Chapter 6
“What the hell is that, Doctor, what the hell is inside my daughter's stomach?” I ask concerned.
“I am not sure, but it is an obstruction that we need to get out” the doctor says as he turns and calls someone.
“NO, no, no, no, no, no” Senna chants as she looks at my face panicked.
“It’s OK, they are going to help you” I replied, while inside I am scream at the top of my lungs.
“Prep the OR” The doctor says into the phone before moving back over to us.
“Alba, your daughter is sick. We need to operate and remove whatever that is inside her stomach before it causes any damage or further damage.” The Doctor says as he opens the door when the a knock comes.
More people move into the room and pick Senna up and place her on the bed that was waiting outside our room. Before I can blink, they are wheeling her away and I snap out of my shock and chase after her.
“MOMMY” Senna cries as I make it to the doorway.
“It’s ok Senna, I am coming” I call back while chasing after the bed that was taking my daughter.
“Hey, stop! Wait for me” I call but they continue moving at a fast pace. As they enter the elevator I am reaching forward just as the doors close on the tips of my fingers. I let out a loud hiss but bang my hand on the elevator before taking a step back and watch as the Elevator stops on floor five. Not wasting time, I race towards the stairs and race up five flights. As I bust through the door I watch as the wheel Senna into a room just a few doors down.
“Excuse me this is surgical you can’t be here” A woman calls as I race into the room where they took my daughter and find her just as hysterical as me, crying fighting and screaming.
“What are you doing? You are scaring her?” I yell as I rush towards Senna. Though I don’t get close as someone grabs me from behind and takes my feet clear off the ground.
“Let go of me” I scream, but the man doesn’t let me go, he starts dragging me from the room while a hysterical Senna continues to rage while being strapped down on the bed.
“Relax, we are going to make you better” Someone says to Senna, but we are both too crazy right now to hear what is being said.
I scream, when the place a mask on Senna’s face and I fight with everything that I have to get back to me daughter.
“Let her go” Tristan growls from somewhere behind me.
“MOMMY!” Senna screams again before everything in the room goes quiet. The man that has me still has a firm hold but I don’t stop fighting.
“Senna, SENNA?” I screamed but there is no answer, there is no noise, no crying, and no screaming. I screamed for Senna again but again no answer. The steel bands of the man drop, and I drop to the floor it takes me a few seconds to realise that I am release and as soon as I do, I am up and racing towards the door of the room where Senna was. Only there is no Senna now. Instead, there is only a sick and a window and through the window, I watch in horror as I watch the doctors cut my daughter's stomach open.
I don’t know what happened next, all I remember is the pain, terror and worry that comes with watching your daughter being cut open. When I wake, I see Tristan sitting beside me holding my hand.
“Where is Senna?” I croaked out as I turned my head towards Tristan.
“She has made it through surgery, she is right next to you. The doctor will be in soon to talk to you. Are you OK?” Tristan says as he continues to hold my hand.
“I am fine. What happened?” I asked.
“Well, you didn’t seem to hear that the doctor was sending the orderlies down to collect Senna and that we were going to be taken up. You raced from the room and then up five flights of stairs and into the prep room. The surgery nurse was quite pissed off but once she found out why she understood what was going on. Both Senna and you freaked out and once you saw the beginning of the surgery you collapsed. You are ok apart from being tired,” Tristan says as he continues to play with my fingers.
“Senna? Did Senna make it through surgery alright? What was in her stomach? What is the recovery time? I need someone to cover my shifts at work. I need to call Tony?” I rambled as I look to my other side and see my baby with tubes and wires coming off her.
“Oh, oh my god. Baby girl” I say as I try to get out of bed and over to her side but Tristan refuses to let my hand go.
“Rest she is right there, and I will get them to move the beds together.” Tristan says
“Good evening, good to see that you are awake. I want to apologise for earlier. I should have explained what was going on more clearly. Senna made it through the surgery just fine. I am concerned about what was in her stomach. It was a small stretchy toy, would she put something like that in her mouth and done it? She will be required to stay in hospital for the next three days and then I will give her a further week off of daycare to recover properly.” The doctor says as he moves to Senna and checks her vitals.
“No, Senna would never have put something like that in her mouth.” I respond while looking at the doctor checking my child.
“Can you move her closer” I ask while still keeping my eye on the doctors every move.
“Sure”, The doctor responds.
Once the doctor leaves, I reach over and grab hold of Senna’s hand just to reassure that she is there and well.
“What did you do little one” I ask a still sleeping Senna.
“She will be fine with rest” Tristan says as he continues to hold my hand.
“Can I borrow your phone? so that I can call Tony, please” I ask while turning to face Tristan.
“Sure sweetheart”, Tristan responds handing the phone to Alba.
“Hello,” Tony asks when he answers the phone.
“Tony, it’s Alba.”
“Why are you calling on this number?”
“It’s Tristan’s phone”
“Listen, we are in Palace Hospital. Senna has just had emergency surgery”