Chapter 4

I obviously had to pass through My Boss' cabin. On my way, I peeked a bit. I saw him doing something on his laptop. I sighed in relief as he did not see me. I don't know why but I felt really uncomfortable in front of this man. No, I wasn't scared. Why would I be? He cannot swallow me up and even if he could I'd poison myself so that when I die, he dies too.

I kept my bag on the table systematically and opened the file which defined the clauses of my contract.

I read each one, one by one. They were written in a precise yet, simple language and were highly technical.

Clause No 1 - Once admitted the contractee has no choice rather than serving the company for 6 whole months. The power of resignation would only be accessible after 6 months of serving the company or at the discretion of the employer. If the employee thus further wishes to no longer continue before the stipulated period of the 6 months time, he/she would be obliged to pay a sum, no lesser than his/ her 3x monthly pay to get the employment terminated.

Clause No 2 - The contractee has to be present whenever the company needs him/her. He / She cannot make any excuses at the end moment. If the condition is as critical as sickness or bereavement, then the contracted would be given the power to rest but the supporting documents would be needed to be submitted at once as the operational normalcy resumes. The company may require the contractee at any time, He / She has to obey and agree to the company's requirements.

Clause No 3 – He / She has to keep the company's interests over individual interests.

Clause No 4 - Amendments in any clause OR Breaking of it would be subject to penalty.

I then read all the 20 clauses one by one. I closed the file hard and exclaimed "Bullshit, all bullshit".

I had a small plan of doing this job, being financially stable, and starting something on a small scale by myself. I could at least bare Mr. Reynolds for 6 months, that's what I felt.

I took the paper and signed on to the "CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE" column. I turned the pages one by one and signed on each of them. After that, I rechecked to make sure I hadn't left out any page.

I took the contract papers and went to Mr. Reynolds's office to submit them. I first straightened my t-shirt and carefully parted all the small strands of my hair behind my ears so as to look presentable.

I knocked on the door just once. After a while I heard the low voice, "Come in"

I opened the door and walked carefully over the marble flooring as I knew I was clumsy, I always walked on the road like I'd been high on alcohol for days whilst taking support from either Gina or Francis. THE least I wanted was to make a joke out of myself.

"Here are the contract papers, I've read each and every clause and I would try my best to do justice with them", I broke the silence.

"The question of injustice does not arise as you have a penalty imposed upon you whenever there is a breach of the contract", Mr. Reynolds moved his hand through his dark blonde hair which was a shade of brown.

I approached him to commit the contract papers. I could sense the amazing cologne he was wearing. Each step closer was like surrendering myself, to a vampire who could bite my neck anytime and make me his slave.

I was about to hand away from the papers in his hand so that he could cross-check when suddenly, my leg slipped because of the extra slippery flooring. I could not help but fall over the giants' gigantic arms. My face collapsed in his chest, I could hear his heart beating at a normal rate creating rhythm in my ears. I tried to ease the situation by not making eye contact with him.

I then took the support of his shoulders with my hands to get away but I guess fate had a different plan anyway, a plan in which I could be murdered because my hair was intertwined in his shirt's button. I tried unlocking it with my sixth sense, as I did not have a clear vision of the situation.

All I could see was his black shirt and after narrowing my eyes I got a vision of his coat above it too. Moving even an inch away from his chest hurt me so much. I could not really break all of my hair at the cost of Richie rich's anger. Richie Rich? Yes, Richie rich

"Let me get a pair of scissors", He finally spoke interrupting the silence.

"Scissors?, No way! You cannot cut my hair. There's nothing like cutting the contractee's hair in the clause. I've read it twice and I'm sure about it", I felt so helpless.

He maintained a firm grip on me through my back. I refused to move, he pushed me anyways. He did not care at all that his actions were hurting me. He started walking backward and I had to obviously move in sync with him.

He then opened the desk and removed a big and ugly pair of scissors.

"Please don't do this sir! I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for bashing you, for lodging a complaint against you. I'm sorry for today and for tomorrow.

No doubt I was cursing Richie rich from the inside with every bad and abusive word I've ever learned or heard since kindergarten.

He caught the scissors firmly with his right hand and brought them closer to me. My eyes started watering as now I'd abandoned the option to leave the company too as I already agreed over the contract.

And suddenly I hear a tuck. A tuck is a kind of noise that comes when you work with a pair of scissors. I knew he had successfully invaded the mission of cutting the middle portion of my hair turning me into a saint.

I refused to look at my hair, which was most probably on the floor by now. My eyes were closed and I was crying continuously. Then, with all my willpower, I opened my eyes and looked thoroughly down. There was no hair, not even a strand of it.

Richie rich had a button in his hand which was ditched in the bin lately by him. I now understood the whole ironic situation. He did not cut my hair but his button instead.

In this situation, I hardly heard his voice. I guess the monster talks less. Like, much less.

"Thank you for not turning me into a saint", I wiped away my tears with my hands.

I placed the contract file carefully on the table. I hated my clumsiness more than anything in this world. I could not make eye contact with Mr. Richie rich because obviously, I was embarrassed.

"I'm extremely sorry", I apologized without expecting an answer.

"Today our company completed 25 years. There's a big ceremony on the ballroom downstairs. You'll get a mail with the list of guests who are to be invited. The invitation should be very immaculate and simple. Make sure they come, as they all are beneficial to our company in some or the other way", He explained to me my work for today.

"Dress decently and be on time. The function starts at 9 pm sharp. Be present here till 8:30 pm", he continued

"Okay, sir. I won't upset you"

"You can leave now Miss Waters "

I left the cabin and I was yet embarrassed. My mind could not help but replay the whole situation again and again.

I went to my cabin and checked over my emails first. Suddenly there was a pop-up notification of "new mail message", I refreshed the page and checked over the lists of the guests. There were around 500's of them.

Before starting with my work, I checked my phone and saw 112 unread group messages of us (FAG). I read them one by one. They were continuously discussing tonight's fresher's party.

Oh shit, I totally forgot I had a fresher's party tonight too which will start by 7 and continue all night. How could I not think about this when Mr. Richie Rich was explaining to me, about the function. I'd given my word of being present by 8:30 sharp to Mr. Richie Rich's and I promised Gina too.

I was in a dilemma. I had to take down one plan. But maybe I could set my time, prepare a limit, and attend both of the events. But, I was scared of the consequences.

"NO, no, no Ammie baby. Be positive, stay positive, and think positive." I consoled myself.

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