Chapter 1


I groaned, rolling over and slamming my hand down on the top of the alarm clock, the beeping abruptly coming to a stop and plummeting me into silence, I pulled the thin scratchy blanket over my head, willing sleep to take me again, but the sun was bright, too much light broke through the gaps in the blanket. That’s when I heard the faint tapping of feet across the wooden floor and smiled to myself, knowing exactly what was going to happen.

I jumped up at the last second, throwing the blanket off and smiling widely at the beautiful creature before me, her smile matching my own. She jumped back slightly but them giggled and jumped onto the bed and into my arms. Aria was the spitting image of me and our mother, red curly hair that reached the dip in her back and bright blue eyes that shone brighter than any sapphire could ever hope. I wrapped my arms around her tiny form, pulling her close to me and planting a kiss on the top of her head.

“I was trying to surprise you!” She giggled happily as I moved to tickle her sides.

I laughed as she wriggled from my grasp, her pale pink floor length night dress bouncing as she slipped across the floor. “I was very surprised, normally I need all the apple juice in the world to wake you up!” I laughed, watching her with nothing but love.

Aria was five, she was perfect in every way, innocent and blind to the harshness of the world we live in, she was my best and only friend. My little sister. She loved me with all her heart, and I adored her just the same, we only had each other, the rest of the pack and our father wasn’t interested. Even our own mother rarely spoke to us, shunning us for the abominations we were. Alpha’s weren’t meant to have daughters, they needed sons to carry on their line, to be strong for the pack. Our fathers only hope would be to marry us off to a strong and powerful alpha that could well compensate him.

“Liar!” She bellowed in mock anger, her smile widening. “Oh! Before I forget, I got you something!”

She rushed over to her bed at the other side one the small cabin, we only had two rooms, that’s all we had been permitted, it had a fire place that barely kept us warm even in the summer, two small beds and two chests of drawers. The other room was a fully fitted bathroom with a large bath that easily fit us both. We had running water and a plug for the alarm of course. But even that was seen as a luxury to the others of our pack, females were weak, only good for their wombs. At least that is what our pack believed. I dreaded the day my father gave me away, Aria would be all alone, with no one to take care of her, and I couldn’t let that happen. I couldn’t leave her, no matter the consequences.

She crawled under the bed, her little legs flailing like a mad woman as she muttered to herself, searching for something she had most likely hidden there. I heard her squeal with excitement and quickly came to the conclusion that she had found what she was looking for as I laughed at her clumsiness and she ran towards me, nearly tripping over the hem of her dress as she did.

She shoved the object into my hand, her eyes sparkling as she hopped onto the bed by my legs. “Happy birthday to you dear Talia, happy birthday to you!” She shouted in her sing song voice.

I chuckled holding my smile even as my chest tightened, she remembered my birthday, and while that didn’t seem like a big deal, she would be the only one who did. In my hand was a folded piece of cloth, something light-weight inside, my heart rattled with anticipation as I opened it, my own sapphire eyes widening in shocked-awe.

They were wrapped in the scratchy cotton was the most beautiful pieces of jewellery I had ever seen, two small bracelets made from bendable branches, a small heart at the centre with a T on one and a A on the other. Our initials. Tears formed in my eyes as to pulled the pure hearted child onto my knee, happiness swelling in my heart.

“They are beautiful.” I whispered, kissing her on the top of her head. “Just like you little wolf.”

I picked up the bracelet and placed the one with a T on her wrist and the one with an A on my wrist, they were both perfect fits. “There, now no matter where I am, a piece of me will always be with you.”

Tears slipped down her soft pink cheeks, as she turned and wrapped her tiny hands around my neck, her cheek against mine. Her gesture of love only tightened my resolve, I would never leave her, they would have to kill me before I let them take her away from me.

“I love you red.” She whispered, she happy light tone back as she popped a sloppy kiss onto my cheek.

I chuckled at the nickname she had given me when she first began to talk, her favourite bedtime story was of the crimson wolf named red and she had always said I was her, I was the bravest and strongest of all females in our pack. Which of course wasn’t true, she just loved me with all her heart, and had no one else who gave her the time of day. No one else who smiled down at her and saw her for the beautiful soul that she was.

“I’ll love you until the moon goddess takes me from this world my little wolf.” I cooed at her before gently placing her onto the ground and giving her a slight shove. “Now go pick something to wear, we don’t have much time before breakfast.”

