Joke's On You
Once upon a time there was a little girl that had everything she could ever ask for. A strong name, a loving family, hundreds of friends. Clothes, jewelry, the perfect handpicked boyfriend. She was more or less a princess without the title. She was considered beautiful and she was loved. But she never asked for more than she needed and she never treated anyone like they were worth less than she was. She was the light of her parents' life, or so she thought.
Until one day, she simply wasn't.
They say to hang on to the good times and that will help you through the bad. To banish negative energy and fill it with the positive. But what do you do when remembering the good times makes the bad times worse and the positive things in your life become the negative things?
Don't know? Huh. Well, that just sucks. Because I really could've used some advice. Especially now that he is returning.
Who is he, you ask? He would be my non-brother Lincoln and he would also be the ultimate destroyer of my life.
After all, he ended it for me three years ago when he found Giselle and brought her home.
Giselle... the absolute bane of my existence.
I hate her almost as much as I hate myself.
You see... I used to be Alpha Mario's daughter. I used to be his cupcake. His princess, his angel, his perfect little girl. And I really loved him when he was my father. I never imagined it might change... but of course, it did.
Back then, had you asked me if it could happen - if you had asked me if anything at all could come between us - I would have said no and...
... I would've been wrong.
There's nothing more heartbreaking than finding out how very little you mean to the ones you love.
It's shocking and life-changing and more than a little hard to accept. In fact, the longer I'm allowed to live in this place, the closer I come to dying here. I should've runaway when I was fifteen years old, when Giselle first arrived.
I might have had a chance back then. Back when my non-parents were still reeling from the news that I wasn't actually theirs.
But because something in me just refused to accept that they truly did not love me at all, I stayed.
As far as Lincoln went though, I definitely expected it. I mean, we were close when I was little. He's four years older than me, so he saw himself as my protector at first. My loving brother and my knight in shining armor. All up until he turned twelve years old. That was the year he started hanging out with the other Alpha's sons. Linc hit puberty around that time, had his first shift, and started treating me like a bothersome little sister. But before that... I like to believe he loved me.
The air around my head quivers as the basement doors open on the landing above.
"Ginger! Girl!" Zelda snapped at me from the doorway of the basement. "What the hell are you doing? Get your lazy ass out of bed and start your chores. Linc will be returning today and if his room isn't ready, you'll pay for it in blood."
"Yes ma'am," I answered, from my 'bed' on the cold dirty ground.
Bed? That's a laugh. Two blankets and a rolled up towel - do not a bed make.
Zelda's green eyes flashed at me cruelly, her thin, overly painted lips twisting up in a sneer as she stared down at me from the threshold. "Goddess, you look horrible. Please do something about that face of yours before showing it above ground."
'You're so pretty my pet. The Goddess really broke the mold when she created you.' - her old words from an expired time.
Shaking off that particular echo of the past, I nodded, turning my head so that Zelda couldn't see the tears that filled my eyes. I can't believe I used to think she was the most beautiful woman in the world. Now I see her as she is. A horribly spiteful, jealous old hag.
A hag that I once called mother.
"He'll be here within the hour and you're still lying around fantasizing. Do you want our new Alpha to lose his breakfast the moment he walks through the doors? Get up and get your work done or face the consequences."
The consequences being hardly more than I endure every single day, I'm almost tempted to tell her to fuck off.
Our new Alpha... what a crock of shit.
Lincoln was coming home to take over our pack today and leaving the one he'd built behind. Evidently he'd decided against marrying Alpha Collin's daughter, Meg. Being as how Linc had single handedly tripled their numbers by conquering surrounding territories, he could do any little damn thing he wanted. Even if it meant severing ties to allies we'd had for decades and throwing away a girl he had been betrothed to from the wee age of three.
"Yes ma'am," I answered, springing into action and leaping to my feet.
The rickety staircase shook as the door slammed, dust floating over my person as it always did whenever Zelda chose to shake the walls.
Great. Now I'll have to wash in the tub first or she'll beat me.
It was wintertime out here in Silver Wolf and I lost the right to bathe like a mortal three years ago. So, instead of a hot shower, like Giselle will have, I'm forced to wash myself in the cold copper basin in the corner of the basement. I was gifted the damn thing on the day I was stripped of my last name and made a servant instead of the Alpha's daughter that I was raised to be.
Ha! Joke's on you Ginger. You're a prisoner and an outcast instead.
As I made my way over to the corner of the damp and dreary basement, where my frigid bath awaited, I peeled off my dirty nightdress and winced. The wounds from last night's flogging were still fresh. Normally, I would have mended overnight, but every time I'm punished I am also dosed with just enough wolfsbane to slow down the healing process.
If I had my wolf already, my healing would be immediate, and infinitely easier to take. But as she-wolves we aren't gifted our wolves until we are gifted our mates and even then it can become a problem if we are rejected. Life simply isn't fair to some people.
Namely me.
But for Giselle? Life is swell. Her favorite pastime is making sure that I fuck up so that she can insist on teaching me a lesson.
Giselle absolutely delights in my punishments and if I'm not extremely careful, I will undergo more before lunch.
Goddess forbid I should serve cold butter with biscuits the way I had last night. They might kill me the next time they take the whip to me. Especially if Giselle is allowed to dole it out.
That bitch downright hates me, although I can't figure out why. I mean, it's not as if she wasn't given every little thing I once owned upon her arrival here. She was. Right down to my last name, Garm.
Pity they never thought to give me another... because now I'm simply Ginger No Name and Nothing. Slave to the Alpha and Luna of the Silver Wolf Pack. A daughter of nobody that was once their shining star.