Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 5


"They're benching us?" In Richards' office, the quiet tension was broken by Paul's piercing voice. He glared at the facility manager as he stood next to me with his arms folded.

Richards looked at all three of us and curtly said, "Yes. Since the capture, you've all been on high alert, and to be honest, you're now too close to this subject. Return home. Get some rest. When we need you, we'll give you a call."

“Too close?” Elara, in typical defiance, leaned back in her chair and scoffed. "We brought him in. You wouldn't even have your "subject" without us. And you're throwing us out now?"

Richards snapped, straightening his tie, "Elara, this isn't a negotiation. This is standard procedure. I’m responsible for this facility’s security, and I need clear-headed personnel, not emotionally compromised team members.”

Paul stepped forward, raising his voice. “Compromised? It was us who put our lives in danger to bring him in! You can't just"

Richards interrupted him, saying firmly, "Enough." “ You’re dismissed. That’s final.”

I said nothing, my eyes falling to the ground. There was a part of me that wanted to argue, to stay and see what Allen was up to. However, there was a strange sense of relief when I was told to leave, and I couldn't quite explain it.

Richards stood, indicating that the discussion was over. "Return home. We’ll update you as needed.”

Paul muttered something to himself but didn't press the issue. Elara stood up and bounded out of the office, rolling her eyes and muttering, "Whatever."

As we passed the observation rooms, I followed, feeling my chest constricted. The glass walls of Lab 3 were looming ahead, and I couldn't help but slow down.

He was there.

His eyes were closed as he sat in the middle of his cell with his head leaned back against the wall. However, as we went by, his eyes suddenly opened and met mine through the glass.

With my heart racing, I froze. Something that I couldn't explain was in his eyes. It wasn't fear or rage. He seemed to be trying to communicate with me without using words because it was heavier and deeper.

Paul called impatiently, "Jane," from ahead.

I broke the connection by blinking. "Coming," I blurted, averting my eyes and running after him.

The crisp night air outside had a hint of rain in it. Elara was still furious and stood by her car with her arms crossed.

As we got closer, she muttered, "This is bullshit. We’re being sidelined because Richards doesn’t want to deal with us.”

Paul stated, "It's temporary," but it sounded as though he didn't believe it.

Elara laughed and tossed her keys back and forth. “Yeah, right. Let me know when they screw everything up and beg us to come back.” She gave me a look. "Are you alright, Jane? You have not spoken."

I forced a smile and lied, "I'm fine."

She arched an eyebrow but didn't say anything more. “Well, see you when they decide to pull their heads out of their asses.”

When she got into her car and drove off, her tires squealing a little on the pavement, I said, "See you."

Paul and I walked silently to his car. Our footsteps reverberated throughout the almost deserted parking lot.

"Jane," he said abruptly as he came to a stop by the car.


He ran a hand through his hair and hesitated. “I just... I wanted to say I’m sorry. For everything. for my behavior since being captured. I know I’ve been a jerk.”

Startled by the sensitivity in his voice, I turned to face him. "Paul..."

He held up a hand and said, "No, let me finish. I’ve been... frustrated. With everything—the facility, the mission, etc. However, that doesn't justify the way I've treated you. You didn’t deserve that.”

I sighed after staring at him for a while. "You're correct. You were a jerk."

I smiled, lessening the blow, but he winced. “But I forgive you.”

He stepped closer, his hands grazing mine as a wave of relief passed over his face. "Thank you," he whispered.

He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine before I could reply. He seemed to be testing the waters with the initial tentative kiss, but when I didn't pull away, he deepened it and moved his hands to my waist.

My cheeks flushed as we finally parted ways. My voice was a little breathless as I said, "We should... get home."

"Yes," he said, although it was clear from his smile that he wasn't in a hurry.

After we got into the car, Paul turned on the engine, and the night's silence was broken by a gentle hum.

My mind was anything but calm, even though the drive home went smoothly. Paul talked about a variety of topics, including his weekend plans and his frustrations with Richards, but I only paid half attention. My mind kept returning to Allen and the glance he had given me through the window.

"Jane?" I was brought back to reality by Paul's voice.


"Are you okay?" I asked. You're quite silent this evening.

I forced a smile and hurriedly said, "I'm fine."

Paul gave me a scowling look but didn't say anything more.

Paul dragged me into his arms as soon as we got home, before I had a chance to remove my shoes.

I chuckled softly and said, "Paul, what are you doing?"

He grinned and leaned down to kiss me, saying, "Making up for being a jerk."

My eyes rolled, but I gave in. His lips pressed against mine as his hands moved to my waist, drawing me in.

The kiss grew more intense, and I could feel the stress of the day beginning to release. Paul gently but firmly steered me toward the couch.

He whispered against my lips, "Jane, you know that you're amazing?"

I teased, though my tone was softer than I meant, "Flattery will get you everywhere."

His fingers brushed my cheek as he grinned. "That's good to know."

I allowed myself to forget about the facility, the merman, and everything else but the man in front of me as he pulled my shirt. At least for a short time, the outside world was irrelevant.

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