I hid in my room for the rest of the day. The voices had stopped, but my head was still pounding. I thought about telling my mum and dad about what happened, but I didn't want to worry them or for them to believe that their daughter was going crazy. Blue stayed with me the whole time, watching over me like he was waiting for something to happen.
I laid in bed, finally drifting off to sleep when I woke up. I looked around the room. Everything was dark. I looked at the time. I'd been asleep all day and half the night. I didn't feel the normal heaving feeling at the end of my bed where Blue slept, so I got up and looked for him. It isn't like him to go anywhere without me. Creeping through the house, all the lights were out. I made my way to the back door. I thought that's where he'd be outside doing his business. As I got to the door, voices started to come into my head. "not again," I muttered to myself.
Opening the door, I saw Blue sitting near the back fence. It looked like he was looking at something. I stood there, taking it in. I couldn't shut the voices out. It was two of them, and it was like they were having a conversation with each other.
"It's happening. She's becoming too strong, and the spell is wearing off," the male voice said.
"We can't let this happen. If anyone finds out who she is, they will kill her," a lady's voice replied.
"That's the least of our worries right now. I can protect her until you work out how to fix the spell and make it stronger, but I don't know how I'll keep her away from the wolf that came into the diner today. Their bond was so strong that even I could feel it."
"leave the wolf to me."
I took a step closer. Blue had to be out there listening to people talk. The voices couldn't be in my head. Any normal person wouldn't have walked towards it, but I'm a nosey person and needed to find out what was going on. As I slowly stepped closer, I stood on a twig, making a loud cracking noise, making blue turn to look at me.
"shit get out of here before she sees you," the male voice said.
"keep her safe, or it will cost you your life."
Blue came rushing over to me, acting like he hadn't been over there staring at anything. I bent down, patting him on the head. "what were you looking at, boy?" I said to him like I expected him to answer. I stood up, looking around. The cold night air made me wrap my arms around myself to try and keep warm. The night was still millions of stars signing bright. The feeling of someone watching me came over me, making me uneasy. "come on, blue, it's too cold out here," I turned, heading back inside, taking one last look into the dark before closing and locking the door behind me.
I didn't sleep much after that. I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was out there watching me. Blue sat there all night with his head resting on my stomach, never once taking his eyes off me. I had to be going crazy hearing voices, thinking that people were watching me. There is no other explanation for it.
In the morning, I got up before everyone else, getting ready for work and leaving. I thought I better get there early to try and make up for yesterday since I did leave without telling anyone. I was the first one there, so I stood out the back, waiting for someone with a key to show up and let me in. Dave's car pulled into his regular car park beside the bins. I held my breath, waiting for him to come over to him, knowing that he wouldn't be happy about my behaviour yesterday and there was a high chance he was going to make me work a double, and if I wanted to keep my job, then I will have no choice but to do it.
He made his way over to me. He had a smile on his face, but not a happy smile. It was more of an excited smile that made me feel uneasy he looked like he was up to no good. Without a word, he grabbed me by the shoulders, pushing me into the door and pressing his body against mine. His face was inches away from mine. I turned my head to try and move it away from him. The look in his eyes told me that he was going to do something terrible to me. I tried to push him away from me, but he was much bigger and stronger than me. I could feel his member getting hard against my leg. I started to panic as I realised what he was thinking." I told you if you messaged up, I was going to punish you", he whispered into my ear. Blue growled, going at him to bite him. He kicked Blue, sending him flying at least a meter
He held me against the door as he unlocked it, then turned me around, grabbing me by the back of the neck and forcing me to go inside, leading me to his office. I tried to get away from him, but I had no hope his hold on me was too strong. Tears fell from my eyes. I wanted to scream, but nothing would come out, and no one was around at this time anyway. Getting to his office, he slammed the door, locking it behind us. Letting go of me for a second, I rushed away from him to the other side of his desk, looking around for a way out. I was trapped. An evil smirk grows on his face. "Oh, I love it when they struggle. You have no idea how long I've waited to have you."
I was frozen in fear. My body screamed at me to fight back, but I couldn't. "please", I begged.
He grabbed me, throwing me against his desk, so I was bent over it. I screamed out in pain and fear. He pushed down on me hard, leaning over me. I could feel the throbbing coming from inside his pants. "that's right, beg me, you dirty little whore" he breathed into my ear. The smell of stale scotch and smoke filled my nostrils.
I wept in fear, tears soaking the table in front of me. My face pressed hard into the table as he held me down. I felt his hand slip up my dress, ripping my underwear clean off me before he started to unzip him pants.
"Please stop!" I cried.
"I promise it'll only hurt for a second" he kissed my ear.
I let out a loud cry, knowing what was about to happen and how it would change my life forever.
He pulled up my dress. I could feel him getting ready to do evil things to me. I closed my eyes tight, begging for someone to save me.
All of a sudden, I couldn't feel him on me any more. I opened my eyes, standing up and turning around. I could hear Dave gasping for air. The man from yesterday at the diner had him by the throat pinned to the wall, holding him up off the ground. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
"how fucking dare you lay a hand on my mate," the guy that had just saved me said his voice was filled with anger.
Blue came in, barking at me and pushing me out of the room. My body was on auto-pilot, allowing him to take me out of the room. Once I was back outside, I let out the breath I had been holding. So many things were racing through my head. I could hear what sounded like Dave's voice begging for his life. My whole body filled with rage towards him, and everything went black for a second. When my sight came back, I could no longer hear him. Blue was staring up at me with a worried look. A hand grabbed me, scaring me. I tried to get away, but he held on to me tighter,
"come on, we have to get out of here" I looked up, seeing the guy who had just saved me.
I didn't want to follow him; I tried to run away, but my body took over, following along behind him. he led me to the woods behind the diner, dragging me along for about 15 minutes before I finally came to my senses and plated my feet on the ground trying to pull my arm away from him.
"Stop!" I shouted, making him stop in his tracks, turning and looking at me. I got caught staring into his eyes for a second before I pulled myself together. "where are you taking me?"
"home" he turned to start walking again.
"no", I replied, making him turn to look at me again. We both stood there staring at each other. He was shocked at the way I was behaving. After what felt like hours but, in reality, was only seconds, I broke the silence. "I can take myself home."
He stepped closer to me, looking down at me. I swallowed deeply, feeling the warmth of his body near mine. It strangely comforted me. I stared up at him, waiting for him to talk.
"I have to make sure you are safe" his voice was soft and caring, making me weak at the knees. At that moment, I would have done whatever he had told me to do, and I have no idea why I felt that way. When I didn't reply, I just stood there staring at him like an idiot. He bent down, scooping me up into his arms, one arm wrapped around my back, the other under my knees. He carried me through the woods the whole time. I just laid there like a stunned mullet. When we got to the tree line at the back of my house, he put me down.
"go inside, get changed, get into bed if anyone asks. You have not left the house this morning" he held my checks as he spoke to me, making me look him in the eyes like he was compelling me to do as he asked.
As he turned to walk away, I reached out, grabbing him by the arm. "did you kill him?"
He looked down at my hand, touching him, and for a second, I thought I saw his green eyes flash red. I shook my head to make myself stop having stupid thoughts. Without looking at me, he said.
"no, you did", and he walked off into the woods without another word.