Chapter 2

Emily awoke and looked around at the strange room. Everywhere she looked she saw red. The walls were painted blood-red. Even the windows had thick red curtains which only let a little of the outside lights in. She then realized that the satin sheets and cover, that felt so good against her skin, were also red. Upon closer inspection, she noticed that the bed itself was a beautiful black canopy bed.

“You're awake,” a voice called out, bringing her back to reality.

“Where am I? How did I get here?”

“Our home.” He answered as he brought his hand up to her forehead to check for a fever. “We brought you here after you passed out again.”

“How long have I been asleep?” Flashes of the incident were popping up in her mind as she asked.

“Three days.”

“THREE DAYS??!! I have to get back. Maybe if I return now I can...”

“Return?” He asked, not giving her a chance to finish. “Why would you want to return after everything they have done to you?”

“I…I...” She trailed off, she could not find the words or even a good reason to give him.

“Besides, there is nothing to return to.”

“What do you mean?”

“The house was burned to the ground. To the rest of the world, everyone died that night.”

“Why? Nobody said to kill them.”

“I never said they were dead. I said to the world they are dead.”

“How can someone be dead and not be dead? I am still very tired, and my brain is not working at its normal capacity. Can you please break it down Barney style for me? Apparently, that is the only way I am going to understand at the moment.”

“They are very much alive and in a sort of jail.” He paused to collect his thoughts before continuing. “They need to be punished for everything they have done to you and to others. But death was too good for them. In order for the world to not miss them and start searching, they needed to believe that everyone died.”

“So, basically, I am under witness protection.”

“Yes and no.” He continued after the confused look returned to her face.

“Witness protection is for people who need to disappear after their lives are put in danger as a result of their willingness to help put the bad guys in jail. The bad guys in this situation are technically dead, so there is no danger to your life from them. However, we made a vow to protect you, so we will not leave your side at any given point in time. Even if you release us from our contract, we will still stay and protect you.”

“If I release you, why would you still stay?”

“Just because someone feels safe, does not mean they are,” Sal said as he walked through the door, carrying a tray with a bowl of soup, a cup of tea, and a bottle of Tylenol. “When you called us for protection, you may have meant protection for a short period of time, but we did not mean that when we accepted.”

Mankbako helped Emily sit up and fixed her pillow so she could sit comfortably while she ate. Sal had placed the tray on her lap and took two pills out and gave them to her.

“Your wounds are not completely healed, this will help with the pain.”

“Thank you.” She gladly took them and continued. “Why would you stay if you know that is not what I meant?”

“Eat and sleep. I promise we will explain everything after you have healed.”

“Thank you, again.”

“There is no need to say 'thanks',” Sal said with a smile.

“My room is just over there,” he said, pointing to a second door she hadn’t noticed before. “If you need anything, and I do mean anything, just call me. I am here to help.”

“I do have one question. Where is the bathroom? I would love to take a nice long bath.”

“Across the hall.”

Sal had moved the tray off her lap, and Mankbako had swept her up in his arms bridal style. Before she even had a chance to protest, he was carrying her towards the bathroom.

“The wounds on your legs have not fully healed. Honestly, I am surprised you were able to walk at the time. So until you have healed, we will not let you risk causing more damage or delayed healing.”

“I am not an invalid,” she stated as her cheeks turned a deep pink. “I can walk. I’m used to the pain.”

“We said we would protect you, that includes protecting you from yourself.” He sat her down on the edge of the tub. “Clothes have also been laid out for you, along with everything you will need.”

She then noticed a small basket filled to the top with supplies. Beside the basket lay her pair of favorite pajamas.

“Just holler when you are ready to go back to your room,” he said as he shut the door behind him.

Emily stood there blushing and speechless. She had never been carried before in such an intimate way. She could feel the heat throughout her body that was caused just by being in proximity to the man. Not only would a hot bath be good for her body, perhaps it would relax her enough to get both of those beautiful men off of her mind. She knew they were demons from the summoning and also because they even said so themselves, but one would not be able to tell by looking at them. If one did not know what they were, one would assume from the way they looked that they were angels.

After running more than enough hot water and adding a plethora of bath salts, she climbed in. She closed her eyes and concentrated on her breathing, letting her body and mind finally relax.

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