his power.
When I found myself outside, I looked around. I was in the forest, and in the distance, I could see the palace. He had come to the surface faster than I thought. I looked at him, trying to understand his motivations. If his intention was to marry me, it was enough for him to kill a single man, and he was at a complete advantage with that kind of power over the will of others. I couldn't see him losing to Chase, so why risk everything by kidnapping me? Even if they believed I went willingly, he would still have affronted a king! Why risk all that with that power in his hands?
All these questions swarmed in my mind as I struggled to verbalize them. He frowned, closed his eyes, rubbed his temples with a weary expression, and muttered:
"I know you have questions, but it's going to have to wait until we reach Rochester Harbor."
Then he walked toward me and pulled me along, leading me into the forest. We walked all night along the trail; he seemed to want to avoid the roads. Rochester wasn't the nearest village—Dalton was—but he didn't stop there. In the woods, he had left a bag of supplies, which we ate on the way. Dimitri kept asking me to stop trying to formulate words, insisting that had to wait until Rochester, but I kept trying.
At one point, when we passed near Duvov, a day away from Rochester, he seemed very tired of using his energy to stop me from speaking and made a proposition.
"If I let you ask a question, will you stop resisting and wait until Rochester?"
I widened my eyes at his proposal, quickly shaking my head as I thought of the million questions I had to ask, trying to decide on the most pressing one. When I finally agreed with his condition, he took a deep breath, and inside me, I felt like a door was being unlocked.
"Where are we going after Rochester?" I managed to ask.
"To Corvo Island."
A million questions popped into my mind, but I was unable to say them out loud because that door was locked again. I huffed in frustration; that answer had only brought me more questions.
Corvo Island was a strong ally of Shivia, located nearby, separated by a few nautical miles. Its ruler was John Chase, but he did not call himself king—just Commander. In addition to commanding the island, he still had lands in Shivia. The island of the crow produced many wooden materials, including ships for trade with other nations, except for Shivia's enemies. The two countries had been allies for centuries and were also known for their great forges, producing the best weapons. My father's sword came from Corvo Island. But why the hell was he taking me to the island where the ruler was his opponent for my hand?
We continued for another day and arrived at the port of Rochester at dawn, without supplies or water. My clothes were lint-covered, dirty, and torn from walking through the woods; my feet were swollen, and I was starving. We walked through the forest to the port city, which was now silent, its inhabitants quiet. We arrived at an inn that was open.
When we walked in, Dimitri put his arm around my waist and smiled at the attendant. He told a story about how we were newlyweds and needed a room for the night, a meal, and a hot shower. The short, plump lady smiled at him, and when he gallantly kissed her hand, she blushed. He also asked when a boat would leave for Corvo Island, and she informed him that the Nay boat would leave at first light. After that, we were taken to the room following dinner in the lounge.
When we arrived at the room, the lady who identified herself as Cibele left us. The room was simple but quite tidy; it had a closet, a large window overlooking the port, a bathtub with hot water, and a bed. Dimitri closed the door and turned to me.
"I'll let you speak freely now, but if you attract that lady's attention, I swear to you, I will slit her throat right here in front of you."
I swallowed hard at his threat. I could see in his cold blue eyes that he was telling the truth. He would do such a thing.