Chapter 2

FLASHBACK 1 MONTH AGO (Amanda starts thinking)

It was a rainy day and I had forgotten to carry an umbrella along with me as the atmosphere was quite humid and sunny when I left my house. There were puddles everywhere and I was already late for Gina's twentieth birthday party. The climate was pathetic and I had to walk beneath the rooftops of the houses and shops because I could not afford to spoil the amazing new dress that I had specifically bought for this occasion. No matter how much I tried to save the dress, it appeared to look as though it was in ruins already.

I wanted to hit myself hard for not carrying an umbrella and being so careless.

I had to cross the road but that meant that I would have had to walk in the rain. The rain reduced a bit, after quick consideration of what I would rather, I decided it best to spoil my look as I preferred to keep Gina happy.

Suddenly, there came a car traveling at full speed. The wet litter on the road directly varied with my face and dress. The worst of all was not me covered in muck and dirt but that the car had incidentally hit a dog. Due to the speed which the car possessed, the dog was left on the ground with its left leg torn and covered in blood. An old lady, on being scared when crossing the road, almost encountered a panic attack. She looked shaken, disturbed, and uneasy on sensing the high-speed which the car possessed. She could've been in the dog's place if it wasn't a matter of inches.

I made sure that the old lady was okay. I rubbed the lady's back and consoled her for a while. When I realized that she was okay enough, I hired a cab for her and made sure she went home safely.

Fortunately, the dog appeared to have suffered what looked to be a minor injury of sorts on his left leg.

The car later slowed down, the driver opened the door for the person on the passenger seat whilst opening an umbrella for him as he took gradual steps towards me.

The guy is none other than Mr. Aaron Reynolds...

"Quote your price, I need to know how much it will take for you to remain quiet about this incident, as we're currently running late", he says after removing a cheque book and inscribing his signature on it.

I arched my brows whilst looking at him, annoyance plastered on my face "Seriously?"

"Sir is paying for the loss he has caused, take him to the veterinarian young lady ", the driver tried resorting to peaceful means in a low voice maintaining the gesture.

"Says the poor frightened man", sarcasm could be felt in my voice. The driver had his eyes glued towards the road, he didn't dare look up for once. Aaron took slow steps towards me, his blue eyes threw a shade of darkness.

I then continued, "If you do not take him all by yourself I may call the police right now."

Mr. Aaron signaled the driver to immediately take the puppy in his hands and get away by taking up the closest taxi. I surrendered the puppy and felt victory.

The rain almost stopped.

"I would've dealt with you if I was not running late for the meeting." Aaron started walking towards the car, no signs of guilt could be seen on his face, in his eyes.

I ran behind him, "You have to deal with me right away."

I went closer to him and hugged him as tight as I could and made sure that all the dirt on my body could settle in his too. He looked at me, his brows were furrowed and his face turned red with anger. I decided to do this act and teach him a lesson because I thought that I would never encounter him in my life, throughout but seems like my judgment was wrong in the past.

He pushed me away, "Maintain a distance from me! You slum girl. I know girls like you only intend to get money from rich people physically". Why in this world would he think that I was aspiring to have mud-sex if that's even a thing?

I was completely pulled aback and shocked by his thoughts on me.

"You're so cheap and you lack manners, you've gotten service for what you have done. Enjoy your time with this clean suit because I highly doubt you can attend any meeting now."

"You wrecked my suit, young lady. I'll have to delay an important meeting because of you", he completely ignored my last sentence.

I smiled in the best sarcastic way I could and blew an air kiss towards him which made him completely abhorrent.

He walked away from me. After walking a few steps he turned back with a sly smile, continued with a smirk which showcased a slight dimple on his right cheek.

I took down this case and lodged a complaint against him in the local police station after attending Gina's party. His ruthless, egoistic, and inhuman nature was getting on my nerves. I went official with the complaint because I wanted to teach him a lesson for labeling me wrongly.

The officer already knew him by his name "are you aware of the fact that how irrelevant your complaint is?" he questioned, his eyebrows wiggled.

"I do, are you writing a complaint or shall I take charge over this matter and lodge the complaint to the higher authority", I tried scaring him in the name of the law.

"Okay, sign here", he pointed towards the empty place where I had to sign. I inscribed my signature on it "Just so you know, the case would be null and void. All he has to do is pay the charge against this complaint and paying even twice of the amount would not affect him"

"Whatever ", I banged the desk and left the police station.

The next day I had a letter delivered on my doorstep it read ' Nice try, you drew a line of hatred already, maybe next time try an alternative which actually affects me".

How does he know my address? Did he stalk me? , there were questions of all kinds revolving around my mind.

Months passed, there was no sign of him so I considered the letter irrelevant and actually forgot about it.


I saw him seated on the chair and he offered me a seat too.

"I know we had a rough start and I know that you would never want me to work for you. So it's better if I walk straight out of your office ", I said as fast as I could without pausing for a second "And I yet consider you wrong. Animals are innocent. They deserve all the love, all our love. They cannot speak for themselves and they deserve all the affection in this world".

"Join from tomorrow!" he arched one of his eyebrows. Did I mention the deadly smirk?

"Say what?" I questioned perplexed. My eyes were widened and my mouth hung open. What were the intentions of this man?

I needed this job, I really did. I did apply for several companies but this was the one which offered the highest salary. I got an offer letter through email. I didn't even remember applying for this post in the first place. Was everything planned?

"Sir, I'd prefer the timings after 12 noon as I've to attend college too", I had to murder my ego, every ounce of it and call him Sir.

"I read your résumé Miss Waters so I have studied everything about you. You don't need to explain to me my job".

"One last question", I finally asked as several questions of confusion battled in my mind.

"Only if it's not irrelevant", he replied instinctively.

"Why are you not angry?"

He clenched his fists and rested his elbows on the table. "You'll get a mail shortly regarding the remuneration. I suppose you won't disappoint me", he did consider my question irrelevant which is one of the reasons he didn't answer me.

I walked out with great speed. If the salary wasn't such huge I would've never ever joined.

I left the office with chaos in my thoughts. Chaos about why did he not react? Why was he so polite yet intolerable? Why did he appoint me without taking a formal interview?

I just hoped and wished for a good start to my corporate life.

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