Chapter 3: A Strong Friendship

Night fell, and Alexia couldn't stop thinking about every glance Nicolás directed at Analu, filling her with a frustration she couldn't control. It wasn't just that they were always together; it seemed he lived in a world where only Analu existed. And what about me? Alexia thought. Sometimes she wondered if Nicolás would ever notice her feelings, or if she would always be in Analu's shadow. Every time she saw Nicolás laugh with Analu, a pang of bitterness coursed through her body. What does she have that I don't? she repeated over and over. The anger weighed heavily in her chest, but she hid it behind a mask of indifference. I will never be that important to him, Alexia thought, biting her lip to keep from crying.

What many didn't know was that the friendship between Nicolás and Analu had not been born in the sports center where they now spent their days, but many years earlier, when they were just ten-year-old children. They were both admitted to the same pediatric cardiology ward in a hospital in England, bound by a destiny as uncertain as it was painful.

Since then, they shared more than fear: they had the same health issue, a strange condition affecting their superior vena cava. This anomaly caused devastating symptoms. Their faces and necks swelled, their arms grew heavy, and the air that entered their lungs never seemed enough. With every breath, fear choked them just as much as the illness itself. The most distressing thing for them and their families was that, despite multiple tests and treatments, doctors could not find the cause of the obstruction that robbed them of peace.

In those cold, sterile hallways, where the smell of disinfectant and the constant sound of machines enveloped them, Nicolás and Analu took refuge in each other. Their hands, sometimes trembling from medical procedures, always found each other, as if being together could defy the uncertainty surrounding them. The nights were long and often marked by the anguish of not knowing whether the next day would bring relief or more pain. However, amidst all that chaos, they made silent promises, an unbreakable friendship that unknowingly prepared them to face what lay ahead.

Doctors might not fully understand what was happening in their bodies, but Nicolás and Analu understood something much deeper: the fear of life's fragility and the value of not facing it alone. It was that friendship that, over time, would become their anchor, both in that hospital and in the years that would follow, where life would present them with new challenges but also give them the opportunity to continue being together, supporting each other as they had from the beginning.

Throughout the day, they shared therapies and activities organized at the health center. Chess had become one of their favorites. Analu, with her sharp mind and ability to anticipate each move, almost always won the bets they made before starting. For her, the pleasure lay in the strategy, in every piece moved with precision. For Nicolás, however, what he really enjoyed was the adrenaline of losing, because that meant facing the outrageous penalties Analu devised, always with a knowing smile on her lips. It was in those moments, when he accepted his defeat with humor, that they both felt a special connection, a breath of fresh air amidst the harshness of the place.

But if there was one activity that transcended the ordinary for Analu, it was wandering through the garden. What might be a simple stroll for anyone else became something more for her because Nicolás made sure every walk was a new adventure. Sometimes he would make her close her eyes and follow him just by the sound of his voice; other times, he would tell her stories about each plant, bringing them to life with his imagination. And although Analu usually smiled during those walks, Nicolás knew that behind that light laughter lay a deep sadness.

For the girl, the garden was a refuge. Every flower, every tree, every corner offered her a momentary escape from the reality that haunted her: the absence of her parents. Sometimes, while they walked, Nicolás would see her stop and fall silent, gazing at the horizon with an expression that tore at his heart. He knew that in those moments, even though he was there, the void she felt from being separated from her family was overwhelming. Trying to fill that void had become his mission; that’s why every walk was different, each day he tried to invent something new, something that would make her forget, if only for a few minutes, the sadness that consumed her.

—Nicolás —Analu said one day while they walked under the gray afternoon sky—, do you think my parents think of me as much as I think of them?

The question fell like a silent blow. Nicolás looked at her, feeling a lump in his throat. He knew there was no easy answer, but he couldn't lie to her. He crouched down beside her, took her hand, and with a sad smile, replied:

—I'm sure they do, Analu. And when you see them, you'll realize they never stopped.

Analu nodded, even though they both knew his words were as fragile as the wind blowing around them.

One Thursday morning, Analu was waiting for her friend to go to therapy together, but Nico didn't show up.

—It's already 15 minutes late, why aren't you here? —the little girl wondered, feeling that something was wrong, since Nico always arrived before she did.

After waiting for what felt like hours, with a growing unease, her steps quickly took her through the hospital corridors, her sneakers echoing in the oppressive silence. The hospital had a smell Analu would never forget, a mix of disinfectant and cold air that always made her nervous. The bright, cold lights illuminated the deserted hallways, and each step she took seemed to resonate louder in her head. It was then that she saw Roxana sitting on the bench, her eyes filled with sadness.

—Hello, Sister Roxana, what are you doing here so early? —Analu asked, noticing the shadows under Roxana's eyes and the tension in her posture. Something was not right. The little girl's heart twisted. Could it be that Nico...? She didn't want to finish that thought.

With watery eyes, heavy eyelids, and a lost gaze, Roxana asked Analu to keep her company for a while, as the news she had to share was too hard to bear.

—Analu —Roxana whispered, trying to hold back tears—, he is so strong, but this time... it was different. When I got the call, I felt my world collapse. And now... I can't stop thinking about what could happen if he doesn't get better. Doctor Luz Elena told me he had a serious complication with his respiratory system. They had to intervene urgently, and although he's stable now, he still faces risks… —Analu looked at her, her own eyes filling with tears, and took her hand.

—He's going to pull through —Analu replied, even though a part of her, small but persistent, feared that might not be the case.

Analu's heart froze; the world around her seemed to fade away. Roxana's words echoed in her mind like an endless echo: ICU... crisis... his life in danger. A visceral fear enveloped her, a fear only felt when one fears losing someone who is part of their soul.

—Miss Roxana, you may enter the room. Remember to leave all your belongings in the cabinet at the entrance. Aguirre will explain to you in which recovery room your brother is located, as after we hung up the phone, he showed significant improvements and was able to leave the ICU.

Those were the words of the nurse, who held Analu by the arm, knowing that the little girl would try to run out and enter with Roxana, even though she knew the rules for the ICU and recovery rooms only allowed one companion to enter.

— Stay calm, Analu, wait here for me, and I’ll bring you news about my brother, I promise.

Sitting on that platform, anguish was suffocating her. She wanted to be strong, but the fear of losing Nicolás made her feel small and helpless. What if it was too late? She couldn’t bear the thought of never hearing his laughter or jokes again.

— I’ll have to come up with something to get into Nico's room; otherwise, I’ll be stuck here for the rest of my life, and my heart is ready to burst from this agony.

Analu swallowed hard as her gaze fixed on the laundry cart. She knew she was about to break the rules, but she couldn’t just sit there while her friend fought for his life. Her heart raced as she saw the guard distracted. It’s now or never, she thought as she tiptoed closer.

— Good afternoon, Mrs. María, how are you doing today? Allow me to check your name on the entry list a

nd inspect your cart so you can continue your work.

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