

My throat constricted, the side of my neck battering in time with the drumming of my chest. Blood rushed through my body, a crackle and tingle of apprehension riding up my spine like it was stitching my bones together. I was suddenly finding it very hard to move, and I mean I couldn't even manage to lift my chin. But as my eyes darted upward and away from the bed, my gaze fell on the windows. On the reflection in the glass. I caught a glimpse of a man there behind me. A man.

An Alpha.

Oh my Goddess. Can someone really change so much in two years???

Lincoln. He was huge.

Just breathe... there's no reason to be so afraid. You've done nothing wrong. Nothing.

"What are you doing in my room, Strawberry? Touching my bed, no less."

Strawberry. I hate that he still thinks to call me that.

Turning around, I lowered my eyes so that I didn't have to stare into his. "Luna Zelda ordered me to prepare your room, Alpha Lincoln. I apologize. I didn't mean to be in here when you arrived."

He chuckled and I fought the urge to look at him. It's been a while since I've seen Lincoln smile, let alone laugh. Despite the fact that his momentary joy came from his reveling in my fucked up reality, the sound of it warmed me.

"Alpha Lincoln," he crooned throatily. "How'd that name taste on your tongue, reject? Good I hope. Glad to see at least you've learned your place since the last time I was here. But I would have been glad to teach you myself, had my mother not done such an excellent job of it."

The quiet that followed rolled over me like hot lava, burning over my back and melting me into a puddle of useless fear at his feet. My ears burned, my face heated, I'm sure I looked as petrified as I felt. Keeping Lincoln's pristine white sneakers in my sight, I was spared the task of getting scorched by his eyes, but... I could feel them. They were all over me.

Lincoln stepped so close that I was forced to hold my breath just to keep to my proud posture. His bare, bronzed arms filled my sight, the inky black of his tattoos causing my vision to blur.

When did he get all those? He didn't have them the last time he was here.

They stretched across his hands and over his wrists, then rode along his forearms and up toward the boulder-like biceps of his arms. I was almost mesmerized by them. Hypnotized. Swirling designs in such an intricate weaving of calligraphy, they set fire to my veins.

There is power in those words. I know it. I can feel it.

The sensation they brought forth was almost electric and I felt myself drawn to them in a way that I couldn't explain. He must have noticed my scrutiny, ha, of course he did, the bastard, because in the next moment he raised his hands toward my face so that I could better see the beautifully scripted words across his knuckles. However, I couldn't read them. They were in some foreign language I was completely unfamiliar with. That fact made them all the more beautiful and for a second I had to wonder if they were in the tongue of a sorceress or shaman.

Don't be ridiculous, Ginger. Really?

"Don't suppose you know what they say?" Lincoln murmured, dropping his hands.

"No Alpha," I answered, knowing better than not to.

"Look at me, reject. Let me see your eyes."

Fuck. Here we go. What new sort of hell is this?

I started to raise them, my gaze pulsing with the terror I felt bobbing my throat, but before I could reach the searing intensity that would be found in the green hatred of his eyes, my attention was snagged by a different evil.

"Ginger!" Zelda's voice, sharp like the bite of a whip, cracked at his back. "What the hell are you doing in here bothering my son?"

Lincoln jerked backward so quickly that he had me wondering what had been about to happen. It was almost as if his steps were guilty of something, as if his nearness had been born of some weakness of his as opposed to the cruelty he was now fluent in.

"I was just finishing up, ma'am. I thought it prudent that I apologize to our new Alpha for tainting his space. I was just about to leave when he walked in."

"Well, get out. You shouldn't be taking up Lincoln's time. He has far more important things to attend to on his sister's birthday."

Your son is the one that kept me here, goblin.

"That's right," I do, Lincoln agreed. "But hey, now. Isn't it your birthday too, reject? Not that anyone truly cares about that. You won't be celebrating it, will you?"

Zelda chortled and finally my head lifted as I gazed beyond him toward his bitch of a mother. Her eyes flashed with malice. "Actually, we do gift her something every year. You're welcome to come and bear witness to it tonight, Linc. In fact, I insist you partake. Your father refuses to join us for it, he can't stand to be around her, but Giselle and I look forward to it every year. And you... I think you may be able to fully appreciate our little tradition for what it is."

Eyes burning, I fought the tears that clouded my vision.

Would he enjoy it? Would the very same Lincoln who once busted his best friend's lip for accidentally stumbling into me during a sac race, enjoy watching them whip me?


"Sounds interesting mother, but I might be too busy moving into the Pack House tonight to grant this reject any of my spare time."

Thank the Goddess.

"What?" the shock of disappointment that rang out in Zelda's shrill voice almost made me smile. "You mean - you won't be staying here?"

Oh please, please, please, Moon Goddess! Let it be true!

"Now don't get upset mother. I have quite a few changes I need to make to the way dad has been running things. For instance, our warriors - they're weak and if they are found to be inadequate, they'll need to be replaced. In fact, I'm on my way there now to begin their testing. Besides, I'm a grown man. I have... needs. Needs that cannot be appropriately met here."

Although my attention was locked on the open doorway straight ahead of me, I could have sworn Lincoln's last words were aimed in my direction.

Zelda's panicked green gaze sharpened. "Get out, Ginger. I want some privacy with my son."

"Yes ma'am," I said, relieved. With a slight bow of the head, I added, "May I be excused Alpha Lincoln?"

Every muscle in my body was tensed as I awaited his dismissal. I still hadn't fully looked at him, and I didn't want to. With any luck, I wouldn't have to, at least not yet.

"For now," Lincoln said, and I felt his next words for the twisted warning they were. "But I want a word with you before I leave, so have your regular duties completed by the end of the hour. Your days leeching off of my family are over. I mean to make you pay for every single night you've spent in the safety of this house."

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