Chapter4:I hate you!
Those three words echoed in Catherine's mind as Kim grinned, seeing her face turn red. She looked away, her hands still clutching the bouquet, feeling embarrassed and vulnerabl
Those three words echoed in Catherine's mind as Kim grinned, seeing her face turn red. She looked away, her hands still clutching the bouquet, feeling embarrassed and vulnerable.
"Want to toss it?" Jaewon asked, looking at Catherine.
"What?" She looked at him, somewhat confused, trying to understand the sudden change in topic.
"The bouquet. Isn't that how it works? After the wedding, the bride throws the bouquet for some lucky woman to catch." Jaewon could really switch his personality abruptly, oscillating between warmth and coldness.
Catherine found herself thinking he wasn’t a ruthless killer but a man of conflicting personalities, which made him even more dangerous.
"And who would catch it?" She looked around, seeing only a woman serving drinks to those imposing, threatening men.
"The question was, 'do you want to toss it?' If so, leave it to me," he said, drinking the rest of his champagne in one go as he gazed at her.
Catherine had always dreamed of marrying on a beautiful beach, in a simple ceremony surrounded by friends. She pictured bridesmaids in lilac dresses, with a man she deeply loved by her side. And after the waltz, she would throw the bouquet for the women to catch.
"Dreams don’t come true," she thought, looking at the bouquet with sadness.
"Well, if you don’t want to, then let’s go." Jaewon grabbed her left wrist, his firm touch contrasting with his soft words.
"No! Wait..." He stopped when he heard her protest.
"I... I want to," she said, almost unable to believe her own words.
"Alright." He looked away from her, now focusing on a friend nearby. "Mi-Jun, gather the ladies, all the hotel staff. My wife wants to toss the bouquet."
"My wife..."
Catherine felt a shiver at those words, though it wasn’t unpleasant; it was just... different. The word "wife" felt strange, almost surreal.
Later, in the car
They were in Jaewon's luxurious car, heading to his mansion. He was on the phone, speaking Japanese nonstop from the left side of the window. Catherine understood Korean very well but was terrible at Japanese. She had learned a little Thai in college, but it was just for one term, so she only knew the basics.
She looked out the window, watching the scenery as the streets grew more spaced out and opulent, clearly a high-class area. There were huge houses and luxury cars passing by, a world so different from what she was used to.
"Enjoying the view?" His voice finally broke her thoughts.
"It’s beautiful," she responded almost automatically.
"Sorry to spend the wedding night at home, but I promise we’ll go on a trip."
"Wedding night"
The phrase flashed in her mind like a red warning. What was she going to do? Run as soon as the car stopped? No, her brother would die. Maybe she could fake a contagious illness? Or lock herself in a room. Oh, God! He was going to take her purity by force. The thought made her curl even tighter against the right-side window.
"We’ve arrived, sir," the driver announced.
"Finally, I’m so tired," Jaewon said nonchalantly.
"Dear God, help me..."
Catherine silently prayed, fearing he might be violent and rob her of her dignity, just as he had stolen her freedom. Large iron gates opened, and the car drove down a long path lined with pine trees on both sides. Armed men stood along the way, and soon they reached the imposing white mansion, with more armed guards watching from afar.
It was around seven in the evening, but she could still see a beautiful garden surrounding the mansion, filled with white and red roses. Jaewon was the first to step out, and her door was opened by the driver. Her husband was already there with his right hand extended to her.
"Let 's go."
Since there was nothing she could do, Catherine decided to accept her fate, at least for that night. She took his hand and stepped out of the car, feeling the fresh spring breeze welcome her. They entered the grand house, exactly as she had imagined along the way: well-decorated, with everything elegant and beautiful. She observed the furniture, running her fingertips along the beige leather.
"Like it?" Jaewon’s voice startled her, and for a moment, she forgot the situation she was in.
"Yes, it’s soft," she said, swallowing hard and lowering her gaze as he removed his jacket, tossing it onto a nearby chair and walking toward her, loosening his tie.
"You must want a shower," he said close to her, and she remained silent. "Come, I’ll show you to the room."
"If you tell me, I can go alone," she said, hopeful that she could be left alone and lock herself in.
"I’m going upstairs too; let’s go." He took her right hand, leading her up the stairs.
With each step, Catherine’s heart raced more. She was a bundle of nerves; after all, she’d never been with a man before and didn’t know how to act. What was she supposed to do? Maybe just stay still and wait for it to be over?
"Here." He grabbed the doorknob but stopped, looking back at her standing behind him. "You only have five minutes. Understood?" He said with a firm voice and a serious look.
Five minutes? Would it be that quick? She wasn’t even prepared; she was actually terrified. Even so, she nodded, but what if she told him she was a virgin? Maybe he wouldn’t be so harsh.
"I have something to say..." She started almost in a whisper.
"We’ll talk later. Go in now." Jaewon cut her off.
"But I..." She fell silent as he opened the door, and there, sitting on the edge of the bed, was her brother, Mario.
"Remember, only five minutes."
Catherine could barely believe what she was seeing; her brother was there, looking at her. The door closed, and she ran to him, who stood up to hug her.
"I’m so sorry..." He mumbled a bit, crying. "I shouldn’t have done this to you..."
"It’s alright, okay? I’m just happy you’re alive."
"Did he hurt you?" Mario pulled back, gripping her arms and examining her with concern.
"No, nothing happened—" Her voice trailed off when she noticed he was holding her with both hands.
"Cathy? What’s wrong?" Mario looked at her, worried.
"Oh my God! You have both hands!" she said joyfully.
"Yes, I do," he replied, confused.
"Oh my God!" She grabbed his hands, looking closely at them.
"Why the fuss?"
"I thought he had cut one of them off." She sighed in relief.
"Wow, that’s horrifying!" Mario pulled his hands back, and she laughed.
"Long story; I’ll explain later. But now..." She glanced at the door and hugged him again. "Now we need to think of how to escape..." she whispered in his ear.
"Are you insane?"
"Mario, we need to think of something..." Catherine pleaded desperately.
Mario pulled back, looking into her eyes, and whispered.
"They’re Yakuza... if we try to escape and they find us, we’ll be killed, Cathy..." he said, terrified.
"Mario! I can’t stay married to him. What will become of me? Do you think of me?" Tears rolled down as she felt the dread of what was to come.
"Cathy, I can’t... you married him, and I’m fine. I believe he won’t kill me now." He shrugged.
"And what about me? What about me?" She hit him, crying.
"Cathy, please stop... I..." Mario tried to hold her arms, attempting to explain.
The door opened, and Jaewon entered.
"Family reunion is over. Take him away; I’ll decide what to do when I return from the trip," Jaewon ordered the two tall men.
"Yes, sir." They responded, entering the room.
"Wait, Jaewon, I..." She held Mario’s arm as the two men took him away.
"I said, only five minutes." Jaewon looked at her seriously.
"I hate you!" She shouted, sitting on the bed and crying.
"Get in line, Jagir." ("Jag
ir" – Dear in Korean) He left, closing the door behind him, leaving Catherine alone in her sobs and tears.