She nodded without looking back, hurrying to the drawers and pulling out a pale peach long sleeved dress with a yellow sash to accompany it. I chuckled and pulled myself from the bed as well, dreading what would come at breakfast, it was the only time we sat with our mother and father, and we hated every minute of it. They would talk about their plans for the pack, staring at devices that neither me or Aria were allowed near. We lived amongst humans, or somewhere in their vicinity at least, but we were secluded in a mountain valley, yes, we had electricity, but only those with a high ranking within the pack were able to own such luxuries, and me and my sister were at the bottom of that ranking.

I walked over to my own drawers and picked out lemon dress with a peach sash, the opposite way round from what my sister chose. I changed quickly and helped Aria with her sash before carefully braiding her hair and giving her a quick kiss, deciding I would leave my own curls to hang free today. After all, I was nineteen now, and that made me a woman among our people.

We padded along the floor in bare feet, we were never given shoes, their was no need for it seen as we were never allowed to leave the grounds. We could barely leave our shack without an escort from one of the other pack members usually muscular males who had too much anger and hatred towards us, even when we obey.

I took Aria’s tiny hand in mine, giving her a soft smile before I opened the old wooden door, the hinges screeching in protest, the sun blinded me for a brief moment before my eyes adjusted. I smiled towards the blue sky, wondering what the world beyond our confined lives was like for the hundredth time, wishing I could see it, that we could both see it.

Today’s guard and escort was a tall, bald, tanned man with a scowl constantly etched onto face, he was wearing a black button up shirt and blue jeans, his yellow eyes watching us as we nodded mutely. Rule number one, do not speak to the men unless they give you verbal permission to do so.

“Your alpha and his wife are waiting for you in the usual room.” He announced before leading the way as we followed a few steps behind him, our heads lowered.

Rule number two, never look a man in the eyes. That will anger them.

Aria squeezed my hand, practically running to keep up with the long strides of the imposing wolf. After a while her breath became laboured, it was along walk from our shack to the mansion, especially when you were running the hole way. I decided to lift her into my arms, positioning her onto my hip, as she smiled up at me, wrapping her arms around my neck.

“He’s moody.” She whispered in my ear, but I shushed her almost instantly, hoping that he hasn’t heard her remark.

We entered through the back door, my feet tapping lightly against the cold stone floor, it only took a few more moments before we reached the dining room, Mr scowl waving us in a he moved to stand by the entrance. I placed Aria onto the ground and took her hand in mine once more, leading us into the small room with a table set for four. As usual, mother and father were already in their seats, sipping absently on coffee.

Once we reached the table we bowed and then took her seats, folding our hands on our lap with our head lowered. I was impressed that my sister had learned to copy me as quickly as she did, they allowed her until some time after her fourth birthday before demanding she learn her place or pay the price that I must when I slip up.

A few minutes of silence past by before my father finally cleared his throat, and indication that we may raise our heads and relax. Though not too much of course, we were still the abominations of the family

Aria was the first to raise her head, a giant smile on her face. “It’s Talia’s birthday!” She announced happily, looking between both mother and father whilst waiting for a response.

Father watched her with a frown, but instead of scolding her for shouting he turned towards me, his grassy eyes watching me for a moment before he ran a hand through his mousy brown hair. “Yes It is, nineteen.”

That was all he said before he turned and looked at my mother who only nodded to confirm what he was saying, with no emotion, not that I should have expected anything different. When Aria was born she never even held her, as soon as they realised it was a girl they moved the cot into the shack with me and placed her into my arms.

But I never once complained, I loved the little fiery wolf with all my heart, from the first moment I laid eyes on her, I was happy. Everyone had hoped for a boy, but they got her and shoved her to the side like garbage. But I would never let them hurt her, I would protect her with everything. I would give my life to the devil himself to keep her safe.

My father turned back towards me, watching me with curiosity, his eyes skimming over every inch on me, making me squirm nervously. He was a tall man, much taller than me and mother, his muscles bulging through his long sleeve jumper. I knew what was coming, it was the reason I had been dreading this day for so long, the reason I didn’t want to get out of bed this morning.

“Interesting, we had a offer just this morning.” He smiled and my heart sank, along with Aria’s smile, she might be young, but she knew what that meant.

“No, no you can’t!” She screamed, tears falling from her eyes.

My heart did a panicked flip, the little wolf had shouted at the alpha at our father, I moved before I realised what I was doing, my father already rounding the table and he retreated the barbed whip from the far wall. I pulled Aria against my chest and swung around so that my back was facing my father.

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