Chapter 3

Faye's POV

"You look hot! Like, Cinderella-level hot. After the fairy godmother. Not the pumpkin phase," Michael announces, clapping dramatically as I step out of the bathroom.

He's referring to the fuchsia pink dress I let him bully me into wearing tonight. It clings in all the right places, the shimmering fabric catching the light with every move I make. It's... daring, much more than I'd usually wear. But with my hair curled into soft waves and a swipe of eyeliner that actually matches, I have to admit— I looked sort of, good?

"Well, don't just stand there," he urges, gesturing like a runway director. "Turn around. Give me the full effect!"

I oblige, spinning slowly in my heels, though I can't help rolling my eyes. "You're being ridiculous."

"And you're stunning," he replies, unabashed. "Now let's get out of here before I start crying over how beautiful my best friend is."

I laugh, grabbing my tiny clutch from the counter.

As I check its contents, spotting the small burner phone that I couldn’t dare to forget tonight, I chew my lip in brief thought… I can’t let this ruin my night!

I close it back over and follow Michael to the door. He's wearing sleek black trousers, a crisp white shirt, and polished loafers — far more effort than I've ever seen him make for anyone before, but he looked good nonetheless.

"You clean up well," I tease as he locks the apartment door behind us.

"Please," he says with a grin. "This guy is worth it. I mean, he's in college. More mature, smart, cultured—"

"—Using you for a hookup perhaps?" I interrupt sweetly, arching an accusing brow.

"Don't ruin this for me," he replies, mock-offended and holding his heart as we race down the stairs to meet our waiting Uber.

“I just don’t want to see you get hurt over another idiot, Mike!” I add, my tone serious this time as he all but nods and sighs - opening the car door for me to get in first, choosing to stay quiet.

Sliding into the backseat, I glance down at my phone, hesitating for a moment before typing out the address of the party to send to the waiting criminal - now having his number saved on my phone as ‘Pablo’ followed by a gun emoji, having figured that it was a suitable ‘mob boss’ name for him.

I hit send, taking note that the message swiftly went from ‘delivered’ to ‘read’ real quick as I swallow the thick lump forming in my throat.

I wait a second, but no reply comes yet, which eases my anxiety on the matter before Michael nudges my side-

“Let’s take a selfie!” He announces, as I shift to smile up at the phone, cosying in to his side as he quickly snaps the shot.

"Do I look ok in that one?" he asks seriously, examining the photo as I nod.

"Better than ok, you look gorgeous!" I say, studying him with a smile.

Michael is in his prime — perfect skin, sharp features, and confidence that makes people gravitate toward him. If the jerks from high school could only see him now, they'd be eating their words and he knew it too.

The car eventually slows as we approach the party, a sprawling cream-colored mansion with music pulsing so loudly that it most likely was vibrating the windows.

Drunk partygoers spill out onto the lawn, laughing and shouting under the glow of string lights as we thank our driver and climb out to join them.

"Let's do this! It’s party time…" Michael says, linking his arm around mine as we walk up to the open front door together.

Inside, the energy is electric, people dancing and generally having a good time.

Shots are thrust into our hands before we can even make it past the foyer, and we down them like pros earning a cheer from a drunk nearby group.

By the time we reach the kitchen, we're already laughing, our nerves drowned in cheap tequila.

"Any familiar faces yet?" Michael shouts over the music, scanning the room, as I spot the nerves behind his eyes.

I shake my head, relieved. "Not a soul, I think we’re ok!"

We mix up a pretty strong drink in the kitchen, before we clink our cups together and drink it back, the alcohol settling warmly in my veins.

We move to pour another, taking full advantage of the free supply of alcohol, before slumping down on to some counter stools.

But as Michael scrolls through his phone, his attention shifts. "He just text to tell me that he’s downstairs in the basement waiting," he says, grinning. "Wants me to meet him there."

"You’re sure about this? If you are then you should go, enjoy yourself tonight!" I tell him, nudging his arm. "Don't let me hold you up." I smile, despite not agreeing to it fully, I knew he was excited and therefore I had to support him.

"You sure you’ll be fine here on your own?" He tests, as I instantly nod.

"Please," I laugh. "You know I make more friends when you ditch me. Go. Just have some fun and be safe."

With one last grin, he hops off from the seat, drinks back the remains of his cup, before he disappears into the crowd, leaving me to my own devices as I swing back the last of my own drink.

