Kieran Lets Go
I turned my neck and tried looking into the direction that he was facing and that's when I saw it. He was looking over the edge of a huge trench that acted as the territory boundary for the Silverfang Pack.
The trench stretched for miles and was around fifty feet wide. It was deep, around the same fifty feet but nobody knew for sure.
Along the walls of the trench all the way to the bottom, it was covered with trees and plants but one slip, you'd end up bumping your head on every tree till you got to the bottom.
One would be lucky to survive a fall like that.
I was guessing that Kieran was thinking of a way of getting over the boundary since this one was impossible for him to make the jump.
Behind us, the sound of the Pack members were getting close and Kieran had little time to think. My heart started racing when he went back around fifty feet, stood there and faced the direction of the trench.
'He can't be serious, can he?' I questioned myself as I could already picture him crashing with me to our deaths after a failed jump attempt.
"Let me go!" I pleaded, not wanting to be caught up in this.
There was no way that I was going to allow him to try the jump with me in his mouth. It was certain death for the both of us. On top of that, even if he made it to the other side, what next?
It would mean that I was outside pack territory where I was offered safety, and I would now be outside that safety and at the hands of an exile.
I didn't know which one was worse.
I started to panic when he took off quickly, headed for the trench. He had decided to take that risk but I wasn't on board with it in any way.
'Dione Help!' I shouted internally.
Dione was my wolf. She wasn't much of a talker and I hadn't even realized that she was quiet as all of this was happening.
'What do you want? Isn't he saving us?' She asked. 'Saving us? Hell no, he's taking us outside the pack. Who knows what he'll do to us once we're out there? Do something! Anything!' I ordered.
'Okay, here we go,' Dione responded just as Kieran was about to make a jump.
He lept, with me in his mouth. While we were in midair, I felt a jolt of electricity run through my body but not metaphorically.
It happened literally.
I don't know how or why, but for some reason, Kieran opened his mouth, dropping me as he was flying through the air.
'This is it, I'm dead.' I announced as I watched Kieran landing on the other side as I was still falling, sure as hell that I was about to fall into the deep and deadly trench.
'At least he made it,' Dione said, her voice filled with unexplainable sadness.
Falling, crashing, tree branches snapping and bones breaking. I could see it all unfold and feel every single bit of pain that hurt more than I could ever imagine.
And everything was fuzzy, my face was drenched. I could taste the iron and realized that it was blood.
As I struggled to breathe, the moon cast a dim light around me and I could barely see it because of the huge trees that hide it.
'He is alive, he made it,' Dione repeated over and over again.
I wanted to ask her what she meant by that but I had more important things to handle at that moment.
To survive.
I tried moving but immediately stopped when a sharp pain cut through my entire body making me scream my lungs out like a banshee.
Laying there, in pain, I was sure that it was the end of me. 'At least I haven't died married to that scumbag egocentric boy.' I said internally as a smile crept up on me.
I started to slowly lose consciousness and soon, the darkness was coming in. As much as I tried to keep my eyes open, with hopes of someone saving me, it seemed to be impossible as my eyes got heavier.
"This is it," I mumbled in between coughs of blood. I surrendered myself and gave in to the darkness.
'He'll be back,'
'Don't give up,'
'Wake up!'
I snapped up and found myself seated on a king-size bed and covered up. I was burning up and my body was dripping from sweat.
I immediately realized that the voices that I last heard were from Dione.
'Are you there?' I asked her, only to be met with silence. She had retreated as I could barely even feel her presence.
Just then, a raging headache hit me, making me question why I even woke up. Grabbing my head with my right hand, I realized that I had a bandage wrapped around my head.
When I tried moving my left hand, it was stiff and in pain. Looking at it, I was shocked to see it in a cast.
'Did I break it?' I asked myself trying to feel my hand. Uncovering myself from the sheets, I realized that I was wrapped up in bandages. I could feel all the cuts under the bandages but most of them had healed up quite well. This made me wonder, how long was I out?
I looked around the room, trying to get a better understanding of where I was. The room was quite big, with everything you'd find in a palatial home from a dressing closet, to windows that were almost ten feet tall with curtains draping all the way to the floor.
The curtains were drawn, allowing the beams of light to highlight every inch of the room. There was something about the room that seemed vaguely familiar.
Looking around more, I stopped at the doors. They were two of them, huge and hand metals handles for pulling them open. Tracing the door to the top, that's when I saw it.
Those initials were familiar and no sooner had I realized what they meant, than the doors swung open.