Forced Luna


Just as she was about to speak, a knock on the door stopped her, startling the both of us. I perked up my head as she turned to me with questions all over her face.

"Could they have known that it was us?" I whispered to her as another knock sounded.

"Impossible. I made sure that we were downwind. Our scents were supposed to have been carried by the wind." She answered me as I sat upright on the bed.

We looked at each other, contemplating whether to open the door or not. The knocks were getting louder and whoever was on the other side was getting more irritated with each knock. I got out of bed and walked slowly towards the door, trying my best to be stealthy. Standing next to the door, an even louder and aggressive nearly made me jump out of my skin.

I looked at Seren, who signaled for me to open the door. 'If it's them, what's the worst that they're going to do?' I asked myself. Pulling the latch, I slowly opened the door, its creaking hinges loudly filling the room that was dead silent. I peeped through the open crack and, to my surprise, it wasn't the three.

It was Griffin.

He was Alpha Zander's Beta. Known for his ruthlessness, my relief was short-lived as I started to question what he could be doing at my doorstep.

"What took you so long?" He questioned, his voice high and filled with anger.

No matter his reputation, I never allowed myself to be belittled by anyone.

"The better question is, why do you want to knock down my door?" I retaliated with a question of my own.

His face contorted with anger as the veins on his head were on the brink of rapturing.

"You little---" he started as I could see his hands rising towards me. "---Griffin, what brings you around," Seren cut him in, faking a smile.

He stopped in his tracks and looked at me once again. "Alpha Zander demands your presence in his office, right now!" He growled.

From his tone, I figured that it wasn't a request.

"Great, now that wasn't so hard, was it? We'll be right there," Seren commented as she was getting her shoes.

Griffin, on the other hand, smiled at me, then at her. I could clearly tell he was about to say something stupid.

"I'm sorry Seren. Zander demands Lilith's presence, only." He chimed in with a smile.

I was walking down to the pack house with thousands of questions on my mind. At the top of the list was.

‘Is this real?'

I followed Griffin into the pack house, and he kept on walking, headed towards Alpha Zander's office.

The Pack house was a huge castle-like structure that was at the center of the Silverfang Pack village. This was where Alpha Zander and his family, Griffin and other top ranked werewolves of the pack lived. There were always servants on the clock cooking, cleaning and taking care of everything in there.

As I walked through the entrance hall, memories of my childhood flashed right in front of me as I remembered that this was the place that I had been raised in.

I couldn't help but notice that everyone that I walked past was staring at me. I was already used to it but on this day, it seemed different. It was as if they were looking at someone who was going to get executed.

I didn't even notice that we got to Zander's office and I nearly bumped into Griffin as he was standing outside the door, knocking.

As the doors swung wide open, the first face that I saw was that of the entitled prick, Ryder. I nearly retched at the sight of him because I could barely stand him being in the same room. I walked into the room cautiously and as the door was locked behind me, I realized that I was in there with Zander, Ryder and Griffin.

That was not a good sight to be welcomed to.

"Have I done anything wrong?" I immediately questioned, acting like Zander hadn't told me anything.

I guess I still couldn't bring myself to believe it.

Zander, who was seated behind his desk, smiled at me and replied, "No Lilith. However, it is you who needs to do something for us. For the pack." As soon as those words left his mouth, I was already calling for his next words to be a bunch of crap.

I looked at Griffin, whose face lacked any emotion as he stood in the corner. Ryder, on the other hand, seated opposite to his dad, had a huge smile on his face. I was already dreading what was about to be said next.

"Two days from now, there's going to be a full moon. And I'm holding a ceremony to which I'll declare Ryder as the new Alpha of the Silverfang Pack.” He began, repeating Griffin's words to me earlier.

'So, Griffin was telling the truth?' I whispered to myself, internally, of course.

"And on top of that, I expect you to be there since he has chosen you as his Luna for the pack." Zander continued.

The news fell on me like an asteroid, shaking me till I questioned whether I had heard him right. Turning to Ryder, the huge smirk on his face confirmed that I was not dreaming.

"It is an honor that you should---"

"Honor my foot! I don't know what you're on about, but there's no way that I'm agreeing to this. You can declare him as the next Alpha. I have no issue with that. However, if all of you think that it'll be his Luna, you're in for a surprise!" I snapped, interrupting Alpha Zander's words.

"Lilith, it's your duty as a member of the Silverfang---"

"Duty my ass! Why don't you shut your mouth and let the adults speak!" I cut Ryder short as he shot up from his seat.

I could see the shock on his face and on Zander's when I said this. I was clearly going over my boundaries talking like that, but I didn't care.

"See, he shut up. That's the Alpha you're trying to give your throne to. A man, wait, a boy who can't even stand up for himself" I declared, looking at Zander while pointing to Ryder.

There was no way that I was going to allow them to hand me over to Ryder and force me to be his Luna. I would rather drink toilet water for the rest of my life.

"Father! Did you hear what she just said?" Ryder turned to his father.

"Typical. Run back to your dad with your tail tucked between your legs since you can't even stand up for yourself," I spat before Zander slammed his fist on the table and shot up.

The fury in his eyes dared to burn down the entire pack house. "Enough! Do you want to go back to the dungeons? Because I'll personally drag you there again!" he announced.

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