5. Hear Me Roar

: : : Kieran : : :

I can’t describe what it feels like when I transform into my wolf.

It’s like there’s this primal feeling that’s been locked dormant for so long and one day, it’s released. It’s like the dam bursts and I can finally breathe again.

My heartbeat quickens as I stand amidst the scent of pine and earth, feeling the wild energy coursing through my veins. I close my eyes, surrendering to the relentless force building within. The shift is seamless, bones cracking and muscles rearranging as the transformation consumes me. The world then takes on a new perspective, sharpened senses and heightened instincts guiding my every move.

I am the wolf now, and tonight, I am relentless.

I let out a howl as I’ve fully transformed and Leon’s dark gray wolf stands in front of me.

“Seven laps, let’s go!” Leon says through our mind link.

In a flash, he dashes forward and I follow right behind him. We bolt out of the backyard and through the woods, avoiding roots and branches, and occasionally using tree trunks to jump forward.

I did tell you I live in a house that looks like Hogwarts, didn’t I? Our estate is connected to a massive land reserve the locals call the Sunken Forest. It’s about eighty miles deep and at the end of the forest is a beach we call Sailor’s Haven.

Us werewolves aren’t like normal wolves. While normal wolves can run up to 35 miles per hour, we can do double or triple that speed. It usually takes me an hour to run full speed until we reach the beach and back. But seven laps means we’ll do this seven times, so that’s seven hours of full nonstop running.

If you think that’s a lot, you probably don’t know how much fun it is to run. Running as a wolf is one of the best feelings in the world. Imagine you’re driving down the highway in a convertible at a hundred miles an hour. Just you, the cool air breeze, and the open road. It feels damn amazing. And if your legs are starting to give out, you just have to remind yourself that training isn't just a physical exertion; it's a battle against the limitations of the body and mind. The more we push the limit, the more it pushes back.

As we’re going on the third lap, passing through a row of trees, I get a whiff of some oak-like scents. It smells deep and divine, and it reminds me of the girl I met earlier.


She was so intriguing, honestly. She has dark brown hair, bright blue eyes, and that sweet, small smile. It was subtle, but every time she smiled, my heart beat a little faster. And then, there’s her scent. I never smelled anything like her before and it’s pulling me like a magnet—-

  • SMACK! *

Suddenly, a tree branch slaps me across the face and I fall to the ground.

“Distracted are we?” Leon snickers, standing over me.

I simply roll my eyes and get back up. Not giving him a chance to gloat, I keep dashing forward, and he follows suit. I’m running fast and he’s on my tails. I push harder and run faster, and yet, he’s still there. Being the war general, he is one of the fastest and strongest wolves in our pack.

“Looks like you’re getting faster, kid,” he taunts, and he moves faster, slipping by me.

“Or you’re just getting older,” I reply, and I run faster, passing him by.

Leon lets out an offended growl and I laugh as we continue to race.

We keep going until we’re already on the last lap. I’m getting exhausted, and so is Leon, but neither one of us wants to come second.

Even though it’s only been a month since I got my ability to turn into a wolf, I train hard everyday so I can keep up with the likes of Leon. I know I’m progressing well for my age, but I wanna be better. My brother Kai could run this route in half an hour, I once was told. I wanna be like him. Or better.

I wanna be the strongest wolf I can be. So when the time comes… I will not let Kai down.

“Damn, kid,” Leon huffs as we reach the finish line. We pretty much reached it at the same time so it’s hard to tell who got here first. “You’re getting better everyday,”

“Still not good enough,” I say in between ragged breaths. I finished better than I did yesterday, but still nowhere close to where I wanna be.

Leon smiles seeing that I’m not satisfied.

“Hey,” he nudges my elbow. “You up for another challenge?”

Leon looks to the side and I follow his gaze.

Before me lies a massive rock tied securely with thick ropes. That thing’s not here yesterday so Leon must’ve brought it here recently.

“I had five guys pull that thing off the beach this morning,” he reaffirms my suspicion.

This rock is huge, and if it took five wolves, it must’ve weighed around 500 pounds. A smile curves up my lips as I see the impossible task before me. One of the greatest pleasures in life is doing what people say you can’t do, so this is gonna be fun.

“Let’s do it,” I say, moving closer to the rock.

Leon grabs the ropes with his mouth and throws it over my body. As the rope is fastened all around me, I take a deep breath, reminding myself of the strength I must cultivate from deep inside.

The ropes dig into my fur as I position myself. With a low growl, I brace myself, my muscles tensing in preparation for the grueling trial ahead.

“Remember. Weakness is not an option, Kieran,” I can almost hear Kai say it to my ear.

I lunge forward, muscles straining against the resistance of the ropes. The rock remains steadfast, anchored to the ground. Undeterred, I summon the raw power within, my wolfish instincts driving me to overcome the obstacle before me.


I growl with each tug. The cords strain against my strength, but I refuse to yield. I feel the burn, the ache in my muscles intensifying with every exertion. Yet, the fire of determination blazes within me.


The night echoes with the sound of my efforts, the rhythmic pull and release of the ropes accompanied by the steady beat of my heart. Leon watches silently, his gaze unwavering. The sun has set and the moon rises up in the sky. I’ve been at this for hours and I’m completely spent. But still, I dig my claws into the soft earth, finding leverage against the unyielding weight.

Keep going, Kieran. Be strong. There’s no room for weakness.

My wolfish instincts guide me and I push through. The struggle is fierce, but I press on, fueled by a relentless resolve.


With a surge of power, I let out a deafening roar that pierces the stillness of the night. The rock budges, inch by inch, the resistance giving way to the indomitable force within me. The scent of victory fills the air as the 500-pound behemoth yields to my determination.

“Aa-ooooohhhh!!!” I howl triumphantly.

The ropes loosens and falls, and my chest is heaving with exertion. Leon nods in silent approval. Though I’ve only moved the thing a few yards or so, it's still something. And I know tomorrow I’m gonna move it all the way back to the beach.

“Did you see that?” I say to Leon, but of course, he did.

“It’s getting late,” Leon keeps a straight face, repressing his excitement. “We’ll continue this tomorrow,”

He lets out a smirk and I smirk right back at him. My heart is beating fast with excitement and I can’t wait to get back at this, after I rest of course. Looking up at the sky, I feel the echoes of my victory reverberate through the night.


          • To Be Continued - - - - -
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