Chapter 4
His smile returned, but I could tell that it was forced, that he was fighting against the urge strike me, which was unusual for him. He never once hesitated in punishing me, no matter how small the error I made.
“We have some bidders, Alpha’s that are rich with plenty of land. They will be here tonight.” He laughed wickedly, watching me carefully to ensure I had the right reaction
My chest clenched painfully, Aria stirring in my arms, ready to protest once more as I squeezed her a little tighter, silently warning her that doing so would be a bad idea. Both for herself and for me.
“That’s great news, I’m sure you are very pleased.” I murmured, unsure how he expected me to respond.
His smile dropped once more and he rose to his feet and turned away from us, heading towards the open door as he spoke. “Be ready within the hour.”
I kept my face neutral as I watch him storm away, Aria tucked safely in my arms. He slammed the door shut and began shouting at the guard who stood outside. My body frozen to the bed as I listened.
“What are you still doing here!?” He bellowed, a snarl ripping through the silence in the cabin.
“You ordered me to guard the young she-wolfs sir.” Responded the man I couldn’t see, the increased panic in his voice telling me that he was new.
No one dared to go against the alpha, if he could treat us like this, his own blood. Then I would hate to imagine what he would do to others in the pack.
“They aren’t going anywhere, get out of my sight and help the others. We have to prepare for the arrival of the suitors!” Growled my father, and my heart literally skipped a beat.
He was leaving us unguarded? No one would be outside to listen to us, to stop us from leaving? A thousand thoughts raced through my head all at once as I held my little sister a little closer, could we slip out unnoticed? Could we escape before the hour is up?
I placed Aria onto the bed and pulled a blanket around my shoulders, running towards the door and carefully peeking out, but unlike every other day for as long as I could remember, no one was there, the long walk towards the Alpha’s home was completely empty.
We could do this. We could escape.
I turned around with a new enthusiasm to my steps, I had prepared for this for years, hoping to get a change to run. Ever since I was old enough to understand how cruel my father was. The little wolf was watching me with wide eyes as I ran around the room, pulling a large bag out from under the bed and throwing three dresses in for Aria and three for myself, along with some underwear and our toothbrushes and toothpaste. Taking one last look outside I pulled up a floorboard where I kept both my and Aria’s birth certificate copies that I stole a few years ago, along with the seven thousand in notes and the box of coins I had been stealing every day for several years. Not enough to be noticed. But enough that we could leave.
I pulled out two blue long sleeve dresses and two winter coats, in both our sizes and rushed towards my sister, the pain in my back where the cuts and welts were stinging as I dressed her and then myself. There wasn’t much time we had to move faster, or we would lose our chance. They would take me away from her. I would never see her again.
“Aria, I need to you to stay close to me.” I quickly said as I pulled her along with me towards the door, grabbing the bag as I ran. “We are going to run as fast as we can to the boarder. We can’t stop, even if it hurts, we have to keep running. Do you understand!?”
She nodded at me with wide eyes, understanding that we were breaking every rule and couldn’t be caught. My heart was beating so fast I thought it might break through my chest, but this was the only chance we will ever have, then I would be sold.
We burst from the cabin and ran towards the back, the tree line only a few metres away, it was the closest boarder to leave pack lands, and once we did, we would reject the pack so they couldn’t hunt us easily.
We had to do this.
Failure was not an option.