Chapter 5
Faye's POV
I groan waking up, cursing myself for the dreadful hangover I had self inflicted, as I stretch out on the comfy bed beneath me.
I suddenly yawn, feeling immense pain shoot across my face which causes for me to whine and attempt to sit up...
"What?!" I gasp, as my eyes water from my extremely unfamiliar surroundings.
This certainly wasn't mine or Mikes place...
I stare around at the white room, similar to a hospital one, quickly noticing the thick bars covering the small window... the memories from the party rush back, as I scramble to piece together how I ended up stuck in here.
Wherever here is?
On that note, the door clicks open as a large man enters - looking infuriated?
It was him... the man from the cafe... the large, scary yet hot criminal... the man who I drunkenly called last night like an idiot and had for sure pissed off...
He was going to kill me. This was it.
"Am I... in hospital?" I groggily ask, an attempt to make small talk and ease my fear, as he just continues into the room and slumps into the chair that was placed beside a small desk by the window.
He only glares at me, before offering a bored eye roll followed by a groan.
"No." He states after the silence, causing my brows to knit together in confusion.
"So... where am I then?" I question next, as he leans back in his chair looking annoyed with my ongoing questions.
"You're in my fucking house." He grits, as if I was the most annoying thing he had ever encountered in his life...
I was in his house? Why the fuck did he bring me back to his house?!
"Oh... but why?" I chance my luck with yet another question, growing nervous with what was going to happen to me - as my mind raced with different scenarios to what would happen to me next...
He seems to think for a moment, pondering on what to say, before a hint of amusement flashes across his eyes.
"Because I want you here until I get my fucking phone back!" He fires, tilting his head at me as he studies me on the bed.
The damn phone! Of course! I forgot all about that...
"Oh... well my bag from the party... did you happen to bring it? That's where it is." I explain softly, before he stands and approaches the bed - leaning down towards my face.
My breathing hitches at his sudden movement, as I attempt to lean back away from the man - only meeting the headboard behind me.
His harsh glare causes me to hold my breath, as he silently challenges me to speak again...
"I'll put a bullet in your skull princess do you understand? Don't test me by trying to run or scream when we leave this room it's pointless!" He suddenly grabs my elbow, yanking me up from the bed before marching us both outside and into another nearby room as I groan at the immense pain that the action had caused.
When we entered the other room, it was normal compared to the one I was originally in... it was more lively with no bars on the windows and with more colour coating the room.
"Find the fucking bag!" He pushes me towards an immense pile of handbags in the corner, as my eyes widen.
Did he seriously steal every single damn handbag from the party? Surely he never...
"Do you want me to fucking shoot you?!" He grits, as I turn to see him flash me the very real black gun residing in his waistband.
My eyes widen in horror as my whole body flushes... I now knew that he was not joking...
"Please don't." I manage to whisper, with my eyes fixated on the weapon, but I only manage to earn a glare from him followed by a flick of his hand - signalling for me to get on with it.
"Move it!" He roars next, as I suddenly drop to my knees and begin rummaging through the mountain of bags in search of my gold one.
The sweat began to build, as my clammy hands ripped through the pile of meaningless bags. All I could think was that it better be here or I was dead... as the pile got smaller... so did my hope... as the tears began to wet my cheeks in fear that I wouldn't find the stupid little phone...
After what felt like searching for a needle in a haystack... the pile finally ran out... as I look around at my surroundings in a frenzy - feeling his eyes bore into my back.
There had to be more in here! Mine has to be here if he brought them all back with him! There was no way he would bring them all and forget only mine!
I remember back to when I was drunk and trying to hide from him, I think I may have left it down in the kitchen, but surely nobody took it from there...
I'm praying nobody took it... that would be just my luck!
I glance around rapidly, soon deciding to check under the nearby bed incase some had toppled underneath.
I crawl quickly to the bed, and rightfully so, I pull out five extra bags - one in which being my gold one as I release a grateful sigh and almost scream from sheer joy.
"This... this one's mine!" I sniff, wiping my wet cheeks as he saunters towards me and takes the bag from my hands.
"Get up." He states, as I scramble to my feet - terrified of the handsome devil who I now knew held a gun on him.
"Open it." He tilts his head to the side again, as he holds the back out to me and I don't hesitate in unlocking the clasp - pulling it open...
"N-No... I promise... I had it in here... I don't understand! Please believe me!" My eyes widen in horror, as the man before me does nothing but smirk.
"P-Please don't kill me... I'll do anything... I don't want to die yet..." I begin to babble like an idiot, even grabbing his arm in the process to beg him.
"Oh you'll do anything princess is that so?" He tilts his head again - testing me - as he takes another step closer - closing the space between us as my heart sinks.
What will he make me do? Does he want me as a personal whore?! Does he want me to work for him for the rest of my life? Will he ship me off to another country?! I'm selling myself to the fucking devil here...
"Anything..." I confirm quietly, deciding that his gun had the upper hand here and that I wanted to live to at least see Michael again.
"Good." He removes the gun from his waistband, bringing it up slowly towards my face as I begin to sweat profusely and back myself into the nearest wall.
The blood drains from my face when my back hits the surface, realising that there was no way I could outrun him now.
He begins trace the gun down the left side of my face slowly, whilst beginning to swipe my tears away on the other side with the pad of his thumb...
The contrasting sensations only terrified me more. One side was gentle and comforting whilst the other hard and life threatening.
I was shaking like a leaf, a puppet in his hands, knowing all too well that I had landed myself in the arms of a psychopath!
"Don't cry princess... if you do as I say then you'll get to live." He hushes me, as my breathing increases in a panic from the cold contact of the metal.
I didn't know what to think or say, as one side of my face was being comforted by his large soft hand whilst the other was pressed heavily into by the deadly weapon...
"Please..." I sob out dryly, as he begins to stare at me fondly.
"Please what?" He raises an eyebrow, confusing me with his manner.
"Please put the gun away..." I whimper back, terrified of guns - especially one being held so close to my face...
"Sure." He shrugs, stepping away from me - breaking our contact bubble as he shoves the gun back into his waist.
I breathe out heavily, my hands quivering like mad as he watches me with amusement. I couldn't understand why he was now torturing me... how could someone so handsome be so evil...
He moves his hand again, this time towards his other pocket - before pulling out the damn burner phone in question!
I drop to my knees in a relief, my lungs opening up for more air as I wipe my tear stained face. What the hell was this full commotion necessary for?!
"W-Why...?" Is all I can ask, as he plays with the stupid phone in his fingers.
"I wanted to see if you would do as you're told." He shrugs, before approaching me to pull me up to my feet.
Well I'm pretty sure anybody would do as their told whilst being threatened with a gun!
"You've been through a lot princess, let's put you back in your room." He states almost mockingly, as he drags my arm back towards the empty room I had woken up in.
"Don't think about trying to escape either it's impossible. I'll let you out when I can trust you. You have everything you need in this room... there's spare clothes in the drawer if you want to shower. Your nose is broke but my doctor has reset it so don't touch the bandage or get that wet." He rushes the information out in boredom, before closing the door and leaving me alone.
What the fuck!
This man was seriously psychotic... is this technically kidnapping?
I hope Michael made it home ok... he will be worried sick about me and hopefully he will call the cops! The cops will for sure have him on their radar already right? I just hope they get here before he decides to shoot me!