Chapter 2- Party time in the beach

Do you think we're the only ones at the party?" Seila asked as we surfaced, our eyes fixed on the horizon while half of our faces remained submerged in the sea. Swimming this way was safer to conceal our identity.

"There are probably more girls," I replied.

"But the only ones of our race…" Seila began, Yryhnna and I exchanged glances, knowing what Seila was referring to.

In addition to the half-fish mermaids like us, we were original from Grece we become into famous thanks to the text of "The odyssey".But there was other kind of mermaids, there were othe Syren, originals from Irland. They were related to our species but different in our moral values ​​and way of life. The Syren fed on human flesh, especially that of men. They transformed into half-human, half-bird creatures when they needed to attack their prey. We could only transform into humans, but our nature would always be that of a mermaid with a fish tail and a nice heart. If we had any Syren blood in our lineage, we would probably have the power to transform into monstrous birds and the instinct to hunt men. Fortunately, our lineage was pure, my entire family and kingdom belonged to the mermaids.

"We haven't seen a Irland Syren in a long time," Yryhnna shrugged.

"Not since our trip to the French coast…" she added, her voice trembling slightly. My legs grew cold as I remembered our experience on the French coast. The Syren had kidnapped Yryhnna, wanting to turn her into one of them. Her boyfriend Alan arrived with my father and the French mermaid guard just in time, before the transformation could happen. I took my sister's hand and squeezed it tightly. Her bright blue eyes looked at me sweetly, and she gave me a radiant smile. Yryhnna would always be the most beautiful of all, but her beauty made her the most vulnerable at the same time.

"We'll be fine tonight," Yryhnna reassured, her face taking on a challenging, stern, protective expression.

As we emerged from the sea, we walked naked for a couple more thousands and pulled out Yryhnna's black leather skirt and white pants to dress ourselves. They were dry, only our hair and bras were wet. These bags were truly magical, allowing you to keep any belongings you wanted dry once you surfaced. We walked naked, careful not to be seen by any curious onlookers on the beach. The naked body was the most beautiful thing a woman could have, but humans were modest and only showed their naked bodies to their partners. It was like a game, if you saw a naked girl it was like winning the lottery when you were human.

Seila was the only one wearing her wet dress and not wearing underwear, but it didn't seem to bother her. She moved enchantingly, revealing in the attention she received, with all eyes on her rear and the wet dress clinging to her silhouette. Her long, damp brown hair fell behind her back. She went ahead, and upon arriving at the party, we were able to follow her through the crowd. I was certain she was leading us to the bar to order our first cocktails, and as I watched her grin and seducing at the bartender, I knew I wasn't mistaken.

A group of boys played a fun game on the beach, hitting a ball with a racket in their hands. Although we didn't live in the human world, we were well aware of all its secrets; mermaids could visit the surface and even walk among people whenever we wanted, allowing us to easily understand their culture and norms.

I noticed that the teams were unbalanced, with two boys playing against three. The team with more players consisted of one girl and two men, while the opposing team consisted of two men. They were all young, and there was another boy sitting on the side of the net, watching them play. He hugged his knees with one arm and rested his chin on his hand, observing the tennis match with a concentration similar like if He was studying a game of chess. I looked at that boy and noticed his strong, hairy forearms, his hazel brown eyes were concentrated. I turned towards the bar, where a crowd made it difficult to access. Yryhnna grabbed my arm, letting out a laugh.

"Let's follow Seila before she flirts with any man, including the bar tender" Yryhnna added.

"Human men are so easy to seduce," I said, and we both laughed.

Seila, at the bar, orders cocktails and snacks. She places them on a table and looks over her shoulder, searching for someone.

"Do you have anything to eat?" I subtly ask, noticing that Seila only ordered cheese pastries. I glance at my sister as she gets up from the table and disappears from my sight. I turn back to the waiter, speaking to him with an elegant and seductive air.

"Maybe sushi?" - The waiter looked at me with bright, sparkling eyes.

"We have a special sushi menu tonight, tonight we are serving a special selection of the best of Japanese cuisine." The waiter gives me the menu and I can see a variety of sushi, steamed and cold. My stomach growls eagerly, as I haven't eaten since early in the morning.

"Wow!" Yryhnna exclaims, surprised. "It looks delicious."

"Yes, delicious," the waiter says, staring dumbfounded at Yryhnna's beautiful face.

She lifts her eyes towards him, and as expected, the man loses all ability to speak. Yryhnna sighs resignedly, used to causing that effect on humans.

"I love Japanese food!" she adds, looking at me with joy.

"Great, seems like it's your lucky night" I told her, my sister smiled at me like a lovely kitten.

" Japanese food will be perfect, thank you" I say, handing the menu back to the restaurant employee and smiling at him. He seems slightly dazed by my smile, then shakes his head and speaks to me again automatically, not taking his eyes off mine.

"Undoubtedly mine too. I could also suggest a Blue Lagoon cocktail to accompany the appetizer."

"Oh, great!"

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