It was working its magic now, as my head swayed and my confidence began to creep in… I was transitioning, or at least that’s how it always felt!

I pull out my phone to check for any new texts, only to see eight missed calls instead.

What the hell is this?!

My stomach drops as I read the faux name I had given him - ‘Pablo’ - before I choke back on a laugh at the choice of nickname.

It was him, he’s been trying to call me!

I press redial, barely getting the phone to my ear before his voice slams through the receiver.

"Where the fuck are you?! I’ve been calling!" He sneers, as I find myself giggling - the alcohol taking its toll as I couldn’t quite believe my luck with this.

Me of all people was currently being hounded by a criminal for his burner phone - how ironic!

"Where am I?" I begin, "I’m exactly where I told you I’d be - at the partyyyy!” I yell out the last part, before refilling my cup with my free hand.

"Get outside," he growls. "NOW!" He warns, as I roll my eyes despite him not being able to see me.

How rude!

“You should be thankful you know? I didn’t have to take your phone and keep it safe for you! I could have flushed it down the toilet or… or thrown it in the trash! You should be a little more grateful!” I slur, taking another sip as I allow for him to process my words.

“Is that so? Get outside and come say that shit to my face then princess! Let’s see how brave you are then…” He seethes, as I chuckle as though we were playing a silly little game together.

Speaking of games… that gives me an idea!

"Nope!" I suddenly chirp, popping the ‘P’, as the tequila fuels my defiance. "I have a better idea… let’s play a game instead to lighten you up a little!"

"Fuck off!” He spits back in a loud yell, causing for me to pull back the phone a little before placing it back to my ear.

“I’ll hide somewhere in this house, and you’ll come find me! You have fifteen minutes or else I’ll destroy the phone!” I sing out the rules in which I had just made up on the spot, feeling my vision begin to go a little hazy.

“I’m going to fuck you up when I find you!” He roars, as I end the call by saying-

"Good luck!" In the sweetest voice I could manage, hanging up on him before he can even respond.

Giggling, I swiftly make a move and weave through the house, heading upstairs in search of a good hiding spot - my adrenaline mixing with the alcohol as I feel a sudden rush of excitement.

I felt like I was being bad for the first time in forever, doing something I shouldn’t be, and it was sort of… fun!

My heels clicked against the floor as I opened doors at random to explore. Finally, I found an empty bedroom and settled down onto the bed, finishing my drink at a steady pace with one leg crossed over the other.

I couldn’t wait to see his face when he walks in on me sitting here so casually like this!

But my triumph was very quickly short-lived…

The door swings open, and instead of my crazy criminal, a staggering couple stumbles in, locked together in a drunken kiss.

The guy is the first to open his eyes, seeing me seated there as my heart instantly sinks in realisation…

"Faye?!” He breaks away from the girl to announce loudly, as my mouth hangs open like I had just been caught with my trousers down.

My stomach sinks as Sophie's voice pierces out in to the air next...

“NO FREAKING WAY!” She snorts on a laugh, almost doubling over as I feel myself fighting to sober up, instantly feeling vulnerable.

Of all people, it had to be them…

Sophie and Calvin — the very two who made my life hell in high school for many years!

"Well, well, look who it is! All dressed up to impress too! What a sight for sore eyes…" Sophie smirks, stepping more into the room with Calvin at her back, the pair soon towering over me.

"I-I…was actually just leaving," I stammer, trying to stand up in order to make my way past them, but Sophie sparks a hand out to knock the filled cup from my grasp, spilling the contents down my dress.

"Oh, oops," she says, her smile venomous, as I begin to panic, now completely soaked in alcohol.

"Just let me go, I don’t want any trouble tonight…" I whisper, panic clawing at my chest as Calvin moves closer to me next.

This is getting bad… this is really, really bad!

"Nah," he says, grinning. "Stay here Faye. Let's catch up."

Sophie shoves me back toward the bed, her laugh ringing in my ears as tears instantly sting at my eyes as I stumble in my heels.

Why does this have to happen?! Right when I was having fun at the party… they ruin everything, they always did!

I quickly attempt to pass them again, before Calvin is the next to yell- "We said fucking stay!" He growls, and the force of his shove next sends me fully crashing down on to the floor.

My head strikes the hardwood with a sickening thud, and memories flood in — the last time they cornered me like this and left me hospitalised back in school only to blame someone else for the attack!

The fear. The pain. The darkness.

They nearly killed me once…

And this time, they might just finish the job.

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