Chapter 6
"Look, you would like Emily and I would like to graduate. We both have things we need. It's an extremely generous offer considering... well." I examined him up and down. It didn't need an explanation. "And just so you know, if anyone finds out it could compromise my whole reputation, so you should be thankful for what I'm risking." The thought of anyone finding out was traumatising, but the thought of graduating eased it slightly. And considering –
"That's disgusting." Um hang on. Excuse me?
"Excuse me?" I blinked a few times at the shock of what he just said.
"Did you really just offer to sleep with me and then massively criticise me?"
"When did I –"
"God, you're so oblivious, aren't you? Do you honestly think that I'm that desperate and sorry for myself to jump at any opportunity of sex?" well... yeah.
"But this isn't just any sex. This is sex with me."
He didn't like the sound of that.
"Do you not hear yourself? Seriously?! It's like you're wrapped up in your own little world." I'm sorry, what?
"I am not! You know, I was trying to help you! Do you not like Emily?!"
"Yes! But I also like myself enough to have some self-respect. And sleeping with a girl who is so conceited and ignorant that she utterly believes sleeping with her is the equivalent to winning the Nobel Prize is so stupid that I think I've lost a few brain cells. Plus, not to mention the fact that you were solely doing this for yourself, thinking I'd be putty in your hands."
I rolled my eyes. If this guy thought that his words would get to me, he was wrong. I have had hundreds of rumours and gossips behind my back to not take anything to heart. But I really needed him to tutor me.
"Emily wants a guy with sexual experience. You have none. It works both ways. You do something for me, I do something for you. It's called fair and equal."
"It's called stupid and ridiculous. If I had any consideration for tutoring you left in my body, I promise you, it's all gone now." And with that, he walked away.
Fucking shit.
"He did what?!" Rya practically yelled as I recited to her the whole event.
"He rejected me. He fucking rejected fucking me!"
"Can guys like Roman really fuck though?" she questioned doubtfully. She had a point.
"Urgh, no! They probably jerk off inside of you for a good two minutes and then cry about their feelings afterwards. See what I was willing to do?!" maybe I dodged a bullet? Yeah, if graduating was the bullet. Shut up.
I slumped down in my seat at the lunch table and picked at my salad. How could this be happening to me? I was never the helpless one and now look at me. What would everyone think if I had to repeat a year? I'd lose all my popularity before you could say 'fail'. My parents would be so disappointed in me. So much so, I could already envision the looks on their faces. The complete shock and sadness that their daughter was now a failure. I could imagine everyone having fun at graduation whilst I was stuck at home studying for summer school. My life was going to go to shit.
I had this dream when I was little; go the college, get a degree, become roommates with Rya, marry Adam and become an adult boss ass bitch. Now look at me. I couldn't even do the first part of that plan. This was a fucking disaster.
"Don't look now, but your five o'clock." Rya muttered. I waited a few seconds before watching Adam and fucking vanilla sit at his table. He was rubbing her back sincerely, muttering things into her ear, making her giggle.
Fucking giggle.
I felt sick.
"I'm not hungry anymore." I took my salad and threw it in the trash before making my way out of the cafeteria. I would have come up with a plan to get Adam's attention, but I didn't feel like it. I'd do something tomorrow.
Now, I had to stroll in to Mrs Sanders' classroom and admit my defeat with Roman.
Maybe Pippa wouldn't be that bad of a tutor...